***Official Squad Thread***

21 Dec 2002

July 2018

Hey Squaddies,
Callooh! Callay! O frabjous Recap day! It's time for another dose of what's been happening behind the scenes in Squad. From mechanics to user experience, the team has been full steam ahead as we make the push towards Alpha 12 -- let's grab a looking glass and see what they've been working on!


SquadChat with Drav, Fuzzhead, and Merlin

What are SquadChats? Glad you asked! They're a more casual opportunity to sit down with the developers behind Squad, learn about who they are, what they do, and how they do it. In this edition, we have our Drav, our Lead Producer, Fuzzhead, beloved game designer, and last, but not least, Merlin, CEO of Offworld Industries.
Over the course of an hour and a half, we talked about the current status of Squad, our plans to get to launch, and how we're going to support Squad into the future. Heck, they even worked in some answers to community questions. Worth a watch, eh? Don't forget to check out the rest of the SquadChat archive here.


User Interface


The new user interface is continuing to receive a facelift as we work through each element, one at a time. The updated team screen allows you to get a feel for the map, read up on the game mode and lore, as well as seeing which factions are in play.
The Deploy screen allows you to see your squad, as well as the entire team, organize your squad into fireteams, select your role via a quick select panel, and, most importantly, set your spawn point options. The map here has been expanded slightly given the new dimensions.
The new Role Loadout screen is an optional page that allows you to access more information on what roles are available to you, as well as get in-depth information on what each weapon and piece of equipment does. Knowledge is power!


Persistent Ammo
The Infantry Rearm System will be undergoing some significant changes. As per the June Recap, Squads will now have access to the Infantry-deployed Ammunition Bags carried by the Non-Scope Rifleman role. The following changes are working in conjunction with the Ammo Bags to create a more teamwork focused Rearm system.
We are implementing the concept of "Persistent Ammunition". It is designed to further place importance on logistics and to make ammunition scarcity a real consideration on the battlefield. Squad Leaders will need to factor in their Logistics and Ammo Sources when deciding where and when to assault.
Additionally, we're experimenting with the concept of having player spawns on Rally Points and FOBs spawn with the same amount of ammunition that they had when they died. Players will always spawn with a minimum of at least 2 magazines for their primary weapon and will always spawn with 2 field dressings.
Players changing roles after being killed will respawn with the minimum kit loadout (2 primary magazines and 2 field dressings) and will need to seek out resupply.
Deploying at the Main Base will always give a player a fully-loaded kit.


Ammunition Resupply Granularity
Another change to the Infantry Rearm System is adding a level of granularity to the way players rearm. Rather than a role costing a fixed ammo point value to rearm, each magazine and/or consumable inventory item will have its own associated ammunition cost. This provides a much more accurate representation of how much ammunition resources you are using when it comes to rearming and will make it easier to balance one weapon over another.
Ammunition point values will be tweaked to reflect these new changes, especially as testing and feedback continue to develop.


Smoke Generators


One upgrade that will be coming to all our APC, IFV, and (future) Tank drivers is the ability to deploy a smokescreen from the exhaust ports. The smoke generator is a continuously channeling effect that deploys an extremely large screen that can be used to cover a retreat, advancing infantry in an assault, or enjoy a break from the Tallil sunshine. In addition to the turret mounted smoke grenade launchers, vehicles will now have a multitude of screening options available to them.



Repair Tools

Over the course of battle, your vehicles will take damage to its components (for this first iteration it will primarily be your engine), so in order to get back to a minimum level of usability we've given all crewman roles a toolkit used to repair these components, as well as bring up hull health above a minimum threshold. We're still balancing this mechanic, but this should give another level to the meta gameplay of vehicle combat.




Coming soon to all Russian rocket launcher, the RPG-7V2 package adds the PGO-7 2.8x optic to the launcher. This allows Russian anti-tank gunners to better acquire targets and account for distance with the built-in projectile drop compensator reticle. This reticle accounts for all ammunition types.



The finishing touches on the 9M113 Kornet have been added and it's flying high in testing now. One advantage this system has over the TOW is the ability for the gunner to be behind cover and still have the ability to fire, making it a little more operator-friendly.



