*****Official Star Wars: The Old Republic Thread*****

thing is I havent done any dailies on illum just yet... so surely i would still have the crystal ball quest...
unless... i already did it... argh i cant remember
thing is I havent done any dailies on illum just yet... so surely i would still have the crystal ball quest...
unless... i already did it... argh i cant remember

The Dailies form part of the "Ilum" story line which ends with Ilum Under Seige (Battle of Ilum/False Emperor) - it's just 6 of the missions can be done "each day"

1. Heroic 2+ - Smoke Out 3 Jedi's and Kill them
2. Deliver food to a crashed pilot
3. Kill 4 little droid things and then shut down communications
4. Set off and defend a bomb
5. Kill 4 Turrets
6. Collect prototype Shields generators Mk1,Mk2 and Mk3
Ok I think I may know whats going on...
*Crystal Ball - received after finishing the Class Story quest – you receive 3 Daily Commendations for completing it.
*A Gentleman's Agreement – received after finishing Crystal Ball - you receive 3 Daily Commendations for completing it.
*Armada – received after finishing A Gentleman's Agreement - you receive 3 Daily Commendations for completing it.
*The Jedi Temple - received after finishing Armada – you receive 1 Daily Commendations for completing it.

I remember fighting Darth Arho in the last mission of this batch (The Jedi Temple) So I must have completed crystal ball at some point! But thing is... was the only way to do the crystal ball mission was to pic it up from Halaa? Or was there a quest giver already on illum for the crystal ball quest?
With 1.3 dropping tomorrow I'm trying to ready myself for the incomming QQ's about something.

I'm greatly looking forward to the rated warzones and the group finder. I haven't done any hard modes for a very long time so i'll be dipping my toes back in to see how it all works.

Something will go wrong tomorrow, no idea what but I can guarantee that the forums will be in uproar over something or other. I'm going to speculate there will be some teething problems with the rated warzones which is going to blow up into a massive drama!
Looking forward to seeing how "fixed" it actually is!

Really enjoying the game again since the server merges, I'm on ToFN as Cerés (Jedi Shadow) if anyone wants to do some Warzones etc.
Looking forward to seeing how "fixed" it actually is!

Really enjoying the game again since the server merges, I'm on ToFN as Cerés (Jedi Shadow) if anyone wants to do some Warzones etc.

If you below 50 mate I will join you(or anybody) My Assassin is resting :p and I’m playing with my 22 Sage - Zaynë. I've changed to healing, now that group finder is coming out.
I don't want to jinx things but I think this will be the patch that brings SWTOR up to "WoW" standards.

Rated PvP, group finder and dare i say it - optimised engine!

Sometimes I wish they'd delayed release a bit so these features could have been included but in all honesty I was so eager for release I would have happily taken a much more buggy game than the one they released! If all of this was available at launch this game would have done very very well, let's hope that people realise the features are there now and return to the game!
Snave agree what you say. Not quite sure “Wow standards” yet but it’s heading in the right direction. As we all know and have said a hundred times, patch 1.2 and 1.3 should have been in from day one but it wasn’t. BW lost a lot of subscribers because of things they ignored and their arrogance towards the community.

Transfers, way too late but have made a massive difference. I'm sure we will see a number of people coming back to test out 1.3 like they did for 1.2. Once GW2 launches then we will see the true numbers for Tor.

I’m looking forward to 1.3 very much. The game engine fix (aren’t we all :D), LFG and ranked pvp.
The game engine problems people have with this game truely baffle me. I've got a i5 @ 4.4, 560ti 448 and 8 gigs of ram so it's not exactly an amazing machine but I get almost zero problems with lag or FPS drop. I can stand on the busiest part of the fleet when it's full and get no spikes and the same in pvp.

How my machine can do this when people with FAR better specs cant is rather confusing.

One thing, and i've mentioned this before, that I suffer from very badly is this GCD activating when i spam buttons (which is constantly). I had a 1v1 with a marauder yesterday and in the duration of this one fight it happened to me 3 times.

I still won (because im THAT amazing) but when I though about it I potentially lost 3 attacks there, say a average of 1.5k per hit (it's actually a lot higher but i'm being conservative), that means I lost 4.5k damage for no reason at all.

Hang on! Just had a thought!

Seeing as I'm already a beast in pvp this will just make me even better! OMG.
The game engine problems people have with this game truely baffle me. I've got a i5 @ 4.4, 560ti 448 and 8 gigs of ram so it's not exactly an amazing machine but I get almost zero problems with lag or FPS drop. I can stand on the busiest part of the fleet when it's full and get no spikes and the same in pvp.

How my machine can do this when people with FAR better specs cant is rather confusing.

My config is identical to yours, right down to the o/c on the i5, and it's **** for me. Plays well enough when you're on the ground, but get in a taxi and it jerks its way to your destination. Dare to turn on grass and it does the same thing every three seconds when you're moving.
I have no idea what to say to you mate, I have mine set on maximum everything including grass and it runs fine.

I have a 1600 x 1050 resolution so maybe it's that? I also did all the little tweaks recommended but I'm not sure they made any difference.
I have everything on max, only shadows is set to off and I get 60+ fps. When I get to fleet it drops to about 30/40fps, when I get to the Warzone bounty board I get about 15/20fps :mad:

I’m running i7, gtx670, 12g ram and on a ssd too so not sure why I get such **** fps when I’m on fleet? Hopefully with the patch tomorrow, it will be sorted!
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