** Official Mayhems Development Log **

Weve just had a load of monsoon fittings sent and plasticizer free tubing how ever its all down at these warehouse (delivered to the wrong section of mayhems). So hopefully i will get it all in the next few days. Im not sure what is in the pack yet but we will be running full tests on both the tubing and the monsoon fittings and reporting back on it all. It will how ever take a couple of weeks testing as when we test tubing we do 20 tests on it and each test takes 3 hours (60 hrs testing in total). The fitting swill be testing before going into a live loop and then will go into a live loop. thats all i can say for now.

(888 post on this forum WOW and 90% of them support post haha love it)
Yeh it all just arrived. My mouth dropped and the tubing OMG... OMG ooooooo never been so excited over tubing before. Whoot and the fittings well ... i posted on the monsoon post go take a look.
First issue found with durelene tubing and compression fitting. The durelene tubing is very soft and can easily be pulled out of compression fittings due to how soft the walls are. How ever got to say i love the way this stuff bends but you going to have to do some planning before using it. I'll commence the torture testing today.
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no the tubing is soft so you don't need to pull to hard. its running fine though we've just built my daughters pc up with it all in about 20 min. As long as you not stupid it all runs fine :).


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I actually don't have a Fav coolant to me there all diffrent kettle of fish type thing.

XT-1 is less viscus and better at cooling, X1 is more echo friendly, Pastel well is for looks.

When you work with coolants day in day out you get used to them and nothing to me stands out to be the best of the best.
I messed up this is what you get for "Not" wearing your glasses. The tubing is Tygon E1000


The biggest issue is the compression fittings. Its not perfect how ever if your careful it works fine just don't go tugging on the fittings. Because the stuff is so flexible when in a compression fitting it is not as tight as fit as most would like.
Im sorry guys but this post is for OCUK not any thing we hold in stock. please refrain from discussions on this post about stuff that is not stocked on OCUK site as it is rather rude to do so. If you make a new post ill chat to you about it on there but not in this particular post.

thank you for your understanding on this matter.

Were working on it. The problem we have we need very specific things and these things cannot be bought right now, so were buying in equipment to make them our self, How ever this equipment isn't cheap and no one knows if it will work. Don't you just love science :).
Sorry its been late answering, I lost my password and tried 5 times to recover it and emailed ocuk with no response so set up a new account instead.

The XSPC X2O 750 Dual Bayres/Pump is a cheap peace of kit and will never run aurora correctly. Personally if i was you id get a decent pump and res any way and forget that.

Have just bought the XSPC Raystorm 750 RS360 Kit from OC.

I was advised that i could just use Mayhems H2O in it, I now know its not that simple, ah well can use it for flushing the system prior to use.

Im looking for a performace coolant, not too worried about looks. But also dont want to be changing it out every 9-12 months.

Looking at the details on the OC website Mayhems Ice dragon seems to be the best fit for performace and lifespan.

Are there any better mayhems options for these requirements? Has anyone used Ice dragon for 2 years without changing out and confirm will be ok with no gunk buildup, corrosion etc?

Will 1 Litre be enough for this kit?


Mayhems h20 is fine in that kit just not aurora. Personally though id use either X1 or XT1 not just h20 but again you will need to change out every 9 to 12 months.

The best advise i can give you is swapping out you fluid ever 9 to 12 months is like cleaning out you house after a year long party. If you don't do it some thing will eventually fail. If you go water cooling you must also take up the responsibility of looking after it. If you look after it, it will look after you.

Water cooling isn't just for christmas and birthdays its for life :)....

I don't know how much fluid for that kit sorry.
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