*** Official Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning Thread***

According to the website (and not me) anyone who registered a key should now be able to get into the game.

Forget waiting for e-mails just try and log in is my advice. I know a few people who had been waiting on e-mails but never tried to login and then when they did they got in straight away.

ya my IRL mates is playing black orc along with my disciple, its a very powerful combo especially in scenarios!

I just have a one hander and shield at the moment, but in scenarios im a proper tank i can take so many people on! It's good fun with like 4-5 beating on you and 2 healers are healing you as your taking them all down it's how a tank should be.
Morning all,
I had a fantastic blast at this game yesterday i really struggled to get off the game :p
I played Zealot, Marauder and a squig herder. I'l type up a little review of what i though of the game in a mo. But generally loved the whole feel to the game. The chaos area was really cool and the Northwatch (?) the bg type thing damm its like a mini AB (Sorry for WoW reference) But much much better.
And i soon figured out i hate bright wizards :p
Morning all,
I had a fantastic blast at this game yesterday i really struggled to get off the game :p
I played Zealot, Marauder and a squig herder. I'l type up a little review of what i though of the game in a mo. But generally loved the whole feel to the game. The chaos area was really cool and the Northwatch (?) the bg type thing damm its like a mini AB (Sorry for WoW reference) But much much better.
And i soon figured out i hate bright wizards :p

Yeah i tryed out a Zealot and liked it a lot. I really enjoyed the game after finally managing to get in game, i can't wait for retail now.

I think i finally pulled myself of the game at half one when i had to wake up five hours later for work.
Strange, I received the emails from my 5 attempts at registering my key.
The emails all say that my username or password is invalid.. and yet, I'm currently able to log in to the game and play with the same username and password.
Well once you actually manage to get in this is pretty cool. They've pressed all the right buttons to get people hooked, I love pretty much everything about it, and it was very hard to drag myself away.

Still got some pretty serious bugs though, a lot will depend on the next two weeks, and on just how spectacularly GOA manage to bugger things up on launch.
FINALLY an email...

Yeah same one 8 times...

your code has not been registered, please try again.

Lol having a dig about,:

Your account is suspended, access has been blocked (error 711)

Lol wtf, same for both me and my bro, should I really give these people my CC info lol
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how do I get into a PQ?

I've joined the group but nothing happens.

As for the above post, that's a stupid question, it depends what you like

PQs are littered around the maps - they look like chests. WHen you enter the range of them you'll get status information onscreen regarding current phase and objectives. Usually there are open groups on the PQs if you check the group panel.
If you mean scenarios, you simply press the button by the map and queue up. At the moment, it seems most people are heading over to CvE area, so that scenario is always up and the others take time to get into.
If you have any friends questing in the other racial areas, group up and all of you join the local scenario as a group.
how do I get into a PQ?

I've joined the group but nothing happens.

As for the above post, that's a stupid question, it depends what you like

You just follow the instructions. You dont even need to join a group.

The first one in the Choas are has three parts. Kill the militiamen. Free Souls from tombstones. Kill the Bloodbeast.

So if you turn up to the summoning area and it is on stage one, kill the militiamen (25 of them need to be killed in total) you will gain influence for each kill. One they are dead you need to collect souls from the tombstones, avoiding or killing the Champion level soldiers. One 25 have been collected (in total, not just by you) the demon gets summoned. Kill that and you get in to the roll off for loot. By participating you gain influence.
From the From the Dev Team category we have: Open Beta Update.

Hello everyone, We've received a lot of great feedback from Open Beta already and have some great changes in the works that we'll be adding over the next few days and shortly after launch.

It's exciting to see how much everyone is enjoying the game and we can't wait to see you all playing come launch. Below are just some of the areas we're working on and the changes we have planned. We'll continue to monitor in-game for your feedback and work to make your experience even better! Please continue reading for all the details.

Improvements to RvR Itemization
We feel that it's important for players to be able to play RvR and PvE without missing out on appropriate loot for their level and career. Please see the post for more detail about our plans for bringing RvR loot into line with our goals: http://warherald.com/warherald/NewsArticle.war?id=242

Loot Sparkles
We've continued to improve loot sparkles and have corrected one last small bug that caused corpses to sparkle even when you weren't able to loot them.

Pet User Interface
In the near future we'll be working to make sure the Pet UI stays up for as long as your pet does so that it doesn't on occasion disappear when you log out or zone. For now you can re-open the Pet UI window simply by summoning another pet.

Continued Improvements to Performance and Crash to Desktop Errors
Your ability to play the game smoothly is always our most important goal. We continue to work to apply fixes that will make your experience even more enjoyable. To help us out and make the experience better for you, be sure you have up-to-date drivers - including audio! Out of date video and audio drivers are among the highest contributors to game crashes.

“Ability Not Ready Yet”
We've recently improved ability responsiveness which will reduce the chance of you receiving the "Ability Not Ready Yet" message erroneously. This should help combat feel more natural!

Open RvR Ruleset Change
You've given us your feedback and we've listened! Open RvR servers will now allow you to play one tier below your current level without turning into a chicken. This will allow you more time to experience the PvE content of the first 3 tiers, and it also adds more danger to the mix.

Improved Graphics Options
We've got some great plans for improved graphics options as we continue through launch. Our number one priority is player performance. It's important in an RvR game for performance to be smooth and allow the game to be accessible to as many people as possible. In order to achieve our goals, we had to ensure a certain level of compatibility between devices. With all of the combinations and options available, we wanted to keep things simple and accessible to everyone.

