***Official Left 4 Dead 2 Thread***

Yeh, the new balance fixes actually make Insanity possible to complete each level now, while still making it very very hard. The witch has eben nerfed now too. She is now the same speed as vanilla with 1.5x health. We'll see how that goes...
when playing a co-op game, is it possible to have another team playing aswell?

While playing a co-op last night, 4 other players ran across us being chased, but the zombies chasing them didnt even notice us :confused:
Good campaign with Link, Bios and Final.

I had a feeling that I'd accidentally **** off the witch :P

Shows how often i get the chance to play coop games, i got the achievement for surviving dead center on last nights game lol! Looking forward to hammering some expert realism though :D
I need both Dead Centre and another one, possibly on Hard Rain in expert realism. Think that we need some practice first however... :p

We'll play through some on standard expert before we go to realism :D advanced is too easy, was it really on advanced last night? as i ran through the whole thing with just the desert eagle without getting incapped once

EDIT: was just checking my stats for achievments, noticed this:
Games played
23 Finales survived
23 (100%)


EDIT2: oo 90% accuracy with the assualt rifle too

Do you guys ever play survival? i want to ge all the golds, ive only got 5 so far
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We'll play through some on standard expert before we go to realism :D advanced is too easy, was it really on advanced last night? as i ran through the whole thing with just the desert eagle without getting incapped once

I got incapped once as I was smokered and taken down with you three all staring at me. :(

Do you guys ever play survival? i want to ge all the golds, ive only got 5 so far

Not usually, but we can play some. :)
To reiterate what i said a few days ago.

Health DOES degen in the saferoom on Bleedout only when you're waiting for someone to load. Once they load in it stops.
EDIT: was just checking my stats for achievments, noticed this:
Games played
23 Finales survived
23 (100%)

Do you guys ever play survival? i want to ge all the golds, ive only got 5 so far

sorry to burst your bubble, but that % is broken. it used to be light, now it just shows 100% (108/108 for me)

Need 2 more golds, atrium and port, most are around 12min+ :)

Yeah, probably best he puts it onto his motd though to warn unsuspecting teams of it, otherwise it's a bit harsh imo...
It is in motd, and we tell people, they (Ryan!) still seem surprised when it kills them

also, about the bleed out safe room thing. the mutation has a little script to set the decay rate to near 0 when everyone is in safe room (0.001 instead of 0.27) this sometimes gets set late and doesn't reset if they game is ended before everyone leaves. my server got stuck on 0 decay rate, and it took us 2 maps to realise
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