***Official Squad Thread***

Res scale and shadows hit fps hard. I find in general it's player count / server side which is the biggest factor.
If you play on the same servers consistently you start to remember which SLs are better. Places in their squads tend to go quickly. I'm a big fan of the SLs who kick anyone not on a mic at the start of the round.

I tried SL once but it was just far too much information for me to process. Medic or LMG for me.
I had great fun being a sniper last night. Usually its one of the roles that gets taken quickly and I play medic but as sniper (or any different role) the game totally changes. Picking off the enemy when hiding in bushes at distance is fun.

Would players have an advantage from using lowest settings? ie removing grass and foliage. There's not much point in hiding in fields of long grass if it can be turned off!
Yeh that does worry me also, and turning shadows off gives a big advantage as well, just like turning gamma up high on night maps is another big advantage, should be locked somehow really.
You'll always get people lowering the settings to get an advantage. You can't completely disable the foliage/trees, the game simply won't start if you do.

At the minute the view distance and shadows are nowhere near how we want them to be for the end product but it's simply a matter of us leaving them as they are for testing. They will be locked to a level in the future so there isn't such an advantage against others.
Myself, i like the game looking nice while i play it, so i keep all settings maxed out, and like the night maps, its horrid maxing out gamma and looks not nice, good that there will be a locked level of sorts in the future thou.
Quote from the SweetFX page:

I use it pretty much for the SMAA and a bit of colour tweaking for Squad. If you're interested let me know and I'll send you over my config for it. Only issue is you have to run the game in borderless mode. I get the same performance in borderless as I do in fullscreen but results may vary.

I just installed the preset Bright Squad, the lighting is superb!!!!
Myself, i like the game looking nice while i play it, so i keep all settings maxed out, and like the night maps, its horrid maxing out gamma and looks not nice, good that there will be a locked level of sorts in the future thou.

Somewhat unrelated but loved the night maps on PR, such eerie feeling to them all and grenadier kit was the best with the flares!
I still haven't had chance to play this despite buying the beta! Works taken too much of my time up but I'm determined to get a game this week. Looking forward to it as I love Arma.
Res scale and shadows hit fps hard. I find in general it's player count / server side which is the biggest factor.

Yeah, paying at 1440p so just have the resscale @100. Shadows on low/med with 1024.

But yeah, map/server and number of players seems to have quite an effect.
I run 1440p, ultra everything, 100% scaling with sweetfx msaa enabled and get 30-80fps online, averaging maybe 50. Im going to upgrade my 780Ti to a 980Ti though so should be able to average 60. God damned game making me buy a £550 gpu!
I run 1440p, ultra everything, 100% scaling with sweetfx msaa enabled and get 30-80fps online, averaging maybe 50. Im going to upgrade my 780Ti to a 980Ti though so should be able to average 60. God damned game making me buy a £550 gpu!

Wait until the new gpu's coming out later this year. Remember that the large 60+ player servers will cripple any system due to us using EPIC's default animation system which isn't fit for purpose.
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