Tallil Outskirts


The whole team is working hard on finishing up Tallil Outskirts. Not only will the map be a new location to fight over but it will showcase some new mapping technology. The terrain will be the most realistic we've seen in Squad up to this point, and with the advent of new structures, foliage and visual effects, we hope to ramp up the immersiveness to a whole new level.

As stated in last month's recap, Tallil Outskirts' predominant feature will be an airfield with a long history of conflict. From the Russian influence in the 1980s to the U.S. bombing of the Iraqi hangars at the start of the Gulf War, to its more recent use as a U.S. Air Force airbase and Army barracks, the history will be visible no matter what corner you're fighting over.

And let's not forget about tanks! Tallil will be our first armor-focused map, so we're as excited as you are to see columns of tanks duking it out across the open desert!


Jensens Range Overhaul

We've managed to give Jensens Range another big facelift, this time taking advantage of the desert biome work we've been doing on Tallil and bringing it into the training range, giving it a very distinct feel now.

The most notable change is the addition of surrounding terrain as a backdrop, but also we've added a number of additional ranges to the map, including a MOUT training field with multi-story buildings, an indoor kill-house with a linear path to work those CQB skills, a new driving track and a 1.5km open range with elevation for vehicles.


And there you have it! Some big changes coming up, so we'd like to remind you to shoot straight, conserve ammo, and never, ever cut a deal with a dra... ah, well, maybe just the first two. Thanks for joining us for another Recap! We'll see you next month.
Offworld Out.



23 Nov 2009
Is this a game you can play solo online??

Or as the name suggests squads only?
The game is team and squad based. There's nothing to stop you running around by yourself; but be warned as most servers require people to join squads to actually contribute to the team. You're also severely limited in fighting capabilities due to the loadout for those not in a squad.

You don't have to be in a squad of people you play with regularly - join a server, join a random squad and away you go! Definitely use a microphone and definitely ask questions - people get very frustrated with new players that don't communicate but are usually receptive to helping out if you ask questions.
18 Oct 2011
Near Brummie land
Is this a game you can play solo online??

Or as the name suggests squads only?


Been playing about 40 hours in the last week or so, for me it's a breath of fresh air the team work in the regular servers is amazing just what the doctor ordered, waited a long time for a game with teamwork from back in the day.

In all honesty if your thinking of playing this game solo don't do it

Played 1000 hours in Arma
A lot of of hours in battlefield full ranked all games

This game as got it right, beats them all for me.

30 Nov 2008
Managed a couple of rounds over the weekend, having not played in a long while.

Forgot how much I enjoyed this game when working with a good Squad - my performance was a little all over the place though; tried setting everything to low which did help slightly, but guessing I could be somewhat limited hardware-wise?
Last edited:
21 Dec 2002
Double whammy:


August 2018

Hey Squaddies,
Welcome to the August Recap! We've got some of the fresh cuts from the upcoming Alpha 12 to show off today! And heads-up, Offworld is off on a company holiday right now, but we'll be back fully recharged, team-built, and ready to take on the world again.
If you see some goons with Offworld Industries logos around Italy, don't be afraid to say hi! (Or run -- we're coming for your rally.)


SquadChat with Axton and Chance
We don't want you to miss us too much, so be sure to check out the latest SquadChat to hear the sweet, soothing tones of Axton and Chance. We chatted about mapping, getting into the industry, and took your questions.


Alpha 12 General Update
We're in a stage now which we call "hardening" where all major features going into the next version are locked down and we're searching and squishing bugs as they come. Internal playtests have also started in order to put these new features and gadgets through their paces. This process will take some time as there have been a lot of new additions to the game that will need to be properly tested and polished, but we believe that it'll be a major upgrade to the game that you the player should be accustomed to with each and every new alpha version of Squad.



We've finally managed to get the Russian counterpart to the American Abrams into the game and in testing. The T72B3 will be the main battle tank for the Russian ground forces, has a 3-man crew (Driver, Gunner and Vehicle Commander) and features a stabilised 125mm smoothbore cannon fed by an auto-loader.
The cannon can fire a dizzying array of different ammunition types ranging from armor-piercing sabot rounds to high explosive anti-tank, anti-infantry fragmentation rounds and even the 9M119M Refleks anti-tank laser-guided missile. In addition to this large arsenal to its main gun, the gunner has the usual 7.62mm PKT coaxial machine gun and smoke grenade launchers.
In comparison to the Abrams, the T72B3 is a much lower profile tank, almost 2/3rds the height and weight. Its autoloader is slightly slower than a human loader, and also presents a vulnerability with the ammunition stored directly below the turret.
The Vehicle Commander has control over a 12.7mm Kord machine gun in the cupola and has access to the turret's smoke launchers if need be.


