*****Official Star Wars: The Old Republic Thread*****

18 Oct 2002
Down under mate!
As you may have noticed the forums have been a lot slower lately. Some of you may have noticed the database errors we're constantly getting. One of the possible reasons for this, is the huge amount of very large threads we have across the forums. So I'm afraid the old thread will be archived.

The original thread can be found here.

Star Wars the Old Republic official site - http://www.swtor.com/

OcUK players and guild forum - http://www.beyondtheclock.com/home

**Guild Servers**

The OcUK servers:
Frostclaw                 PvE (EU)       The Dark Religion (Empire) OcUK guild ([url]http://www.beyondtheclock.com[/url])
Frostclaw                 PvE (EU)       It's A Tarp (Republic) OcUK guild
Tomb of Freedon Nadd      PvP (EU)       Black Sun Pirates (Empire) OcUK Guild ([url]http://www.beyondtheclock.com[/url])
Kellian Jarro             PvE (EU)       Nice Hat (Republic) OcUK guild

OcUK friends:
Basilisk Droid            PvP (EU)       Harmless 
Legions of Lettow         PvP (EU)       Echo Seven and UK Galactic Council
Hex Droid                 PvP (EU)       DooM
Niman                     PvP (EU)       The Immortals (Republic) 
Niman                     PvP (EU)       The Dark Immortals (Empire)
Peragus Mining Facility   PvE (EU)       The Fallen Unit (Empire)
Nightmare Lands           PvE (EU)       Lords of Nightmare (Empire)
Tomb of Freedon Nadd      PvP/PvE        [URL="http://peoplesimp.swtornow.com/"]PiMP (People's Imperial Movement Party)[/URL]

**Guild Invites**
These are the people to /whisper to get an invite to the various guilds -

The Dark Religion:
This guild requires you to register at the OcUK players and guild forum and to post both your OcUK and TOR name before an invite can be sent.

Black Sun Pirates:

Nice Hat:

It's A Tarp:

Lords of Nightmare:

The Immortals
Lian Lee

The Dark Immortals

PiMP (People's Imperial Movement Party), *now located in the Tomb of Freedon Nadd* - more info also here.
Goberkain (GM)
** More likely to be online

If you get the message "this person does not exist", it is because they are offline :)
***OcUK Players List***
[COLOR="DarkOrange"][B]OcUK              In-Game      Faction      Class             Server                   Guild[/B][/COLOR]
CaptainRAVE       Zago         Imperial     Sith Juggernaut   FrostClaw                TDR
CaptainRAVE       Zeet         Republic     Trooper           Kellian Jarro            Nice Hat
Glaucus           Glaucus      Imperial     Operative         Tomb of Freedon Nadd     Black Sun Pirates
Quick Mustard     Elysus       Imperial                       Tomb of Freedon Nadd     Black Sun Pirates
Furbs             tomor        Republic                       Tomb of Freedon Nadd                 
davewhite04       Kudos        Republic                       FrostClaw            
paulc25           Nomi         Republic                       Sith'ari       
Quick Mustard     Elysus       Imperial     Sith Warrior      Tomb of Freedon Nadd     Black Sun Pirates
Morbius           Morbius      Imperial     Sith Sorceror     Tomb of Freedon Nadd     Black Sun Pirates
Doug              Ione         Imperial     Sith Marauder     Tomb of Freedon Nadd     Black Sun Pirates
Doug              Valisk       Imperial     Agent             FrostClaw                TDR  
Apem              Surtr        Imperial     Sith Sorceror     FrostClaw                TDR       
Sir-Les-MP        SirLesMP     Republic     Jedi Sentinel      
robmol            Oroborus     Imperial     Sith Marauder     Tomb of Freedon Nadd     Black Sun Pirates
blky              Madianda     Imperial     Sith Marauder     FrostClaw                TDR      
CptMorgans        Morgans      Imperial     Agent Operative   FrostClaw                TDR    
TwistedDefekt     Ouija        Imperial     Sith Sorcerer     Tomb of Freedon Nadd     Black Sun Pirates
Cat In Pyjamas    Daulgis      Imperial     Sith Assassin     Tomb of Freedon Nadd     Black Sun Pirates
stusteel          Doutzen      Imperial     Sith Marauder     FrostClaw                TDR   
Spudbynight       Vengus       Imperial     Sith Sorcerer     Tomb of Freedon Nadd     Black Sun Pirates
dr_volki          Soarem       Imperial     Sith Sorceror     FrostClaw                TDR   
Ireoxee           Ireoxee      Imperial     BH Mercenary      FrostClaw                TDR   
Ireoxee           Lugger       Imperial     Sith Juggernaut   FrostClaw                TDR 
flibby            Zarasi       Imperial     Bounty Hunter     FrostClaw                TDR 
Philmein          Zaba'paw     Imperial     BH (Healing)      FrostClaw                TDR 
Sc(+)pe           Crimzon      Imperial     Agent Operative   FrostClaw                TDR 
N19h7m4r3         Valentyn     Sith                           The Exile's Crystal
TheKnat           Hatstand     Imperial     Sith Juggernaut   FrostClaw                TDR
overclick         Distraught   Imperial     Agent Operative   FrostClaw                TDR    
Platypus          Malis                                       FrostClaw                TDR  
Platypus          Eristra
kinger8938        Zarek        Imperial     Sith Assassin     FrostClaw                TDR    
hanmer            hanmer       Imperial     Sith Sorceror     FrostClaw                TDR 
Rafiki            Dysphagia    Imperial     Sith Assassin     FrostClaw                TDR

