Latest patch seems to have fixed the 'hitching' issue. So that's a good thing.
I also love the new Vanu assault rifle - the Terminus.
Do you play on Woodman Errol? A medic of that name revived me a lot last night, if it was you thanks a lot
Latest patch seems to have fixed the 'hitching' issue. So that's a good thing.
I also love the new Vanu assault rifle - the Terminus.
Combat Medic Regeneration Field device now available in the ability slot◦This deployable creates a nanite field that regenerates ally shields; each cert rank increases the regeneration rate
Implants◦Effectively removed drop caps from loot drops
◦Implant tooltips on the reveal screen are now properly aligned
◦VS Heavy Assault damage delay with regeneration implant fixed
HS/NV sight again available for the TRS-12 Uppercut
NS Baron: Weapon sights now available for SC purchase
NS Baron: MH2 Reflex Sight (2x) and TMS (4x) should now properly unlock
Dual 75 Duster can now be trialed
Dual 75 Duster TR rank 4 zoom optic is now purchasable
Fixed issue where scout radars and proximity radars were not detecting at the correct ranges
Retuned explosion audio variants
Yeah, don't like it.
hi do you have a link to the quiz?
Yeah, I don't like it either I think it was Cell camo.
You really want halftone for Vanu fabulous look lol. If you download the PTS client you can preview everything on there, camos, helmets, armor etc
Have you considered a membership? I have been a full member since launch and the 500 SC each month, member 10% discount and member sales are really good. It's really not that much money for the year if you plan on playing the game long term.
I bought Tech Camo a while ago and now everyone else is buying it and using it.
You can do the same in VR too.
Looking forward to the serversmash Miller vs Cobalt, should actually be able to make this one. Will be weird playing on the same team as Nitty/Iwarriors if they're playing though
Double xp this weekend for members \o/
Man i left plantside 2 a very long time ago maybe a year ago. Is it worth going back to play again?