*****Official Star Wars: The Old Republic Thread*****

Well I got 2 level 50's, tried PvP on my Sniper but found it was not much fun.

Got my Juggernaut to 50 and was a better levelling experience, but with the situation in Lv50 PvP I can't stand to play it. I've tried & persevered in PvP but 'cos I never did any 10-49 PvP I was always on the back foot with regards gear.

Got some better gear but the amount of people that quit mid-round when losing, go afk when losing to end a round quicker or don't play the objectives & aim for 1v1 duels all the time really does destroy the PvP experience.

I'll admit I'm not the worlds greatest PvP'er but coming from LOTRO and it's limited PvP shamefully it blows SWTOR's out of the water for balance.

Others will have a different perspective on it, but from my limited experience it's just a chain stun, slow, push-back death-fest until you get equivalent gear. New players will suffer a similar fate if they don't PvP pre-50 and that really won't draw in new `blood` further down the line.

For me it's no fun and although I've rolled an alt on the PTS I can't see the changes & fixes they've implemented (1.2 should have been the games release state tbh) saving it, especially when you see the server numbers dropping so much.

Shame as I really was looking forward to years of playing it, but it's all commercial fluff from EA/Bioware and lacking in substance.
I have given up at lvl 28, the same feelings i had in beta have hit me again, and i cant get motivation to play it. It is to much of a WoW clone for me to enjoy. The story was one of the things that was pushing me along, but after so many levels it starts feeling really repetitive and dull, which reminds of the reasons why i quit WoW.
I think i'll let my sub lapse this month as i'm finding myself logging into BF3 again for my PvP fix more often than TOR now. At least i got a few months out of it before becoming thoroughly bored but looks like it's back to waiting for something else new.

SOA hardmode finally downed this weekend. That puts us 5/5 HM EV and 5/5 HM KP

Now if only I'd won the chestpiece all would have been good...back to it this week :D
Good work noj - im 9/10 NMM now guild already was but I wasnt in team that did it originally until last night when we did KP. just SOA that eludes us, 4% is our best effort. the first 4 we can oneshot in about 50min too :(
I think i'll let my sub lapse this month as i'm finding myself logging into BF3 again for my PvP fix more often than TOR now. At least i got a few months out of it before becoming thoroughly bored but looks like it's back to waiting for something else new.

You certainly managed longer than I did anyway. I think I probably would have subbed for longer if the endgame content had been less buggy and if I had more time to actually play it!
Good work noj - im 9/10 NMM now guild already was but I wasnt in team that did it originally until last night when we did KP. just SOA that eludes us, 4% is our best effort. the first 4 we can oneshot in about 50min too :(

We managed SOA on The Empire other night on NMM took 3 tries got him to 4% first time then 1% on the 2nd and you know what they say 3rd times a charm and everyone still standing :)
WoW inspired


At the risk of asking a question already answered...

How did you move these around? I didnt think it was possible yet?
16 man m8

Ah that might be why then, a lot of guilds run him 16man on NMM as it's easier; less chance of bad luck on the RNG!

He is doable on 8man of course just everything needs to go perfect and luck on yourside, when we got him to 4% we missed a pillar drop cos the tank was Mind Trapped! :(

I'm yet to run a 16man, no more raids for me anyway now for 5-6 weeks! :(
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