***Voice Comms***
Overclockers UK have created a free Mumble server and multiple channels for TOR - see details on how to set this up here.

***Skill Calculator***

***Crafting Guide***


Thank-you to the OcUK members that have contributed to this post. If any of you would like anything added here (or if you have any suggestions), please feel free to message me in trust, reply to this thread, or post on the OcUK guild forums.
Better than it was, end game a bit of variety of things to do - I recently re-subbed for a month to finish off a few of the class quests (the best part of the game imho) - ignoring the boring side quests & pvping.

It's a shame it's taken them so long to get it polished, if they had delayed release for a while longer - fixed the bugs & added some of the extra end game content it may have done much better.
Better than it was, end game a bit of variety of things to do - I recently re-subbed for a month to finish off a few of the class quests (the best part of the game imho) - ignoring the boring side quests & pvping.

It's a shame it's taken them so long to get it polished, if they had delayed release for a while longer - fixed the bugs & added some of the extra end game content it may have done much better.

Yeah I've never been that fussed on MMO PVP, though I thoroughly enjoyed playing through with a single character.
It is free to play but it's a terrible restrictive version that does impact on the whole game experience. I only lasted a few months after release as it was really average and empty.

I bought a 60day card from kinguin or rhinokeys (same website really) and got 30days free for returning and must confess loving it.

The game is extremely polished and the combat seems more responsive and fun. You can basically do all the character class stories from 1-50 for free which in fairness makes the game solo and Kotor'ish.

I personally play it for the arena based PvP, switching between alts and think it brilliant. Sure, some matches are totally one-sided but you win some lose some!
It is free to play but it's a terrible restrictive version that does impact on the whole game experience. I only lasted a few months after release as it was really average and empty.

I bought a 60day card from kinguin or rhinokeys (same website really) and got 30days free for returning and must confess loving it.

The game is extremely polished and the combat seems more responsive and fun. You can basically do all the character class stories from 1-50 for free which in fairness makes the game solo and Kotor'ish.

I personally play it for the arena based PvP, switching between alts and think it brilliant. Sure, some matches are totally one-sided but you win some lose some!
This pretty much echoes my experience of it.

It's much better coming back now it's polished & completed - also far more to do at end game than the average MMO (flashpoints, operations, war-zones, arena, 2 player instances, companion development, digging side quests, holo-binocular things, PVE space battles (rebel assault style), PVP space combat (arena style), bounty hunting missions & a fair few different worlds worth of different repeatable daily content (to keep it fresher).
Its a much better game, just its still lacking content.

Most of the content now comes in the form of Cartel Packs which you have to buy on the Cartel Market.

