***Official Squad Thread***

Just spent a good long time reading through this thread, sounds impressive stuff. While I'm not a massive fan of infantry combat type stuff, I like the idea of support roles, particularly troop transport, supply, medivac, recon via helicopter.
When might we see those elements added? I think I might have to go ahead and get onto steam and download.

Air vehicles are a long way off. Ground troop transport/logistics are very close however. Won't be any med-evacs though, we scrubbed that idea long ago!
Caved-in and picked this up yesterday...

Enjoying it so far, but I just had my first go at being a Medic and found it pretty confusing, didn't seem very intuitive... sometimes my healing/revive worked, other times it wasn't working at all (there doesn't seem to be much visual feedback when you are healing someone). Not sure what I'm doing wrong, do you just pull out the medic bag and hold RMB on whoever you want to heal/revive, and what is LMB supposed to do?

I've seen a bunch of different icons on people, like a yellow half-circle (someone that needs healing-up), a red circle (someone that's down), and one or maybe two 'blood' icons/symbols. I'm not sure what those in-particular signify or what I'm supposed to do when I see them.

Can someone explain, or point me at a guide?
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Caved-in and picked this up yesterday...

Enjoying it so far, but I just had my first go at being a Medic and found it pretty confusing, didn't seem very intuitive... sometimes my healing/revive worked, other times it wasn't working at all (there doesn't seem to be much visual feedback when you are healing someone). Not sure what I'm doing wrong, do you just pull out the medic bag and hold RMB on whoever you want to heal/revive, and what is LMB supposed to do?

I've seen a bunch of different icons on people, like a yellow half-circle (someone that needs healing-up), a red circle (someone that's down), and one or maybe two 'blood' icons/symbols. I'm not sure what those in-particular signify or what I'm supposed to do when I see them.

Can someone explain, or point me at a guide?

Here you go mate, page 49 has the bits about health management - http://downloads.joinsquad.com/Manual/Squad_Alpha-Manual_1_2_0.pdf

Basically you bandage someone first then med kit them. Left click for them, right click for yourself. There is a bit of a bug at the minute where it won't find the player to bandage/heal if they are incapacitated on the ground. One way that sometimes works is to find the guys weapon and bandage/heal that. Another is to get the chap to speak on local, find where the voice is coming from and heal there even if the body isn't there! It's massively annoying I know but we've got it fixed for the next release.

Another thing to drill into your squad mates if you're playing as a medic is that if they have a bandage then anyone can stop the bleeding on anyone else, incapacitated or otherwise. The few seconds saved from them doing the bandaging while you make your way to the casualty can make all the difference. A lot will just stop and watch them bleed out thinking only the medic can bandage.
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As long as there is a new map (which it looks likely) before steam I'm a happy chap.

Should hopefully be a couple done for Steam release.

Thanks again for everyone who has supported Squad, can't wait to play with you all! I'll be running squads for the new guys so if you want in let me know.
Makes for a pretty miserly online experience most of the time and what puts a lot of people off PR before they started getting into teams. It is possible on the rebel side if you're playing insurgency mode as that gameplay doesn't rely as much on teamwork with closer spawn points and lots of very explosive toys, but gameplay on conventional forces tends to suffer badly.

You rely a lot more on spawn points from squad leaders, kits are only available in squads and you can be very easily outgunned without medic support. Sure you can run around other squads in busy areas but it won't feel as accessible as BF series.

I mean if you still enjoy it then fair enough, each to their own but I find the game very miserable if you're playing by yourself without a squad. More so if god forbid it's a large vehicular map.
Me and some mates are going to pre-order this tonight :)

Are there any plans for an OCUK server Melbo?

Also watched a video of squad with Jack frags and I saw you Melbo, nice nade throw into the invisible wall btw :D
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Me and some mates are going to pre-order this tonight :)

Are there any plans for an OCUK server Melbo?

Also watched a video of squad with Jack frags and I saw you Melbo, nice nade throw into the invisible wall btw :D

I'm going to see if I can get one up. There's probably going to be quite a few different already established community servers from the PR days that pop up as the Steam release hits so I'm going to judge it on that.

That must have been a very old build? Must be at least 2/3 months old as I've not played with him for a long time!

Edit - Stand by for a new monthly update in minutes few!
November 2015

What? Another month!?


We can't believe it but it's nearing the release of Squad on Steam Early Access. Everyone on the team is all hands on deck working away on the Steam release build. As a side note our community continues to grow larger with the 10000 registered forum user mark being broken just a few days ago!
Before we dive in though, we would like to remind you that the end of Pre-Purchasing for Squad is Midnight PST, November 30th 2015. This will be your last chance to purchase the game at a discounted rate compared to when we finally launch on Steam Early Access.

