The game engine problems people have with this game truely baffle me. I've got a i5 @ 4.4, 560ti 448 and 8 gigs of ram so it's not exactly an amazing machine but I get almost zero problems with lag or FPS drop. I can stand on the busiest part of the fleet when it's full and get no spikes and the same in pvp.
How my machine can do this when people with FAR better specs cant is rather confusing.
One thing, and i've mentioned this before, that I suffer from very badly is this GCD activating when i spam buttons (which is constantly). I had a 1v1 with a marauder yesterday and in the duration of this one fight it happened to me 3 times.
I still won (because im THAT amazing) but when I though about it I potentially lost 3 attacks there, say a average of 1.5k per hit (it's actually a lot higher but i'm being conservative), that means I lost 4.5k damage for no reason at all.
Hang on! Just had a thought!
Seeing as I'm already a beast in pvp this will just make me even better! OMG.