****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

I've never even heard of that, what does it do?

Havent used it myself yet, only just read about it last night.

Does this:

Looks a lot clearer, supposed to show you where the server thinks your crosshairs are located. Apparently.

Was worried in case the patch removed it, looks way easier to aim than the rubbish default options, if at the cost of a bit of realism.
It seems to lag slightly behind your actual crosshair. Other than that i'm not seeing a great deal of difference. Could be cos i'm SPG though.
Christ i hate artillery sometimes. Must've fired 10 shots that round after waiting for the minimum spread. Only a single shot actually hit the target. I did more damage at the very end without artillery mode...

Best round in my DB so far. Shame our useless arty 'stole'* my last kill on their last tank when I had taken him down to 10% as I would have liked to get at least one topgun medal for my DB but oh well, still a great round.

Also is it just me or have Pz4s been incredibly explody tonight, managed to one shot 3 of them from 100%, 2 with my 105 sherman and 1 with the DBs 88.

*Considering I engaged 2/3 of their team and only saw them fire once right at the end, I'm calling them useless kill stealers heh :p
Have you seen how much money people are making with the Lowe premium?

Seems to print money! Poorly played round, loss and tank blown up on premium would net you 40k profit apparently.

Tempted to grab one...

Battle: Prokhorovka 17. toukokuuta 2011 20:41:21
Vehicle: Löwe
Received Experience: 958, credits: 95 962

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Best round in my DB so far. Shame our useless arty 'stole'* my last kill on their last tank when I had taken him down to 10% as I would have liked to get at least one topgun medal for my DB but oh well, still a great round.

Also is it just me or have Pz4s been incredibly explody tonight, managed to one shot 3 of them from 100%, 2 with my 105 sherman and 1 with the DBs 88.

*Considering I engaged 2/3 of their team and only saw them fire once right at the end, I'm calling them useless kill stealers heh :p

When you get put on stupidly high tier battles with Stpz II or Grille without the upgraded you take what you can get tbh. Last round i played last night on my Grille on that new Mountain Pass (?) level, i sat on the hill at our base shelling the top of the ridge at the other side and took out 3 arty over 5 shots and none of them could even fire back. True none of them moved either though... despite the fact they were having to crawl around the wreckage of teammates ><

On that note it is good fun when your shell 1 shots KVs and JagdPanthers, though it happens so rarely. Need some more good rounds as i'm done researching now and just have to stockpile 44k exp for the Hummel...

It will probably be nerfed soon enough.

I'm never so optimistic when it comes to nerfing premium content... if its like anything else they'll leave it in just long enough for people to abuse the hell out of it then nerf/fix it.
Premium wont get nerfed. If it did they would be losing money. People playing premium tanks spent money getting the gold. They will also likely transfer some of their xp as well using more gold :p
Not too sure the KV-5 looks as good, sure, its a rolling bunker, but it only has the 107mm ZiS6m. Excellent gun of a Teir 5/6 KV/KV-3, but on a Teir 8, I'm dubious. getting shot at doesn't earn you credits :(
I've used wreck pushing a couple of times to supplement my front armour is quite funny to see people getting wound up about it on chat but only do it if you have a thick skin some people can be very enthusiastic in their criticism of the tactic lol :).
Saw my first ever GW Panther and GW Tiger in some battles today. Can't say they did much. The Panther was on my team and we did badly. The Tiger was on the other team and my Grille 1-shotted it from the other end of the map, lol.
Clan wars tomorrow apparently.


A site for it i think. And if anyone wants to really dumb down how to do clan wars please write up a very short guide on the basics of what were gona do cos i cba to learn all of it. :p

It all looked a little confusing when I took a brief look at it last night...I'll have another look later, then again, perhaps someone who has more intelligence/patience then me could take a look ;).
Hmmm so clan wars is live,

I will try to get on tonite to promote a couple of you who are regulars in the clan, will see if i can grant permissions to you guys so that you can start to organise battles and so forth.

I will start taking a more active role within the clan shortly :) in the process of organising a house move and busy with promotion at work at the moment :D
Hmmm so clan wars is live,

I will try to get on tonite to promote a couple of you who are regulars in the clan, will see if i can grant permissions to you guys so that you can start to organise battles and so forth.

I will start taking a more active role within the clan shortly :) in the process of organising a house move and busy with promotion at work at the moment :D

Sounds good - Me and Skeet are on most nights, along with Hot, Pup and some others. We'll set out to fail no problem ;)
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