*** Official Ubiquiti Discussion Thread ***

Hmm, ok, yes I've used PoE injectors before. I've got an 8 port HP gigabit switch, I've just never really been impressed with its performance. Might be a better option though to save ££.
Every gigabit switch that I've ever used (even £15 jobbies) have always maxed out gigabit LAN.

Indeed. I've never come across a layer 2 switch which didn't quote wire speed for each interface (and a sufficient backplane to do all ports full duplex, e.g. 16gbps back plane for an 8 port gigabit switch).
Have you any experience of the USG?

Every gigabit switch that I've ever used (even £15 jobbies) have always maxed out gigabit LAN.

I wonder if its just a faulty switch then; I'll look at a new switch as it'll be considerably cheaper than the Unifi kit.
Have you any experience of the USG?

I've been using one for a few months. Works well but the controller is a bit lacking in configuration options so if yoyu want to do anything more than very basic config you'll need to use the command line.

The command line itself is fine, I have no problem with that (I'm a Cisco guy) but I HATE the way you can't just shove stuff in the command line, save it and have the config survive a reboot. No, you need to make a file on the controller with the custom config and hope you have the syntax exactly correct if you don't want the uSG to get into a reboot loop.

They're adding more options to the controller (with the beta versions you can add static routes which was very helpful for me) but I look at the USG as a product that isn't ready for release yet.
On a fairly tight budget, would 1x ac pro be better than 2x ac lites? Or shall I get one ac pro and get a second when funds allow.

Not too worried by the poe injector issue, I just want to increase the range and throughput in my 60s large 3 bed house. Happy to route cables to loft and through walls etc to gain optimum position.

Other info: about 20 wifi devices not all at once (Inc sky, nest, phones and tablets) and we also have fibre bb. Just want fast reliable Internet and WiFi calls.

Thanks in advance
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2 lites cover my 25 odd devices roaming across 3000s*** of house and well into the garden so I reckon that config would serve you well.
What software version are your APs on?

I noticed my AC-LR is on and the upgrade button was showing, but when I press upgrade it seems like it's working, then when it refreshes after a minute or so it's still on, the ubnt site shows 3.7.21 as the latest, I'm running controller 5.2.9.
Got one last week9AC PRO)
Coming from Meraki MR18s(x2) - I don't see that much of an improvement - thought the AC would help but only barely noticeable and even that in the speed tests with about 10mbps higher download speeds.

But now, i can't see any SSIDs created in the AC PRO? After loggin in to the controller i can see it active and SSID is there but cant see it in any device when scanning!
Any advice?
Avarhar, disconnect from wifi and scan again.

Tried many times.
Even a support person remote in for a check, but no good - no matter what they tried i would not get a stable SSID.
I am sitting right next to the AP and i only get a very weak signal for 5-10 seconds and then SSID drops off.

They are going to investigate this and come back - if not issue an RMA.
I am going to put my Merakis back on.
Sounds like a duff unit. We've had 1 faulty from about 340 of them. Worked on for a day, then had strange connectivity issues. RMA it.
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