***Official Squad Thread***

Squad is not really that type of game though. It relies on SL's who will work with people they don't know and who are willing to cooperate with other SL's. I've found appropriately naming your Squad and communicating that you're learning can help allot. Failing that don't SL if you're not up to working with randoms.

The problem is that for this game to be enjoyable you need to have a good squad lead, and being brutally honest in my experience (and everyone I play with) you'll maybe get a good squad lead in 3 out of 10 matches. The game is incredibly hit and miss because of this. They all start out with best of intentions, but after the first firefight it usually goes **** up and all organisation goes down the pan, shortly followed by them quitting lol.

I don't see how having a locked squad of 4 or 5 mates is somehow going against the ethos of the game, its' just a squad limited to your friends. We are still doing a job and helping the team, we just have 4 less people in the squad but have the added bonus of knowing our squad is going to work well together due to all being mates.
I have to agree with insideline. I have 4 mates that I persuaded to buy the game. I'm a noob and trying to show them how the game works and talk them through it and we are on our own TS and randoms join demanding this and that. I'm no SL by a long shot but just wanted to spend a while with my mates to get them upto speed with the game, controls, protocols and what to do, all of which I'm not very good at still. My mates were put off by the constant requests and WTF you doing etc. I did explain we were all n00b and trying to get to grips with the game and best left as a n00b squad. We could have just joined another squad who would have rattled out commands which my mates would never of had time to follow. I havent yet managed to get them to give it another go.

I'm not the most outgoing person but I must say that this is not reflective of the squads I joined as a n00b as some were very freindly, understanding and helpful for a n00b. Whilst in Alpha and building up the community having locakable squads or a tag to set and say 'learner n00b squad' would be useful. Eiher that or another message out that to the current community re establishing that the mantra for squad is to be n00b freindly and help those inexperienced. We can all forget that sometimes but the only way to make a n00b not n00b is to help the n00b.

Some of the expectations from the more experienced can be intimidating and make you feel n00b. Even the pace of the game and even when NOT to shoot has to be leanrt. i remebr getting a right rollocking for letting off a shot giving away our position.

Great game though keep it up
I disagree.
  1. If you're inexperienced then the best way to learn is to play in a full squad and explain over squad and local that it's your first game
  2. Locking your Squad so you can be "left alone, but still help" is ineffective. This is mainly because you will not have all available kits and with lower numbers may not be able to run the full array of vehicles. You're also limiting other players from joining you which means more unassigned players at the start of the game if other SLs are not stepping up
TDLR: I think the best thing about this game is playing effectively with randoms and growing your group of friends. I started playing by myself and now belong to a community of 50 or so players where I can play at a high level any day of the week

The best use I can see for locking is regarding dedicated vehicle / logistics squads who are performing a specific role.
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I disagree.
  1. If you're inexperienced then the best way to learn is to play in a full squad and explain over squad and local that it's your first game
  2. Locking your Squad so you can be "left alone, but still help" is ineffective. This is mainly because you will not have all available kits and with lower numbers may not be able to run the full array of vehicles. You're also limiting other players from joining you which means more unassigned players at the start of the game if other SLs are not stepping up
TDLR: I think the best thing about this game is playing effectively with randoms and growing your group of friends. I started playing by myself and now belong to a community of 50 or so players where I can play at a high level any day of the week

The best use I can see for locking is regarding dedicated vehicle / logistics squads who are performing a specific role.

Fair enough, can't say I agree other than on your vehicle/logistics point.

Anyway seems the discussion is redundant as reading the squad forums it seems squad locking is confirmed for the future !

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Bought a gtx 1070 and haven't actually had a chance to play the game haha. New patch looks good though.

