Quote from the SweetFX page:
I use it pretty much for the SMAA and a bit of colour tweaking for Squad. If you're interested let me know and I'll send you over my config for it. Only issue is you have to run the game in borderless mode. I get the same performance in borderless as I do in fullscreen but results may vary.
Myself, i like the game looking nice while i play it, so i keep all settings maxed out, and like the night maps, its horrid maxing out gamma and looks not nice, good that there will be a locked level of sorts in the future thou.
What is this sweetfx everyone goes on about on all game threads ?
What is this sweetfx everyone goes on about on all game threads ?
Res scale and shadows hit fps hard. I find in general it's player count / server side which is the biggest factor.
I run 1440p, ultra everything, 100% scaling with sweetfx msaa enabled and get 30-80fps online, averaging maybe 50. Im going to upgrade my 780Ti to a 980Ti though so should be able to average 60. God damned game making me buy a £550 gpu!