Pre-Purchase Here



A lot of progress has been made since the last time we mentioned Vehicles, namely the basics when it comes to networking, possession, vehicle-borne weapons, movement and engine behavior (such as automatic gear shifting and turning mechanics). In our internal builds they are drive-able and have the bones on which future development and polish like animation coupling, audio cues, and special effects can derive from.

Role Limit Systems

We have implemented a system of Kit Role limitations that takes into account how many kits are limited to the entire team (and not just Squads), as well as the range and diversity of kit roles that are available to different sized Squads. Generally the more populous a squad is, the more Roles open to members of that squad there are.

A more in-depth explanation for this can be found on this forum thread here.

Playable Militia & Russian factions

After a few months each in development, these factions will get a piece of the action come Early Access! The Russians have a full compliment of assault rifles and support weapons nearing completion (including optics). The texture work on the Militia faction is still being worked on, but in its current stages it is more than presentable, and playable!






Static Randomizer

We have also introduced a new system for randomizing buildings and other static meshes when starting a new map, greatly increasing round variety and encouraging players to adapt to the always changing tactical situation. One round it could be an open alley, the next it could be a blocked off section of wall. In the future we want to continue to add to this system and include modules like doors, windows and other elements to make the player constantly aware of their surroundings.

TrueSky Integration

We have begun a partnership with Simul and have begun initial integration of their unique weather, lighting and volumetric clouds solution, Truesky. This will give us a real boost in the graphical and visual fidelity of our landscapes and hopefully open a number of doors when it comes to environmental effects like weather and lighting transitions. At the moment we still are in the very early stages of integration, and we will provide updates when we are ready.


New Tracer and Explosion Effects

Our Tracers have gone another makeover, this time to make them much more visible during the day and especially from the shooters perspective. Rather than reading, how about watching them in action?

In addition we have some new kinds of explosions to help differentiate the different kinds of munitions that you'll be sending downrange.

Added Smoke Grenade Models for UGLs

In the future you will now be able to see a difference in the kind of munitions you load into Underbarrel Grenade Launchers. At the moment it is the difference between smokes (and different colours) and Frag grenades.





More development on Chora and in particular a very large mosque area with sweeping fields of fire and gardens full of obstacles.








Sumari Bala

A much denser and more claustrophobic map, Sumari Bala is a literal maze of slums, market complexes and alleyways designed to confuse and disorient ill-prepared squads. This too is taking shape and will undergo many more changes as development on this map continues.









Fools Road

A huge graphical overhaul of the lighting and eastern European foliage has seen this map mature in ways we could not have fathomed within the engine. The addition of a brand new set of train and rail-related statics, bunker/trench systems and other decoration has made Fools Road a definite milestone in developing the look for our other theatre of war.








Jensens (Training) Range

This fun little range has seen a number of interesting additions to the standard pop-up targets, namely with the creation of two different kinds of arenas designed to test a Squads skill at close quarter battle.






In addition to the above additions and more systemic changes, below is a changelog of a few other additions that Squad has undergone over the past month.
  • Finalised moving Squad to Steam
  • When you leave a squad no longer lets you keep your kit
  • Added new systems to edit color of statics, increasing color variety on maps.
  • Added lean limits, players can no longer lean into walls
  • All weapons now have a 2x non-ADS recoil multiplier
  • Various UI tweaks and UI animation edits
  • Sorted Kit Roles into different categories to better reflect what kind of kit they are
  • Added MP443, AKM GP25, AKS74, RPK74, M4 with old-style hand guard and burst function, RPG w/ HEAT rocket


And thats all folks, dont forget that Pre-Purchasing will be ending very soon, on the 30th of November. So if you want to save some coin, now is the time.
Looking forward to seeing everyone in the field this 15th of December!

Offworld Out.

I've been on the fence for some time about this game. I enjoy realistic shooters but most of my friends don't. I had a hard enough time trying to convince them to play Insurgency with me and they often never bothered so I don't really get too much of a chance to play this games with friends - as they should be played.
Now i've finished the painting of the house, time to get to grips with this game. I never really played much PR because i didn't appreicate the team work, however since arma, i've now gone that way.

Could someone suggest a good tuber who has good beginner videos?
I've been on the fence for some time about this game. I enjoy realistic shooters but most of my friends don't. I had a hard enough time trying to convince them to play Insurgency with me and they often never bothered so I don't really get too much of a chance to play this games with friends - as they should be played.

Built in voice communication means you don't need to play with friends. Just find a decent squad that is communicating.
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