User Interface
The user interface has made even more strides since last time we showed this off, and we're going to show just how many new features we've added to the command experience.


Command Menu & New Map Features
We're introducing a new "Command UI" interface which is accessible by all players. This features a large widescreen map and filter buttons that allow you to do things such as toggle player icons to be their roles, toggle FOB radius circles, viewing the map icon legend and a few other quality of life features.
You have the ability to highlight any squad member or team member from the Squads list and they will be highlighted on the map. You can also highlight by Squad simply by selecting the squad's header from the Squads list too. In addition, selecting players on the map will also highlight them in the Squads list.


Command Grid Menu
We've designed a new right-click menu for any players in command positions, accessible in both the Deployment and Command menus. This menu has been expanded upon compared to the old hex menu in that it has a logic now to icon and marker placement and layout, as well as allowing us to add a few more team-wide request markers that should be useful for team-wide communication.
In addition, we're adding a "Waypoint" marker system that allows players to quickly drop at least 3 team-visible markers, which include a way to identify the squad that placed that particular waypoint marker.


Fireteam Organisation
Fireteams can be organised in the Squads list now by simply dragging the member you want to assign, and dropping them into the desired fireteam. You can also right click and assign them through the context menu that pops up.


OWI Company Holiday
Our CEO finally deployed the rally point and we're all deploying for a company trip roughly during the first week of September. For this time, most of Offworld Industries will be out of office, getting to know their international teammates and plotting for the rest of the year. When we get back the fresh assault on bug-smashing begins!
Response times from us may be a little slower during this time, so hang in there! We will get back to you. We appreciate your understanding!


We'll be back next month with more! Alpha 12 is going to be a pretty big one, so we're looking forward to getting into playtesting with you all!
Ciao, belli,


Modding Recap
The Wrench - July 2018


Hey Squaddies,
Another month has flown by at breakneck speeds and that means we're back with The Wrench! There are some cool surprises this month, especially from the CAFMOD team. Spoiler: They're doing it with crazy detail and no small amount of aplomb. Let's take a look!
Join us on the Community Modding Discord where you can join discussions and meet the modding community. It's a great place to share your ideas and passions with like-minded people that will happily help you create something awesome.


As mentioned, the big teases responsible for the Canadian Armed Forces mod are doing it right. So far, we've seen impressively detailed work from the team come seemingly out of nowhere. Check out some of their content drops from this last week!

We're told this is every Canadians favorite holster and it's been modeled as accurately as possible to give you the full, authentic experience. Brilliant work, folks!


Korengal Valley Update by Coderedfox

Perhaps one of the most iconicvalleys in modern combat, the Korengal Valley mod has gotten a brand spankin' new update. Coderedfox has updated his WIP map with a whole new network of roads, shown above in red. (Blue indicates a previously existing road.)

The new road systems will not only open up more of the map outside the valley itself, but should help the insurgents stay competitive once helicopters take to the skies. Speaking of...


V11 Fixed Helicopter Test by Heedicalking
Haven't had a chance to get airborne in Squad? Thanks to Heedicalking, the popular Helicopter Mod has been updated for Alpha 11. Before you head over to the Workshop page, check out this second clip by Dan186D, also responsible for the clip above.
We also spotted a quick update on Reddit:If you have any bugs, or want to suggest any features just let me know! Code for Mi-24 and Chinook is almost done, I just need to purchase the 3d assets when they go on sale (I can't model).
Know any good modelers? Don't be shy! =)


