*****Official Star Wars: The Old Republic Thread*****

I have a huge issue with the cartel packs. One of the main reasons I stopped my sub.

I didn't have an issue with an item shop - it is the random nature of things. The cartel packs are scratch cards. I don't waste my money on those either.
Gambling? legal age ? illegal ? seriously !!!!

Yeah, so you pay £5 to get a cartel pack - True
You pay £5 to get a scratch card - True
You have a % chance of getting something (Or nothing) you want from a cartel pack - True
You have a % chance of getting something (Or nothing) from a scratch card - True

It feeds exactly the same part of the brain as gambling does and it has all the same properties as gambling. Its just shrouded behind computer gaming and cash shop regulation.

Gambling is the wagering of money or something of material value (referred to as "the stakes") on an event with an uncertain outcome with the primary intent of winning additional money and/or material goods. Gambling thus requires three elements be present: consideration, chance and prize.[1] Typically, the outcome of the wager is evident within a short period.

This is exactly what the Cartel Market packs are.

If you sell this to under age kids, which I'm sure EA are doing, you could potentially sue them.
Yeah, so you pay £5 to get a cartel pack - True
You pay £5 to get a scratch card - True
You have a % chance of getting something (Or nothing) you want from a cartel pack - True
You have a % chance of getting something (Or nothing) from a scratch card - True

It feeds exactly the same part of the brain as gambling does and it has all the same properties as gambling. Its just shrouded behind computer gaming and cash shop regulation.

This is exactly what the Cartel Market packs are.

If you sell this to under age kids, which I'm sure EA are doing, you could potentially sue them.

I suggest you add Blizzard to that then as the packs you buy for Hearthstone are exactly like this (the only difference is that you dont 'scratch' anything off), and ArenaNet with their dye packs for GW2. In fact any company that sells anything with random chance items.

Utterly ridiculous notion.
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Yeah, so you pay £5 to get a cartel pack - True
You pay £5 to get a scratch card - True
You have a % chance of getting something (Or nothing) you want from a cartel pack - True
You have a % chance of getting something (Or nothing) from a scratch card - True

It feeds exactly the same part of the brain as gambling does and it has all the same properties as gambling. Its just shrouded behind computer gaming and cash shop regulation.

This is exactly what the Cartel Market packs are.

If you sell this to under age kids, which I'm sure EA are doing, you could potentially sue them.

can't resist........ nope...

It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt
LateX, your last few posts really did brighten up my morning, cheers bud :p
I do personally strongly dislike how they have implemented the Cartel packs - the main gain should be fixed (perhaps via a set amount of tokens) with an additional side chance of a random bonus reward.

Currently the main reward is the random part (you may/may not get something interesting) - but you will always get some worthless junk.

I had a few thousand cartel points when I came back & tried a few (didn't know they backdated them - which was pretty cool) & was amazed at how bad value for money they would be had I paid real money for them.
Whats the lowest price for cartel coins? Decided to give this another go and level my operative. Had a few toons around 20-30 so tried them all out and Operative was the most fun, really dislike having the helm showing though.

Believe there is no way to earn Cartel Coins apart from dropping RL cash, that right?
Whats the lowest price for cartel coins? Decided to give this another go and level my operative. Had a few toons around 20-30 so tried them all out and Operative was the most fun, really dislike having the helm showing though.

Believe there is no way to earn Cartel Coins apart from dropping RL cash, that right?
You get the odd 20odd for each chapter, along with a few for certain achievements - you also get 500 (iirc) for each month subscribed (100+ for security fob key thing).
Well, it's proved to be the most ridiculous game ever for trying to recover a password. It won't let me reset my password without knowing my security key, and it won't let me reset my security key without logging into my account. I don't even remember using a mobile authenticator. Anyway, I appreciate why, but I'm not going to mess about phoning them to get back in. I guess I'll leave this one to the memory banks.
Just resubbed to this. I tend to dip in every 6 months or so, but the 60 day time card someone mentioned earlier in the thread actually make it much more financially viable.

I was in at launch and still haven't finished a class story, I need to pull my finger out. Might actually have to engage in the community and see if that increases my commitment, have played a good number of MMos in my time and never really bothered playing with other people, probably why I never last to be honest.
So I finally recovered my password and I'm having a run about in-game. I've started over, as all my characters got moved and need renaming...so I went to the RP server.

I do enjoy the starter areas - they're fab :)
Just a little 'exploit' that i'd thought to share.

If you log into your account and your a subscriber, remove your registered card from your 'online wallet' so you have no cards to continue your sub, but don't press cancel on your subscription.

You'll keep racking up Cartel Coins, but you wont get charged ;)
Just started this after watching some clone wars earlier. For someone who's never played an mmo before it's really odd controls. Went for a Human smuggler.
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