Agree on squad leaders, there are some terribly poor people. Played SL twice. Found comms to be crucial. Get the early rapport, then have a clear plan of attack, but be willing to adapt it on the fly if the shtf. People are very amenable when things are presented logically.
Just make sure to treat the squaddies like the animals that they are and only refer to them as their class so they don't get too comfortable ;)
Just make sure to treat the squaddies like the animals that they are and only refer to them as their class so they don't get too comfortable ;)

This is spot on. I find calling out names specifically helps and if they are giving you attitude tell them politely that they can create their own Squad if they are not happy with the decisions you're making. Generally this shuts up the back seat drivers and if they persist they get the boot.
I disagree.
  1. If you're inexperienced then the best way to learn is to play in a full squad and explain over squad and local that it's your first game
  2. Locking your Squad so you can be "left alone, but still help" is ineffective. This is mainly because you will not have all available kits and with lower numbers may not be able to run the full array of vehicles. You're also limiting other players from joining you which means more unassigned players at the start of the game if other SLs are not stepping up
TDLR: I think the best thing about this game is playing effectively with randoms and growing your group of friends. I started playing by myself and now belong to a community of 50 or so players where I can play at a high level any day of the week

The best use I can see for locking is regarding dedicated vehicle / logistics squads who are performing a specific role.

Firstly thanks for the link to that thread.

1. That maybe the experience of sqauds you have been in - but not all of mine whilst I was learning. what about those that are bringing a group of freinds in and require that group help? I'm 20hrs in, so still n00b, but helping freinds around the basics is still key. Whilst still alpha and building the community I think it's still key. Some squads are freindly some aren't

2. Locking squad - inneffective to the ideal maybe - but I bet I can bring the uber n00bs (mates) compared to me (still noob) along quicker than I can for the basics compared to joining a squad you are in.

Squad is not an 'easy' game. It is an FPS set for those whole want more than run and gun with strategy, planning and commander direction.. Bringing across those from run and gun is hard, especially as my oik are 40yr old +. It's still alpha.

When you say YOU can play at a 'high level' lest not forget that people may not have time enough to become so pro at the game, they play other games, but would like to enjoy SQUAD.

I understand your point and you are obviously good at the game my point is I'm trying to bring people in. From mine and their experience I cant get them to engage due to the points I've mentioned.

In alpha - to build the community - I'd like to be able to have some option for at lleast some time played that you can lock squads. After a certain amount of time you cant do that.

We all want to be good and have confidence with poeple we dont knwo. Some of us have neither and most dont have both.

aAgain, cheers for the link to that thread.
I think it's fair enough that you want an easier way to help your friends learn the game. It's complex and there is no built in training system yet - although there are plenty of tutoria videos on YouTube that are worth a look.

I saw an interesting post on Reddit today which is pretty close to how I thought specialized squads would be implemented.

Very rough idea for specialised Squads while keeping true to the claiming system. Let me know what you think.

Monthly Recap
May 2017

Hi Squaddies,
I know, I know, you might be thinking "Finally, what took so long?" Well, development has been pretty crazy recently. There is a lot of work currently being done on some critical and fundamental systems that have required a significant portion of our team to focus on them. Due to the complex nature of the work currently being done, we have decided to transition to smaller content related releases while we are all waiting on v10, including videos, Dev blogs, and articles.
One of the first steps towards this was to release a small content patch that came with some highly anticipated systems, such as mortars and IEDs in v9.4. Alpha 9.4 proceeded an experimental event along with an article relating to some research trips the team did in preparation for the future development.
Okay, so what have you been up to you might ask? Everyone has been hard at work getting new maps, art assets, animations, and a plethora of other items.So, how about we just show you some of the stuff we have been working on since we last did our recap back in January!




New Animation System - Progress Update

Beginning this month, work is well underway taking the new Animation System from the prototype stage to actual implementation. Prior to this we've been experimenting and producing all new animation assets that conform to the requirements set by this new system, in order to produce a far more streamlined, dynamic system for players, artists and future modders.

As a consequence of such a major overhaul, all the animations relating to weapons and vehicles needed to be overhauled (in essence 're-animated'). Here's a little taste of what to expect.

Bipods are a highly requested feature from the Community that we're working on. Our aim for this first iteration is to have a way for Light Machine Guns to deploy onto any surface dynamically, and have the player swivel around a pivot point. This will dramatically increase the number of firing positions Automatic Riflemen will be able to have, as well as enjoying faster reload times while deployed. In addition Free-Look will tie in seamlessly with this system, allowing gunners far more situational awareness than otherwise if your view was locked.