Modding Roundtable
While we're waiting for the final polish on Modding 2.0, the modding team wanted to take the opportunity to chat directly with the modding community. As we continue to develop Squad's modding support, we want to make sure your needs, concerns, and major pain points are heard and addressed. With the Community Feedback roundtables in mind, a similar format has evolved for the modding side of things. The unedited audio track is available here. (Filesize: 67.52 MB)
Some of the topics covered include:
  • Modding 2.0 is getting very close to finishing and is being polished
  • Total conversion mods will be possible
  • Changing the entire game menu and interface will also be possible
  • Mod files sizes are drastically reduced
  • An overwrite system will be in place (e.g. You could swap out factions and weapons on base map without having to download the entire map.)
  • SteamID will be exposed to modders to create persistent stats and tracking
  • New system to request Blueprint exposure
  • Modding Roundups will continue in the near future (Date TBD)
  • In-game downloading is coming!
  • Server browser changes
Thanks to Zeno for generating that list! That's a lot of ground to cover, so be sure to comment to add your feedback is after listening.


We love a good surprise and those CAFModders definitely delivered this month. And heck, we had no idea we were due for a Korengal update! Favorite locations and factions? Hell yeah!
If you want to be a part of it next month, you can get into it right away by using this form and submit your work!
Squad Modding Hub Management Team Out.
Please note: Offworld Industries is not responsible for mod content. Please contact the creator for assistance.
21 Dec 2002
I just can't find any time to play lately which is a shame because the last few times I played I had really fun rounds with a team full of squads actually communicating!
20 Sep 2018
Found this very hard to get into. Played at start of the year and it was great fun, never had a game with such great audio.

however now I find it runs very slowly and the quality of the squads is poor. Insurgency was free recently and I find that far more enjoyable for some reason. :(
18 Oct 2012
Found this very hard to get into. Played at start of the year and it was great fun, never had a game with such great audio.

however now I find it runs very slowly and the quality of the squads is poor. Insurgency was free recently and I find that far more enjoyable for some reason. :(

I think that honestly comes down to you wanting just faster paced gameplay as Insurgency is very different.
21 Dec 2002
Found this very hard to get into. Played at start of the year and it was great fun, never had a game with such great audio.

however now I find it runs very slowly and the quality of the squads is poor. Insurgency was free recently and I find that far more enjoyable for some reason. :(

There has probably been quite a few patches since you last played. Make sure you clean your cache via the game options.

Choosing the right server to play on is pretty important for the state of play. Make sure you join servers that require mics and communication from SL's.


The Wrench - August 2018

Hey Squaddies,
With the hot summer finally slowly coming to an end (yeah, we're totally ignoring your winter here, ChanceBrahh. Get on our hemisphere.) and Modding 2.0 coming closer and closer, we can really look forward to the future. For now let's do a quick check of what happened in the past month and see what our Modding Community has been cookin' up.
Join us on the Community Modding Discord where you can join discussions and meet the modding community. It's a great place to share your ideas and passions with like-minded people that will happily help you create something awesome.


Skrunda-1 by Pyrokills

This map originally started out as a one to one replica of the real world location which is a Russian Military Radar Base disguised as a civilian town. As things went on the direction shifted into Pyrokills' interpretation of a STALKER/Fallout mashup. The current plan is to take the different zones of STALKER games and incorporate them together with Skrunda into a large 8x8km map. Will be interesting to see for sure!


Swedish Armed Forces by Kim "Megadeth" Norman and Team
AK5 C - Aimpoint CS & Aimpoint 3X by Kim Norman on Sketchfab

The last few months have been exciting for people who are looking forward to new factions. This Wrench edition has a full force update from a lot of them including a newcomer to the scene! These two brave souls who are part of the Swedish Forces Pack from Arma3 are working on introducing the Swedes to Squad now. Skön!
KLAS (Kort Lätt Attack Spade) by Kim Norman on Sketchfab

First aid kit by Kim Norman on Sketchfab


Training Range Map by IIResidentII
A very nice Training Range map is currently in the works by IIResidentII who is building it for his platoon, Salagi, to train in different conditions. It includes a plethora of different ranges and will be available on the Steam Workshop in the future.


Squad Zombie Mod by Smed & S1RHAWK
No, Smed isn't talking about the new players (ahem... future squad leaders!) on free weekends of Squad, he made a real, PVP players vs zombie mod! Armed Forces are fighting to eradicate two zombie hives while fighting against endless waves of spawning (player)-zombies in this fun addition to the Squad mod scene.


