*** Official Planetside 2 Thread ***

Yeah park a Flail 200m from a Tower Hanging off the edge of a mountain and spam it into a doors...

Is that you JeffbeefJaw ;p lol im guessing so.
They absolutely missed a huge trick by giving everyone free subs only before the werner + gem merge. The month before that was some of the most fun in the game... They should have given more after the merge, and people would have started subscribing again I would imagine.

I miss all the banter, the rage, the hilarity. Everything!
(RIP Nexero)
I'm not sure if this has been covered in here but has anyone seen anything to say its not a PS3 game this time around? if its PC I'm very excited, I sank countless hours into that game first with KOTF then Outcasters.
Well given that he's said current PS subscribers will have beta access to PS2, he's hardly going to expect everyone to go out and puy a playstation to take part :)
Was goona resub after installing it but for some reason the luancher opens and thats about it :/

I'm not 100% confident; but as far as I'm aware you always needed to be actively subbed before they'd even let you patch, never-lone start a fresh download after the launcher has been installed. Sub first, then download.

EDIT: At the moment I'm trying to find a payment method it'll accept from me, can't use any of my American cards as it was originally an English account and it seems to dislike my English cards too =/ Why won't they take my money!!
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im geting tempted to give this a go again once im back in the Uk. My only higher level chr was a VS on Werner, havent played in YEARS (since i dropped my all games sub from Sony when they broke SWG and my mates quit EQ2). not even sure i have the installer files still.

It runs ok on windows 7 i take it? whats the best way to get it reinstalled? just let it leech down form launch pad at the slowest speed ever?
Runs fine on Windows 7 x64 here.

Launchpad is your only option unless you have the original discs afaik.

If you happen to have a backup of your PS folder, it'll just scan that & only update any files it needs to.

New Mossy!


It looks so different to the other aircav though :o It actually has a curved surface too! It only used to be the VS who were allowed curves on their vehicles!
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