*** Official Planetside 2 Thread ***

T they also help when people are using smoke grenades but you lose some peripheral vision. Otherwise, I guess turn the brightness up a bit :P

Next time you equip NV, turn off the HUD and see how wonderful it is. :p

Big patches coming soon, covering tanks/liberators and a host of other stuff.

About time the sky tanks got nerfed again, but if anything history shows with SOE, they be getting buffed again in a few months time when everyone has forgotten that they was OP before.

The tank changes are So-So... some things I agree with and some things makes me wanna critical hit a Dev if I ever meet one in real life.

I don't think reverse speed and acceleration should be changed for any tank and the projectile speed is being nerfed/buffed for everything to force people to fight closer with more gravity added on.

Do the Devs ever play PS2, Do they ever crew a vehicle? If you look at Higby vehicle stats, he has 15 minutes in a Vanguard and he's BR90. The ****.
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You can actually see the max AA shots going off practically at right angles to your cross hairs though, it would be funny if it wasn't so annoying :)
Anyone have any ideas how to combat this, i tried everything on the Steam help page but still no joy

Failed to start game (missing executable)
Anyone have any ideas how to combat this, i tried everything on the Steam help page but still no joy

Failed to start game (missing executable)

I have the same problem with Dead Island, tried many fixes from what is said on their website about the error to deleting the game and redownloading it again, nothing works.

But you can get around this error by starting the .exe instead.

So just visit the installation folder and copy and paste the LaunchPad.exe to your desktop and start the game from that.
IWarriors, are INI still going? I saw that Pella got done for cheating, cant believe it tbh, never seemed the sort to do it... but you never know i suppose.

But ive logged in a couple of times and all my INI friends are never online it seems..... be a shame if they didnt exist still.
Seems like everyone on this thread plays on Miller, I'm on Woodman myself. But considering the huge population decreases that this game has seen, it mightn't be long before the EU servers are merged - although it will probably be Woodman + Cobalt, Miller + Ceres.
IWarriors, are INI still going? I saw that Pella got done for cheating, cant believe it tbh, never seemed the sort to do it... but you never know i suppose.

But ive logged in a couple of times and all my INI friends are never online it seems..... be a shame if they didnt exist still.

Yes, still around as normal, though our members have breaks here and there. I haven't played much the last few weeks since I wanted to finish Dead Island and now moving onto Dead Island 2. I managed to get a few hours for OP's tonight with everyone on Amerish and in Esmair.

Yes, sad about Pella. He was a great PL/SL and a lot of fun to be around.

The story goes that he cheated because he wanted to escape from gaming due to real life problems. :(:eek:
If anyone ended up getting a ProSeiben account, good news!

SOE have cast them out! Everyone will have an SOE account, so everyone can access player studio etc.

Check here
The story goes that he cheated because he wanted to escape from gaming due to real life problems. :(:eek:

Know one believes that for a second. Did he do the same thing last time he got done for hacking or was that VAC ban there because he needed a vaccination, had a bad cough, needed to go and see his nan ? :rolleyes:

Why didn't he do what anyone else would delete that char or uninstall the game.

Or just not play the game. Hes not 12 I'm sure he has more will power than having to install hacks and play till he got banned. What if he didnt get found out ever, was he just going to carry on hacking ? while running the outfit. All those times you have crashed us with that guy and the whole time hes cheating his ass off.:mad: Terrible excuse, I'd have more respect if he had at least held his hands up and said sorry.

Shame really as it not only looks bad on you guys as a outfit it looks bad on the whole server.
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Know one believes that for a second. Did he do the same thing last time he got done for hacking or was that VAC ban there because he needed a vaccination, had a bad cough, needed to go and see his nan ? :rolleyes:

Why didn't he do what anyone else would delete that char or uninstall the game.

Or just not play the game. Hes not 12 I'm sure he has more will power than having to install hacks and play till he got banned. What if he didnt get found out for months was he just going to carry on hacking ? while running the outfit. All those times you have crashed us with that guy and the whole time hes cheating his ass off.:mad: Terrible excuse, I'd have more respect if he had at least held his hands up and said sorry.

Shame really as it not only looks bad on you guys as a outfit it looks bad on the whole server.

I'm not defending him or anything and all the things you said I have said the same when we talked about it within INI.

Though it comes to no surprise to me that Pella and other "good" players cheat. I'm pretty sure there are many others like him who haven't been caught yet.
No doubt there is mate specially on a Free to play game. I don't think any of the other cheaters are making threads like this though, http://www.planetside-universe.com/showthread.php?t=42430

Or was PL leading most of INI's plays.

It wouldn't of been so bad if it was one of your random members, but the guy who PL/SL most plays it just stinks really IMO SOE should have ejected INI from Miller and wiped every single one of your stats. Harsh maybe, but look at how many peoples games hes ruined with his cheating.

It wasn't the first time he was caught on PS2 was it either ? his account had 2 temp bans against it for hacking. It seems as a paying player with such a big rep though he got a few by's.

Sad really as I had a lot of respect for you and your outfit. Unfortunately everyone on miller as lost that respect for you guys. Or so it seems.

I've moved to Woodman now due to this and only play on miller as my friends do. That and I have stuck over 500 hours into my char.

Anyway none of this is for this forum and I've tried to stay out of all the name calling etc by just moving to another sever. Ill stick to that as you seems a decent chap.
No doubt there is mate specially on a Free to play game. I don't think any of the other cheaters are making threads like this though, http://www.planetside-universe.com/showthread.php?t=42430

Or was PL leading most of INI's plays.

It wouldn't of been so bad if it was one of your random members, but the guy who PL/SL most plays it just stinks really IMO SOE should have ejected INI from Miller and wiped every single one of your stats. Harsh maybe, but look at how many peoples games hes ruined with his cheating.

It wasn't the first time he was caught on PS2 was it either ? his account had 2 temp bans against it for hacking. It seems as a paying player with such a big rep though he got a few by's.

Sad really as I had a lot of respect for you and your outfit. Unfortunately everyone on miller as lost that respect for you guys. Or so it seems.

I've moved to Woodman now due to this and only play on miller as my friends do. That and I have stuck over 500 hours into my char.

Anyway none of this is for this forum and I've tried to stay out of all the name calling etc by just moving to another sever. Ill stick to that as you seems a decent chap.

I don't think him cheating (He was using WH) helped INI in anyway in a game like Planetside 2.

We always run Radar Darts so we know where everyone was at all times. (80% of the time when am not a Max, I will pull a Radar Flash if I can) and even then most bases are designed to funnel enemies towards points, so you know that they will be coming though this door or that door or coming down this path or tunnel and even then.... most players have played this game long enough to know when you about to get rushed or not.

Though, it likely helped him in solo play or his play personally but at a PL/SL level not by much.

I don't think INI has lost any respect from the other outfits like WASP, MCY, DIG and other TR outfits unless they are talking behind our backs.

Most INI members are friends with enemy outfits members.

I still don't understand it though. Pella was in INI for over 10 years and you could say he was the heart of the outfit and he does this. What's worst is this guy met up with other INI members at meet ups and nights out. Such betrayal.

But him making that topic and others, well cheaters always have two faces, maybe at that time he wasn't cheating, but who knows when he already was a cheater before with that VAC ban.
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