AI Civilians Mod by |HSR| Antol
Antol has been working steadily on his AI behavior for civilians and the progress looks great already! With the help of community members Mitsu and wasti, he was able to create one of the main behaviors for his AI, featured in the video above.


Canadian Armed Forces by CAFMod Team
Progress has been steady in the Canadian Armed Forces Mod. With the player models currently being expanded to take new gear into account (backpacks, new Tactical Vests), modelers have been working on finishing up the Carl Gustaf M2 and put some final touches the base C7A2 while continuing to work on the attachments and accessories for it. (Cadex Front Grip, C79A2 scope, M203A1, etc.) Furthermore, the first public playtest happened! While it only included infantry and a placeholder scope, people seemed to have a blast (especially with the C7A2 sounds by TheScrub), eh?


Schiessplatz Wichlen by Alac

Ah, Switzerland! Home of great things like cheese, Heidi, Helvetica, cute knives, and our community member Alac. They're working on creating a training map based on a real-life training location in Switzerland. Compared to the other training maps around, this one is aimed at vehicle combat and is already being prepared for the release of MBTs.


Finnish Defense Forces by FDFMod

Compared to the Swedes, these guys are already well-established in the community and get begged for updates on our Discord quite often! After some quiet months, they are back with goodies made over the summer. Some of the smaller gear has already been implemented in-engine and some new weapons like the 81mm mortar and the KvKK (courtesy of the Arma FinMod team, who they are now collaborating with) are in the High Poly modeling stage. On the mapping side of things, they are working on creating props and buildings, as well as incorporating them into the world.


French Foreign Legion Mod by Tactical Collective Modding
Finishing the quadfecta (look it up) of Faction Mods the team behind the French Foreign Legion is giving us an update on their progress in video-form on their map, particle effects, animations and working vehicles. Check it out, and read their blog post on their website.


Mount Storm Mod by [TACO] Moosieus

Based around Lake Storm in West Virginia this map by Moosieus (a.k.a. A rather small moose) is defined by dense forests, a large reservoir lake which is flanked by power plants and a wind farm to the east. He's also kindly supplied some animations to bask in.


NG Custom Server by New Generation

If you see all these mods and wonder: "These are great, but where can I really play some mods?" NG has got you covered! New Generation have launched their custom server and it's now public! You can try the best mods and maps the community has to offer and they plan on adding content over time. In addition to hosting weekly events every Wednesday, the server is permanently open for all to play.
Download the Mod Collection


Holy heck, there was a lot going on last month! A huge thank you to everyone in the modding community for kicking so much ass. We hope you enjoyed the submissions as much as we did!
If you want to be a part of it next month, you can get into it right away by using this form and submit your work!
Squad Modding Hub Management Team Out.
Please note: Offworld Industries is not responsible for mod content. Please contact the creator for assistance.
21 Dec 2002

September 2018

Hey Squaddies,
Welcome to another Recap! Before we jump into the meat, a quick update on version 12: we're continuing through the internal playtesting phase and putting our new gameplay systems, UI, and engine-level changes through their paces.

While we're still encountering a number of game-breaking bugs at the moment, our priority is to work through them, do further optimizations, and open up playtesting to our community playtesting group as soon as that becomes possible. Be sure to check out a list of some of the changes coming to Alpha 12 toward the bottom of the recap.
With that out of the way, let's roll!



Alpha 12 will see the introduction of a work-in-progress system of changes to network relevancy for various aspects of the game, ranging from players to inventory, in an effort to decrease server load and allow for us to reach our goal of having 100 player server limits, as well as increasing performance on the server end. This system allows for the passing of information about faraway soldiers and vehicles needed by user interface without fully replicating them. Expect work to continue on CoreState for awhile!


World Origin Rebasing

Jitter-haters, look no further. We are excited to reveal we have been working on a solution to the "Map Origin" problem.
This problem was something that was preventing us from achieving larger map sizes. As a player moves further from the map's "origin point," there is a subtle but exponential increase in tiny deviations or "scope jitter," especially when looking through powerful optics. This gets much more dramatic as map sizes scale up and makes for frustrating gameplay when trying to fire weapons more precisely.
We're implementing a solution called "World Origin Rebasing". It essentially repositions the origin of the world for each player dynamically, to reduce the distance between the origin and the player, fixing the jitter that you experience in things like magnified optics, player animations, and nametags.


