**** Official Microsoft Flight Simulator Thread ****

Tell me more flyboy, you’ve confused me a bit there.
What version of the game do you run, windows or steam?

I’m on the windows gamepass version so the only option I have regarding any sort of motion setting for VR, far as I know, is to run with motion “reprojection” via OpenXR. The options are auto, always on, or disabled. What/ where is this motion compensation?

As mentioned when I have motion repro on, I can’t maintain 30fps. It often drops down to 22.5 and interpolates x4 up to 90hz, which is horrible, and when it changes between 22.5 and 30 there’s annoying judder.

MSFS, regardless of where it is bought or what headset is used, runs the OpenXR runtime.

OpenXR is an open standard, but each platform has its own version. You can for example set steam as the system’s default OpenXR runtime and the sim will then run using SteamVR regardless of what headset you are using. Generally it’s advisable to use the native runtime as it avoids overheads (eg with a WMR headset and using steam, you are “unnecessarily” opening steamVR as well as WMR portal however in my case I don’t have the option as OVRMC will exclusively work with the steam OpenXR runtime currently.

The motion compensation I use is likely nothing you need. It is only to do with motion simulators and cancelling out the movements of the motion platform and has no relation whatsoever to interpolated frame technology such as motion smoothing.

Motion reprojection (aka motion smoothing) has significant overheads. If you are only just maintaining 30fps with it off, you will not maintain 30fps with it on. For correct functioning of motion smoothing you need to tweak the game to have sufficient headroom above your target frame rate with smoothing off (at least 20%, ideally more). So if you want it to lock at 30fps you would ideally need to be hitting around 36-38fps with it off.

You may well find some of your stutters are the headset switching between 22.5 and 30fps modes as the headroom increases and decreases. If so you could improve by either increasing settings so it never manages to hit the 30fps mode, or decrease them so it never drops low enough to hit the 22.5fps mode.
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@Zeeflyboy Thanks again bud, you always know your stuff with this sim. What's OVRMC though?

Positive VR development for me though today - After uninstalling and reinstalling the game yet again(!!!), it's downloaded with the new hot fix patch, and things are much much better. Don't know if it's the reinstall process being done again, or yesterday's hotfix, but I now can get a constant 30fps with the settings I described earlier with motion repro on. And with motion repro disabled I can run a locked 45fps in rural areas, or a locked 30 in denser places with 100% OpenXR render and 90% in game render slider, similar findings to yourself.

This is what I was expecting and hoping for with my new 11700 and 3090 setup and seems to be in line now with other people reporting decent gains in VR after update #5. I'm now preferring it with motion repro off but it's hard to settle on one or the other.

I should add that in 2D pancake mode, with ultra settings across the board and at 3440x1440 ultrawide this game now screams along on my new rig. Getting 70-80fps in some built up detailed areas and it looks stunning, but, once you go VR it's hard to go back.

Just a note that others may find helpful but a MASSIVE key setting I found to make it judder free and as smooth as possible in VR - especially with motion repro off - is to set the "Virtual Reality pre rendered frames" setting to 2 in the Nvidia control panel game's profile. Huuuuuge difference . At the default setting of 1 it has horrible judder with motion repro off - Worth a shot for others to try....
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Such an amazing game. Had some great flights over the weekend in our inclement weather.

I do miss the old school manual though that came with the box versions years ago. At least there’s a decent tutorial built in these days.
They focused too much on making it pretty and not enough on bugs and mechanics. Recently patches making it worse not better.

they need to stop with the world updates and focus on the bugs.

@Zeeflyboy What's OVRMC though?

OpenVR Motion Compensation… the software that performs the motion compensation. Again not something you need to worry about unless you are using a motion platform.

