I have the controller on RPi4, with 2 x 8 port POE switches and 4 x Unifi APs of various types(Mix of AC-Pro, AC-HD. HD Nano and AC-LR). Is it worth investing in a UDM at this time? Not sure if they are working on a replacement?
With RPi4 I find it a bit difficult to maintain it with the docker setup I have, so I thought it would be better to move it out of RPi4, and I could probably use better wifi with UDM in the attic room where my Pi setup is and home office is.
I have a question for the Unifi experts on this board..
I am currently using a UDM (non pro) and its generally been decent. Following my purchase I ended up in a situation where I have two internet connections coming into my house and I would like to set up something that can utilise dual WAN. The UDM (non pro) doesnt do dual WAN.
Is it possible to set up Pfsense with the UDM? For example, Pfsense will deal with the dual WAN and the UDM can be an access point and deal with everything else.
From having searched online, this looks difficult and the general advice seems to be abandon the UDM and get something that natively handles dual wan. I thought I would ask before I did decide to abandon the machine.
Thanks in advance.
Yeah it would be a ball to admin as you would be double routing stuff. I was running pfsense but I've bought a UDM-P and the main reason was to use the Protect side, having 3 ESXi images running pfsense/Unifi and Protect didn't make sense.
pfsense is much more painful and if you don't want the Protect cameras then stick with that.
Thanks, I figured as much reading about people trying to integrate a UDM/Pro into their pfsense builds.
I take it by that last sentence you mean Pfsense by itself is much less painful to use?
Might as well go for the Unifi Lite 6 over the nano, yes 2x2 vs 4x4 for HD but AX so futureproof
agreed. The only bugger at mo, is it’s not covering my ring camera on the garage, it’s not far away, but obviously the direction downwards through the house won’t cover. Stood outside under the camera with the iPhone and no signal, also means no coverage for the garden. Not that really is a prob..
mount higher into the loft? Fundamentally I’m happy with the coverage with 1 x AP mounted on the ceiling.
Not running cable into the kitchen as that was finished last year, could leave a lite connected via power line dedicated to the Ring device.
running mesh at mo and want get away from that.
Try UNII2 channels as you'll get a bit more power, also make sure you are set to 20MHz channels as less SNR compared to the wider channels.
Oh yeah if its 2.4 set to low power.
The higher the AP is mounted the bigger the area it'll cover but also the more it'll effect other clients.
UniFi 6 Extender might also be option if you go WiFi 6/AX
I agree, but with the insulation and such, how much of an effect will that have in the loft etc.
I generally always set to low power on the 2.4Ghz, otherwise you get the shouting match effect.
Will have a look at that offering. re the Unifi 6 Extender.
There will be three 8 x Unifi switches (two to add) with LACP aggr via wallports when it's done. I'm aiming for aiming for anything that as an ethernet port to utilise it. Then get Sky Q wifi off etc. Will have to account for STP issues with SkyQ and Sonos,