**** Official Microsoft Flight Simulator Thread ****

20 May 2010
So MS have decided to get back into flight simulations

Comparison of versions


Out now

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Very impressive. I hope it's not like when FSX first came out in that one needed a super computer to manage 40fps on medium settings...
I only came on here to post the announcement in the FSX thread :D

The default visuals do look stunning. I hope this is a simulator and not a 'game'.

I wonder if MS regret turning it's back on FS in general given there's still a healthy market for it. This is not MS's first attempt at a comeback though - remember 'Flight' ? What a nosedive that turned out to be. Hopefully it's on the x64 architecture too, otherwise LM and LR will just be laughing at MS. Again.

Be interesting to see what 3rd party developers have to say/offer once any NDAs are lifted.
Good luck to them.
Have to say that making it Xbox compatible does seem a little counter to the idea of it being a sim.
For example, unless it's going to support some of the wild and wonderful (i.e. typically very expensive) aftermarket HOTAS and control units, I wonder how seriously it will be taken. Then you have the question of VR. Sims seem to be the key group leading the use of VR in gaming. If this new FS doesn't support it, I could really see it struggling to gain traction, certainly so when Xplane, FlyInside and similar do.
Trailer looks stone bonk gorgeous. However, I think Amraam’s fears could be well founded. I can see this needing a beastly PC to run anything like the trailer.

It will be interesting to see how they manage the terrain, weather and depth of the aircraft simulations. If it’s done well, it could mean the end of needing so many aftermarket add ons like REX, active sky, OrbX etc. However, I hope PMDG are involved as I can’t see MS getting the levels of realism in the aircraft that they do. The 737 is just awesome.

I’d imagine there will be a much bigger online aspect to this as well, including the way the world is shaped. Some of the add ons for FSX download weather very few seconds. I’d imagine this will be built into the main game now as well, so as you’re flying, the sim is constantly downloading info to create exact replicas of the place you are at that exact time.
I have to admit that does look mega impressive! I definitely won't be jumping into it straight away but it looks like a promising start.
I took “real time” as gameplay?

Looks in game to me.
Word play dude, after Anthem we couldnt even believe it if they said actual in game footage like Anthem did. This doesn't say in game, my bet would be a 4k cut scene. Don't forget this has to run on the xbox O_o
Hard to believe those graphics are a legitimate representation of gameplay, especially if it's coming out on xbox one. There is no object pop in whatsoever despite insane view distance, ridiculously good anti aliasing, pedestrians and traffic in the cities, all in 3D and as close to photo realism as we've seen in any game before... and it looks like it runs silky smooth.

Sounds too good to be true...
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