With that in mind, we have a fix that may improve the ability of higher end machines to load textures, and we will continue to smooth out the process of the way textures load on your screen. In addition to this, we are exploring other options to add which will further enhance the graphics for mid to high range computers. For now, many users are able to turn on features such as anti-aliasing and anisotropic filtering using their cards drivers.

This is just a sample of what's to come. We thank all of you for your enthusiastic participation in the Open Beta so far! We'll continue to monitor in-game and across all of our dedicated community forums for your feedback, and make your experience even better. Keep up the great work, have fun and prepare for WAR!

- The Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning Team

Nice i must say !
First off apologies this is quite long. It was only meant to be a brief summary but meh there ya go.

Well it all started with a shaky start from GOA. People unable to register keys others unable to authorise accounts and even more cant make an account at all. Even on day 4 now (day written 10th September 08) People are still waiting to join the open beta for WAR.

But let me set all that aside and dive down to what counts the game. I had decided quite a long time ago when this was all still being developed that I would be rolling Destruction side, on that Destruction side it was most likely for me going to be Chaos. So after the open beta had finished patching and I had logged in it was time to choose sever. I don’t like letting the game pick my server I will be playing on so I reject its offer and have a look. The server pick is very well done in that you can see if it is English, German or French server (pretty standard stuff) but what I really liked was that it tells you the population not only of the server but of each side too.

So after much debate I chose Ellyrion ( I think that was the name :p) Then comes your character selection time. It first shows all the races 3 on one side 3 on the other. I highlighted and picked chaos. Then had a look at was on offer. I would like to note now that some of the classes are restricted to gender too. For instance chaos side the chosen and the marauder can only be male. Once I had made my choice I went on to customise the looks of my character. I must say the customisation isnt as in depth as I thought it would be but it will suffice. So after naming and creating I enter the world !

My first arrival is Norsca. I step out in front of a giant Chaos portal standing right behind me. I see my first quest spot right in front of me and he calls me over. I’m yet to mention what class I am. I am a Zealot ! Healer to the weak buffer to er the other people and damaged dealer to the Order !
I wont go into each quest as well whats the point you will find out. But il just go over some basics. Overall the controls are similar to World of Warcraft, I must say even the UI is a bit similar. But that’s not really a bad thing, end of the day most of us have played WoW for some time now so having a UI that is similar makes it easier to get hold of because you already kinda know where everything is. If the UI doesn’t suit your taste you can move bits about freely ! which I personally feel is a fantastic idea.

You will also find as you are going along you get achievements all over the place for different things. This is where your Tome of Knowledge comes in handy. I have to say when the NDA came down off closed beta there was all this hype over the ToK (Tome of Knowledge) and I have to say I now know what they mean. Basically it is like a diary it records everything you have are and will be doing :p Through some achievements comes titles its always worth having a look in your ToK to see what you have unlocked.

Ok onto Public Quests (PQ) I stumbled on this by accident when it first happened I had no idea what I was doing or what was going on. But once you get your head round it I can be quite fun. The PQ I played had 3 stages each gets a bit harder as you go along. First stage was to kill quite a few of Empire, this first stage was like basically taking out normal mobs obviously the bigger the group you was in the quicker it went. Second Stage was a bit harder, Champion mobs these are like elite mobs (WoW reference again) on your own quite hard to kill possible but you are more likely to die. Then the 3rd stage was a Hero mob like boss (skull WoW) you need a team to kill this sucker. At the end everyone that was in the PQ area and helped in the fight gets a roll. However those that contributed the most get an addition bonus added to their roll. It works well I feel as there is never a need or greed as everyone can get something out of it. The only downer is that some random guy can come along at the end get 2 hits on the boss and win a good item. But the PQ is repeatable so you can do it as much as you want.

Last aspect I will cover as this mini review has become quite long, is the RVR. Right there was two kinds of RVR I came across the open world version which was basically a area on the map where everyone is flagged RVR and well it was insane absolutely huge fights. Then there is the “BG” style which is instanced I really liked this set-up as you could sign up anywhere in the world to the BG you don’t need to go talk to a “BG master” to be able to sign up. After some time you will get a warning saying do you want to enter this BG The starting one I used was Northwatch (I think :p) which was like a mini AB. 3 bases you had to try hold and the more you held the quicker your resources went up. It is first to 500 wins. This was great as I felt the battles where just right never too long but not too short. Although it was a bit of a zergfest at times some battles was great where tanks was trying to protect me while I healed the hell out of them. I could defiantly see that the more you work as a team the better you did. I bloody hated bright wizards though :p
For those that said the combat was clunky, NO CHANCE i found it quite face paced at times was very fluent
I think I shall stop there as this “mini” review has turned out to a huge wall of text. Hope some of this is useful to you. I personally can’t wait for release now. I’ve only been playing it for 1 evening and I’m hooked it was just so easy to get into.
According to the website (and not me) anyone who registered a key should now be able to get into the game.

Forget waiting for e-mails just try and log in is my advice. I know a few people who had been waiting on e-mails but never tried to login and then when they did they got in straight away.


Indeed. This worked for me :D
Why does every game that come along have to be a WoW killer ?
I hardly ever see anyone compare rts or fps shooters saying HL2 Killer ? C&C Killer ?
End of the day its a damm good game you either want to play it or not :D
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