That just makes me want more.
Going by those 4 videos it seems just like a blend of Unreal Tournament & Battlefield.
Going by those 4 videos it seems just like a blend of Unreal Tournament & Battlefield.
Is there any news on player numbers yet?
Oh look, it's Unreal Battle Combat Tournament 7.
Jetpack users will get highly annoying very quickly - bunnyhoppers are a long standing pet hate of mine. And spawning on squad leaders I'm not a fan of either.
I'd like to see more of an overview of the bases. One thing that I enjoyed in PS1 was there was a distinct difference between outdoor & indoor combat (I'm ignoring the caves as I hated them)
The bases looked too open in that video. They seem to have lost the closed-in feeling you got when going inside. Maybe other bases are different.
Going by those 4 videos it seems just like a blend of Unreal Tournament & Battlefield.
Higby stated that he wanted the base fights to be more open and not the narrow spamtastic type PS has currently. You can easily distinguish the difference between the outdoor and indoor battles.
Jetpack users will not be much of a problem if you can aim... It will be balanced out.
The game actually looks awesome and I for one welcome it. Although it does have certain "BF/CoD" features, this is a must in today's standards so no big deal tbh.
One thing im not keen on is the squad leader spawn thing...surely that can cause massive problems?
E.G - Squad leader at hack console solo, rest of squad spawns on him?
or have I not got this right?