Command Menu Screen

We mentioned this Menu Screen in the August Recap, and our gameplay and UI designers have spent September to really polish this screen to make it as useful and ergonomic as possible for Squad leaders. All players will have access to the new Command Menu screen, and Squad leaders will benefit from some extra features.
  • Command Menu's default key is Capslock for quick access (keybind is fully configurable in Control options)
  • Command Menu will have a listing of all squads, which can be clicked on to highlight player positions on the map. We want to continue building these tools to encourage Squad leaders working together
  • Squad leaders can now place a "Request FOB" marker which will display via 2 yellow dotted circles, the build diameter and exclusion zone diameter of that potential FOB location.
  • "Map Filter" buttons that can be turned on and off to best suit the current need
    • "Show Spawn points" map filter will turn the selectable spawn points on and off
    • "Show FOB Radius" map filter will show all FOBs build radius and exclusion zone radius
    • "Show FOB Supply Points" map filter will show the construction and ammo supply status of all FOBs on the map.
    • "Show All SL Markers" map filter is only available to SLs, and will show all the order markers placed by their SLs
    • "Show player role icon" map filter will toggle all players on your team shown as their kit role icon or as a simple marker
    • "Map Icon Scaling" will allow you granular control over how big or small the map widgets are displayed - useful for players to customize with 4k monitors or those that have unique display setups
    • "Ticket Value Reference" is a legend for the values of all ticket loss and gain
    • "Map Legend" is now showing a list of what each icon on the map represents, from infantry to vehicles to deployables.


Fireteam Functionality

Fireteams will be fully functional in A12, our UI designers have been adding some really nice features that will be of major use for veteran players:
  • Fireteams can be created dynamically by the Squad leader with a menu option as well as a drag and drop feature. SL can use the new Command UI Map screen to click and drag a squad member and place them into Alpha Bravo Charlie or Delta
  • Fireteams are hidden by default and are a totally optional feature for those wishing more control over their squad
  • This same drag and drop feature can be used for internal Squad or Fireteam promotions.
  • Fireteam leaders do not have a special kit, they are just a designation that the Squad Leader can give to any member of their squad
  • Fireteam leaders will be able to place (and delete) their own fireteams Move, Attack, Defend, Observe, Build commands, both via the Command UI map screen and the 3D HUD T-menu.
  • Squad leader can see and place all Fireteam markers, Fireteams see their own FT marker and the SL marker.
  • Each of the four FTs is color and letter-coded, with the VOIP and nametags reflecting the appropriate FT assignment.


Physmat Dependent Vehicle Rolling Resistance

We have recently incorporated physmat dependent rolling resistance for vehicles. Vehicles will roll much better on asphalt than on mud or snow. Wheeled vehicles are more affected by this than tracked vehicles.
The lowest resistance is on asphalt, concrete, and solid wood. Gravel comes next, then dirt and grass. Sand and snow are where you're really starting to suffer. And last, but not least, mud has the highest resistance and is terrible to drive on. It's used, for example, in the riverbed in Gorodok, so this will help prevent unintentional river features from being used as a highway.
For non-off-road vehicles, this change will have a significant impact on their ability to zip across maps at insane speeds and help to promote the use of roads.


Vehicle Manual Override for Gearbox

We wanted to have a more granular way for players to control how fast their vehicle is moving, and we achieved this by being able to manually hold the current gear a vehicle is in. For example, if an APC wanted to travel slowly at the pace of their infantry to provide a screen, they could do this by staying in the 1st gear.
All vehicles will now have this ability to keep their engine in the current gear by pressing and holding the SHIFT key (the key is rebindable). So by pressing SHIFT while in 1st gear, the vehicle will always stay in that low gear and drive slowly. It can also help vehicles climb slopes better as you'll be able to manually stay in 1st gear.


Art and Environment

We teased this vehicle in an earlier recap, but the British FV432 APC is in-game and undergoing testing to be released in tandem with all the other goodies coming in version 12. A large, armoured transport vehicle, it carries up to 9 passengers, not including the driver (crewman), and a M2a1 .50cal turret gunner (regular infantry).