Another feature that has come from creative experimenting has been melee. Our approach is going to be very simple, binding the attack to a single key press. Big bonus of this is that your shovels will also double as killing implements, allowing you to have those shovel wars you've been wanting for so long!

Zeroing is another feature we're working on, where the player has the ability to set the range at which their weapon's sights are aligned to. The PPSH-41 has flip sight with two range settings, and was perfect for showing off this system.
We're still a ways off, but the wheels are still turning!




UH-60M Blackhawk
Work has begun in earnest on one of our first helicopters, the UH-60M Blackhawk for the US Army. With a carrying capacity of 14 passengers and 1 pilot (11 dismounts + 4 crew, depending on how you look at it), this craft has the ability to ferry troops and supplies around the battlefield extremely quickly. It is still very early days regarding helicopters, but stay tuned for more updates down the line.

L131A1 Pistol

The standard sidearm of the British Armed Forces as of early 2013, the Glock 17 Gen 4 (official designation L131A1) is an Austrian-made sidearm known for being reliable, light and easy to carry. Firing the 9mm Parabellum round with a magazine capacity of 17 rounds, it's one of the higher capacity sidearms going into the game.

ZU-23 Anti-Aircraft Gun
A twin-barreled fully 360 degree traversable gun platform chambered in 23mm, this weapon can put out an immense amount of damage very quickly, suitable for shooting down slower aircraft or shredding light armour. A modern take on the older ZPU family of Anti-Aircraft guns, it typically is either configured as an emplacement, mounted onto armoured vehicles, or on the back of flatbed trucks or pickups.

The RPG-29 is a Russian made and exported dumb-fire rocket propelled grenade launcher. Firing a 105mm Tandem warhead similar to RPG-7 ingame, it is designed to defeat the toughest of modern armour at short to medium ranges going out to 500m.




Narva Update
Our urban Eastern European map is coming along really well. The bulk of the playable area is almost complete and the hope is to have Narva Version 1 to the testers in the next few weeks. Players can expect a mix of urban residential, commercial, and industrial areas all blended into a map that should cater to a variety of play styles. As with its real world counterpart, Narva will feature a historic castle, a dense train yard, multi-story residential buildings, tree-lined streets, and the overall feel that is unmistakably Eastern European.

Al Basrah Expansion
Al Basrah has been received unbelievably well since its release! After taking into account feedback from the community, we are making some gameplay adjustments involving relocation of the Insurgent and US Mains, as well as completely expanding the south end of the city. The US main has been relocated slightly north of its current position to extend travel time as well. With these newly expanded areas new flag layouts will follow, along with the highly anticipated Insurgency gamemode.
And this is just our first step into expanding Al Basrah!


Phew, that is some amazing stuff the team is working on. I hope all of you are as excited about all of the fantastic things we are currently working as we are! We cannot wait to get this done and out to the public. Expect more in the coming months because we are not done yet showing off all of the amazing things we are doing.
Offworld Out.
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It's really coming together now. Playing with the new anim system is a breath of fresh air. Once it's out in a few months then the flood gates will open for lots more content. Hoping to have user content (mods) working soon also so expect to be playing some new maps soon™.

Narva is truly amazing. To get a sense of scale think of Fools Road but the entire size of that map is a city.
It's really coming together now. Playing with the new anim system is a breath of fresh air. Once it's out in a few months then the flood gates will open for lots more content. Hoping to have user content (mods) working soon also so expect to be playing some new maps soon™.

Narva is truly amazing. To get a sense of scale think of Fools Road but the entire size of that map is a city.

Have you seen any performance improvements from the animation updates? My understanding is that part of the goal was to convert all of the code over to C which performs better than the standard scripting language?
The main performance gains from the new animation system will come from not having every client have to calculate every single bone on every other player etc. Currently they all are calculated regardless of if they are in view so that's why you get poorer performance on high population servers.
The main performance gains from the new animation system will come from not having every client have to calculate every single bone on every other player etc. Currently they all are calculated regardless of if they are in view so that's why you get poorer performance on high population servers.

If I understand your explanation properly, performance should be much better on high pop servers? If I can get anywhere near the FPS I get on a 30 man server on a 70 man server I will be over the moon!
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