Not sure what to make of the new patch to be honest.
Vehicle spam is annoying. Same as MAX spamming. Made even worse now that one faction can lock 3 continents and have all bonuses.
I've seen 1 alert since the patch.
The patch made the game equal parts awesome and
**** all at the same time. This is a problem with a game of this scale with this many features. The test server juts isnt working, it needs more targeted testing with dev input.
If its new vehicles or alerts that need testing then that's what needs to be tested, at the moment,
most of the test events just turn into more epeen events.
With specific regards to the patch, we just have to accept we have been and will continue to be "beta" testing for months and months. Every new feature they added needs tweaks and further iterations to make it work.
Resources need to be tied to empire and also personal performance. Then, resources matter. The new base supply functionality can be added. Giving non infantry more todo away from bases.
The alerts system needs to have the current alerts tweaked and also have some of the old alerts brought back. If there hasn't been and alert for a period of time and the pop supports it then a random old style alert will kick things into action. Theres no reason there cant be 2 alerts active at the same time.
With the changes to the official forums though it does look like the game is being steered away from combined arms towards more infantry side with the vehicles just being viewed as cert pinatas for infantry.
If you discount ESF farmers and Bulldog Farmers then there had been less vehicle farming of infantry with the new patch, purely because there are more veh targets to shoot. Which is a good thing.
Its the same with the merges coming up. Equal parts
**** and awesome. There will be more chance you can avoid indarside and fight somewhere fun.
But there will be less chance to find a small fight if thats what you wanted.
Also more chance of queues.