Positive VR development for me though today - After uninstalling and reinstalling the game yet again(!!!), it's downloaded with the new hot fix patch, and things are much much better. Don't know if it's the reinstall process being done again, or yesterday's hotfix, but I now can get a constant 30fps with the settings I described earlier with motion repro on. And with motion repro disabled I can run a locked 45fps in rural areas, or a locked 30 in denser places with 100% OpenXR render and 90% in game render slider, similar findings to yourself… …I'm now preferring it with motion repro off but it's hard to settle on one or the other.

Great news! As said I personally don’t like motion reprojection in this game. Even if I could get over the artefacts, the softness it introduces is a no go IMO. At 45fps there is no question at all for me, locked 45 and repro off all the way. At 30 I could perhaps be convinced to turn it on if flying low and close up sightseeing, but I still prefer to just keep it off and put up with the evidently low frames when low or looking out the side.

I should add that in 2D pancake mode, with ultra settings across the board and at 3440x1440 ultrawide this game now screams along on my new rig. Getting 70-80fps in some built up detailed areas and it looks stunning, but, once you go VR it's hard to go back.

One day we’ll be able to run it in VR with it looking like it does in flat… that will be incredible!

Just a note that others may find helpful but a MASSIVE key setting I found to make it judder free and as smooth as possible in VR - especially with motion repro off - is to set the "Virtual Reality pre rendered frames" setting to 2 in the Nvidia control panel game's profile. Huuuuuge difference . At the default setting of 1 it has horrible judder with motion repro off - Worth a shot for others to try....

Yeah it’s worth playing with, I’m looking forward to cptlucky’s updated recommendations with the new update as I don’t have time (or patience!) for the sort of testing he does.
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Yes you can, I was playing some ETS2 earlier with it running in the background.
Was that with the Steam version? Because when I’ve previously tried that, it has kicked MSFS off. I will try later, as I’m currently taking a convoy of trucks across from Smithville Dam to the next map in Snowrunner!
Just tried it and had a spectacular flight from London City airport around the sights and then back into land. 60fps (was 15-40 until this patch) but when I turned on live weather half way through my flight which was stormy and rainbows and was also spectacular but this dropped fps 40-50.

landed back in EGLC and went to adjust some key bindings and it crashed. Oh well can’t have it all…:
Just tried it and had a spectacular flight from London City airport around the sights and then back into land. 60fps (was 15-40 until this patch) but when I turned on live weather half way through my flight which was stormy and rainbows and was also spectacular but this dropped fps 40-50.

landed back in EGLC and went to adjust some key bindings and it crashed. Oh well can’t have it all…:
Storms, fog and heavy cloud really tank performance. Unacceptably so imo
Before this patch and hot fix, yes there were bugs and ok frame rates but after them it keeps crashing all the time... ASBO have messed up epically. People have right to be annoyed.

Still a year later this program is a mess.

Beta testers doesn't cover it.

This patch and hot fix have made it worse.
Before this patch and hot fix, yes there were bugs and ok frame rates but after them it keeps crashing all the time... ASBO have messed up epically. People have right to be annoyed.
It differs so much. Since yesterday’s hotfix, I’ve only had one CTD. Been very smooth overall.
Well it was working Fine (with some bugs) but this patch and hot fix downgraded the graphics and has inserted crashes that never existed before. Good job asobo! I agree with plenty of other commentators on this forum post that MSFS is a questionable product.
Head over to the MSFS forums, the consensus and trend is not positive.

To be fair, huge confirmation bias in that statement.

I am absolutely not going to minimise those that are having problems, clearly there are some serious issues and they absolutely need to do better.

However the vast majority of people do not go to the forum to complain about how well their sim is working. For every perfectly valid complaint on there, there can be literal thousands quietly enjoying their sim…. There are also some very loud and permanent complainers on that forum who will never be happy, and frankly quite often don’t know their arse from their elbow when it comes to flying, computers, game development or seemingly even possess sufficient self awareness to be able to tie their own shoelaces. Yet they will comment authoritatively about how **** the flight model is, whine about often imagined issues and invent conspiracy theories to explain what they see as failings.

There is some great content on there, but there is also an inordinate amount of dross.
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