** Official** Starfield - Mods and Tweaks

6 Jan 2013
Thread to discuss modding the game. I'll update the OP with some links and info as we go.




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Some tips and tricks from Reddit.

1. The scanner highlights lootable items.

2. When lock-picking, if you rotate a key, then switch to a different one (Using LB + RB), the first one will stay in the position you left it. This is helpful for figuring out which keys to utilize.

2.1 Below there is a helpful video guide to lock-picking.

3. If you are playing with a controller, Bumper Jumper is so helpful for shooting while jumping. I set Right Bumper as jump and Y as grenade.

4. You can sort your loot by mass and value, which makes searching for useless heavy items to discard much easier.

5. You can set weapons as favorites so you can quickly switch between them in combat using the d-pad for controller.

6. You can travel to other planets/locations without using the map by opening your scanner and clicking on the icons. (credit to u/DionysusDerp )

7. As soon as you exit your ship upon arriving to New Atlantis, at the spaceport, there is a terminal to the right of the ramp immediately in front of you.

7.1 It allows you tell sell any items you have in your inventory and your ships inventory regardless of type. (Stores will only buy items they sell, EG gun stores will only buy guns)

7.2 Also, be sure to check the credits the terminal has available, in the upper corner as once it's depleted you will be selling items for nothing.

8. hide space suit in settlements in the inventory -> suits menu. (there's a button down at the bottom)

9. The scanner also gives you a path to your objective.

10. The game actually has a cover system, you can stand near the edge of a wall and aim down sites to pop in and out of cover as demonstrated below.

I tried to install the wide-screen fix and the intro remover mods but they didn't install for some reason.

Are you all installing manually or using Mod Organizer?
The manual method here with anything off nexus. Are you putting the mod files in the correct folder under my documents > My games etc?

Yea, maybe I missed something really obvious.

I'm off to work for a few weeks anyway, so hopefully the mods have been refined by the time I get back. :)
Now that we have a few mods in the wild, I'd like to ask a few questions as I may make a little guide for the OP.

  1. What are you using to install mods?
  2. What would you consider your essential mods?
  3. What mods have you ruled out and why?
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