Great fight at Torremar Storage Yard on Amerish (Miller) for me tonight, just under 2 squads from Digital Legion [DL] (NC outfit on Miller) holding off a couple of TR platoons for about 20 mins. The amount of sunderers, tanks, aircraft and troops attacking was just insane, the whole minimap around the point building/spawn was a swarm of red.
We were just moving between bases and thought we'd cap it on the way. We take it and a couple of TR squads turn up and quickly cap it back. We then storm it again and take it, whole thing starts snowballing as more and more TR show up and we just dug in around the point and held on as long as we could which was surprisingly long given the forces involved. Moments like that in a good outfit really make this game for me.
Also, think I saw mehuk there, hope it was a good fight from your side if that was you, first ocuk'er I've actually seen in game if so.