You very rarely get worth while looking gear from PvP and Raids you only really go there for the mods you can pull out and put in better looking gear you buy from the Cartel Market.

You can buy the nice gear from the GTN, but you will be paying a million credits and up per piece.

They recently added 'free roam' PvP space combat, but its half baked and another method to charge people for content via the CM. All the good looking ships are purchases through the CM and the best co pilots too.

For me, its turned into a 'pay to win' system to try and flog a dead horse.

Buy it, play the stories and leave. Just don't get too invested or you'll be wasting money.
Buy it, play the stories and leave. Just don't get too invested or you'll be wasting money.

Give me a break LateX, just because you think it's a waste of money doesn't make it a waste of money for somebody else, they might actually enjoy the game, and there is plenty of content, you just need a group of friends or a guild who does them regularly.

Cartel Packs are just cosmetics, so they're not essential to purchase. Free to play players will have to purchase various items from the Cartel Market in order to do Flashpoints, PvP, but i think you get preferred status if you purchase something from the Market, but preferred status is still not that great.

I agree with you on GSF, i've found it poor and a cash grab but that doesn't mean to say someone else will feel the same.

At the people who are interested in the game, give it a shot and if you like it, then by all means continue playing it. The free to play option is poor, it forces you to subscribe, but let's be honest here, if you didn't enjoy the game then you wouldn't bother purchasing a subscription for the game and you'd be playing some other MMO.

Edit: Characters on The Red Eclipse: Wescar (55 Juggernaut Tank), Kathryine (54 Assassin Tank).
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The Cartel Market from what I've seen does not include pay to win pieces. Sure, it has some brilliant mounts and some cool looking armour but it's all 'adaptive' meaning there are no stats.

The adaptive armour is one of the games best features in my opinion. No longer do I have to craft or buy better gear, I can trade in quest commendations and tailor my armour how I want for free.

Considering you can get 60day time cards for £7-10 it's hardly breaking the bank. Thing is none of that matters if your enjoying the game.
Aw, the old thread had epic battles, bitter rivalries, load of open PvP, and was generally a lot of fun.

*tries to resist the urge to point out how much better it was than the actual game*

*fails* :D
Give me a break LateX, just because you think it's a waste of money doesn't make it a waste of money for somebody else, they might actually enjoy the game, and there is plenty of content, you just need a group of friends or a guild who does them regularly.

I think its a waste of money, but i still recommended it for the stories....

Cartel Packs are just cosmetics, so they're not essential to purchase. Free to play players will have to purchase various items from the Cartel Market in order to do Flashpoints, PvP, but i think you get preferred status if you purchase something from the Market, but preferred status is still not that great.

Yeah you can argue its all cosmetic, but when PvE acquired armour pieces (outside cartel market) look like complete dog crap, the cosmetic items become more valuable. While the cosmetics do not make you 'win', they are the best looking so in directly become pay to look cool.

90% of the new mounts have come from cartel packs.

The best companion healer in the game is Treek from the cartel market, the best ships and co pilots are from the cartel market. So that is pay to win, as none of them can be acquired in the game normally.

And ironically the cartel packs are basically gambling, which unless your of legal age, you could argue is illegal to most players of SWTOR. As you pay for a chance of something, making it like a scratch card.
I think its a waste of money, but i still recommended it for the stories....

Yeah you can argue its all cosmetic, but when PvE acquired armour pieces (outside cartel market) look like complete dog crap, the cosmetic items become more valuable. While the cosmetics do not make you 'win', they are the best looking so in directly become pay to look cool.

90% of the new mounts have come from cartel packs.

The best companion healer in the game is Treek from the cartel market, the best ships and co pilots are from the cartel market. So that is pay to win, as none of them can be acquired in the game normally.

And ironically the cartel packs are basically gambling, which unless your of legal age, you could argue is illegal to most players of SWTOR. As you pay for a chance of something, making it like a scratch card.

Treek can be unlocked when you reach Legacy level 40, you just have to pay credits to get his contract.

Pay to look cool isn't pay to win :eek:

Gambling? legal age ? illegal ? seriously !!!!
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