** Official Mayhems Development Log **

Wow thats mesmerising, almost looks like clouds moving about in the res!!

Quick question for you Mayhems guys...

Decided to foray back into coloured fluid with clear tubing, currently have clear X1 in the system, how essential is it I get all of the X1 out of the system? As I have a large 4 component, 4 radiator loop I'm bound to end up with a little bit still in the loop. I plan to refill with some Pastel.

You really need to flush you system well when moving from one coolant to another. X1 to pastel is fine if going to the same colour how ever going from colour X1 to pastel white is a nightmare as you need to flush the system for a good long time.
Hi all,

I was hoping for some advice please...

Soon I'll be building a system to use for gaming and work (photography)
3930K on a Asus Sabertooth X79, 7970 both will be watercooled with the OCUK V12 Kit plus an additional 140 rad in a Corsair 800D. Loop= Rez-Pump-360rad-CPU-140rad-GPU-Rez

I want to OC the cpu to 4.5Ghz or as near as, the gpu will have a small oc.

Would it be beneficial for me to use IDC? Or am I better just sticking with XT-1? if it would make a drastic difference with IDC I'll go for performance over cosmetic but if it's just a couple degrees I'll rather things look good lol

The blocks have blue LED'S so was looking for suggestions for colours to dye whatever goes in.... Play it safe and go for Ocean Blue or what else would look good?

Thanks in advance for any help :-D

IDC is excellent when used on GPUs and high head loads how ever if its not being used on high head loads X1 , XT1, Pastel are all just as good.
Yes X1 , Pastel and Aurora are all made up of the same base fluid so can be used with each other only XT-1 cannot be mixed with any thing else.
Im cannot say what is high heat load and what is not, as ive seen systems built badly create a high heat load such as a one recently done by a so called reviewer who's heat load on his own system was pathetically bad, some one who built a similar system had 1/2 his temperature and the reviewer thought it was oky.
@OptimaLnrg what issue did you have. Pastel white should be fine normally. If you would like the product replacing let us know if you have the receipt for the 3 Ltrs we will help you out replacing it with some thing more suited to you needs.
That is excellent advise indeed how ever don't bin you coolant. Why not give it to some one (iuf the pay postage). At £15.00 a bottle it just seems a waste or if you would like send it back to us and ill give you a gift voucher and pass the coolant onto some who would like to review the coolant. Just seems a lot of money to throw away :).

TYhe best tubing we have tested so far is

Primochill "Advance"
Tygon E1000 (all there not perfectly clear)

Were testing some new tubing as well, we will post more info when weve finished.
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The pastel coolant wont let light though there for the biocide and inhibiter's last much longer. Try shining a laser though the pastel and see what happens, its get blocked by the nano fluid :). XT1 and X1 both are clear fluids and let light though which destroys the inhibitor and biocide over time hence a much shorter life span. Btw its a little more complex than that but the basic fundamentals are the same :) . Don't you love science :) ...
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Illusion wont be for sale it just a show peace to open people minds up a little more in the modding world to what can be done if some one thinks out of the box. We are building it into a PC once we get some time but it will have to wait till i can afford the parts.

As of Tomorrow ill be on my hols till the 6th April 2013 So if you need any questions answering urgently please email our support @ mayhems dot co dot uk and they will help you the best they can.

Hi there the batches has changed over time. Looks like for some reason whom ever been taken them off the self is not stock rotating. e.g we stopped making UV blood red a while ago . Then started darkening it off so you have 3 different changes in one order.

The new labels we are making and working on will have dates on them of the production this will help Re sellers know which batch is which.

All 3 can be mixed with no problems.
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Hi tory

ive been told by steve its "Us" who has messed up and we will replace all your fluids. Hes just sent me your email and ive sent you one back asking for your full names ,address details so we can send you a full set back out. :).

Sorry about any inconvenience this may has caused. The fluids you have still can be used with no problems though and its a **** up at our end on the labels.

Well this is my developmental log. We at mayhems have taken a HUGEEE Step (gamble realy) ... we just ordered a 25k peace of equipment for Mayhems that will help (hopefully) develop some new fluids. hahaha Because we would like to keep Mayhems product development in house we need this new equipment for the likes of Aurora and some other new fluids were working on. Best of all We don't know if it will work so were gambling 25k hahaha ... I love the work i do ... :)
Oooooh progress ...... I now have access to a new toy, BTW this is the only one in the world and we are the "ONLY" company who has access to it :) within the liquid cooling world.


And no we don't offer licences out .... were independent. ;)
Exculsive news for OCUK only reader of the forums -

Project Decimation **Not Official Name YET !!!!**

Work in progress ... In conjunction with our new partner we have produced an extremely special coolant for the purest out there. When we say purest, we mean the user who loves the thermal conductivity of water alone and then to add a silver kill coil for protection. What we have done is taken our Ultra-Pure H20 and ultra pure silver and smashed them together into Nano Tubes @ 20 nm to give you an Aurora Effect Real Silver Coolant. The partials used in our new coolant will never clog a system as they are so small they should even pass though filters that are currently used in water cooling systems. There is another benefit and that because we are using Silver Nano Tubes they can carry more heat than water alone making this new coolant one of the best thermal conductive coolant ever to hit the home user for liquids cooling. Another thing that will stand out is that the coolant has a possible 5 year “in system” life span if it is not contaminated.(the aurora effect will fade over time how ever the Thermal properties stay. this is due to ware and tear of the fluid.)
We recommend you do not use this coolant with Aluminium radiator’s or blocks as there is no inhibitor built into the fluid.

This fluid will be going out to testers in the next few days. There RRP for this fluid is not as cheap as normal fluids due to us useing real silver that is 100% pure silver and the process that is required to make the nano tubes. This is the most technological advanced liquid cooling fluid for PCs ever to hit the market and its brought to you by Mayhems.

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Good question ...... im sitting here and weve seen some thing to day that made us cry (in a good way) and i cannot tell you...... we have not done a ultimate test yet with some sacrificial hardware .... :) who would like to donate?

Yes you can use it with dyes how ever we are still testing and i suspect it will degrade the life of the fluid.
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