While an older vehicle dating back to the 1960s, its recent up-armoured modifications have upgraded its armour to almost the level of the FV510, making it a true "battle taxi." (Not to be confused with IronTaxi, of course.)



One weapon we're also adding to the Militia faction is the ubiquitous FAL. While it is characteristically similar to the German G3A3, aesthetically it is a different beast altogether and we have plans to further expand this family of weapons for unconventional factions.


Tallil Outskirts

While we're racing to the release, the team is applying lots of polish on the new large-scale desert map, Tallil Outskirts. The map will feature two different weather schemes, one normal daytime, and the other in the midst of a thick sandstorm.

The battle-beaten landscape has remnants of occupying forces from a previous era, as well as more recent installations.

The addition of the standstorm changes the feel of the level significantly and should provide some unique challenges for players on top increasing the immersion of the environment.

As battered as Tallil has been, it's ready to take on a brand new deployment of armored warfare. We can't wait to see you folks like it up!


Squad Alpha 12 Brief Summary
Going back through previous monthly recaps and from the way development has unfolded, we present to you a bullet-point summary of what to expect when Alpha 12 comes around. This is by no means a full changelog, so expect much fuller release notes when the time comes, but it should whet your appetite.
  • Added RAAS game mode (Randomized Assault and Secure)
  • Added new Suppression system
  • Added Rifleman Ammo bags
  • Added Persistent Ammo system
  • Added Granular Rearming system for Infantry
  • Added Fireteams which are dynamically created by Squad Leaders
  • Added localized vehicle damage with 2 components (for now): Engine & Ammo storage
  • Added Turret Stabilisation to appropriate vehicles
  • Added Driver deployed Smoke generator for most vehicles
  • Added Crewman Repair tool
  • Added physmat dependent vehicle rolling resistance
  • Added Vehicle Manual Override for Gearbox
  • Overhauled Spawn system including Rallypoint Wave Spawn & HAB Spawn Over-run
  • Overhauled Revive system - bandage revive for all soldiers


User Interface
  • Added Team Selection screen on server join
  • Added Command map for improved squad leader functions
  • Added many QoL improvements on the map and UI
  • Added Infantry/Vehicle ammo point rearm cost indicator
  • Updated Deployment screen, role selection and weapon selection UI
  • Replaced right-click hex Command Grid with a more user-friendly horizontal based Command Grid


  • Added US Army M1A2 MBT
  • Added Russian T72B3 MBT
  • Added British FV432 APC
  • Updated FV510 APC to have an Up-Armored variant
  • Updated M2A2 sights/reticle
  • Updated M2A2 to include a Commander position with independant optic


  • Added 9M133 Kornet ATGM for Russian Faction
  • Added RPG-29 for Insurgent Faction
  • Added FAL for Militia/Insurgent Faction
  • Added SKS variant that includes a PU-1 3.5x Optic
  • Updated Russian RPG-7 to include PGO-7 2.8x Optic


  • Added Tallil Outskirts
  • Overhauled Jensen's Training Range and added the ability to load instances of the map with different factions
  • Overhauled Yehorivka - added more points of interest, revamped storage area flag, increased map size to 5 by 5km
  • Overhauled Belaya - reworked terrain, now less snow and more ground cover
  • Updated Kohat - added new main bases, new & improved foliage
  • Updated Gorodok - updated some points of interest, improved foliage
  • Updated Fools Road - ground textures have less tiling
  • Updated lighting on various map layers
  • Updated all maps with a greatly improved water shader
  • Updated all maps with a greatly optimized grass shader


Zoinks! Hopefully, you found a little somethin' somethin' in there for you, since it was a large one. Hang in there just a little longer - we're almost done smashing the bugs! Oh, and one last thing:
OWI's Company Holiday

We mentioned it in the last Recap and we know some of you wanted to see all our smiling faces -- something many of us got to do for the first time as well! The whole team survived despite Google incompatible bus drivers, ancient roof collapses, evil staircases, swordfights, and one downhill biking accident (Don't worry -- we always deploy with medics!) and we're back, hard at work. A huge thank you to everyone that made the trip possible and got us home safely.

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