**Official Overclockers UK Gaming Servers** Powered by Multiplay UK - WINNER ANNOUNCED!!

Not seen anybody on the CSS server at all, and the lack of admins makes it a pain for the few random players who have been. A map other than Dust2 woudl be splendid.
CONGRATULATIONS TO electronic_matt who has been randomly selected (post #77) to win the Corsair Vengeance 1300 Gaming Headset!!!

You will receive an email with details shortly. If you were not lucky this time, we will be running more server based competitions in conjunction with Multiplay UK. For now enjoy the servers and I look forward to seeing you on there! :)

"Thank you Multiplay UK & Corsair we can all play together"

Do you have to get whitelist for minecraft server?

The random number generator result used for fair test (started at 4 as posts 1-3 were staff and introductions)

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