When's the demo out for those who didn't pre order?
When's the demo out for those who didn't pre order?
Yeah looks like they are testing it out before it goes public, although I'm not thinking its going to be really buggy if they've had this much trouble releasing it on time!
As for above comments, maybe the best way to release would be a day early, when no one is expecting it, imagine the prase Valve would get for doing that!
I have been reading the left 4 dead 2 forum for a while...a long while...it's so addicting! It's like they took a handful of idiots, a scoop of 12 year olds and a pinch of intellectuals, mixed them all together add a seasoning of delays...it's worthy of a sitcom!
*edited for **** fingers*
Ludix, you do realise what you have started...now tranquil rage wants to be the first to hit me in the face with the frying pan lol