****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

Still play most nights, Did clan wars few weeks back to get the St62 version II. Play advances most saturday and sunday evenings. With clan skirmishes every week night. Purchased 160 Christmas boxes last night, which gave me enough gold for next year and premium time and also I got all the new XMAS tanks:D
It's full of Russians. P2W is worse than ever.

Removing /all chat and team damage ruined the game.
This 100%

I've had an account for WoT since day 1. Would play for a few weeks to a month then shelve it for a year or whatever, revisiting when I get the "itch"
I get it, they need to make money and thats fine but jesus wept.. the state of it in there, its being propped up by fresh accounts and whales at this point
The first thing I picked up on more recently when having a look was the influx of RU players.. I mean there are regional servers for a reason

Its a shame because the game itself can be, or at least was enjoyable and somewhat unique
Agree. Last night managed to lose a T9 battle with over 10k combined in my 13-90.

4 players basically useless/afk. Have to be content with the mastery badge and the loss.

Key is to only care if you play well. Loss/win is irrelevant.
Seems to be harder and harder to impact a battle. Which is why a lot of players left. It's an issue that just gets worse. Played a game earlier and nothing penned until the last 3 mins when the game was over, at which point being able to pen made no difference.

That happens a lot. An increase in 15-0 or 0-15 games which is unlikely unless it's being manipulated. The game engine and matchmaking has always felt suspect. You just have to not take it seriously.
Malinovka encounter NW side in FV4005. Youri in his manti (only LT) drives south into the bushes on the field and sits there until we have 2 tanks left.

Was great game, yes?
My relationship with this game is a bit like a abusive marriage.

You put up with the abuse in the hope it will by fun like the old days. Every now and then you get a match that reminds you of what a great game this could be.

Faster and faster tanks, more and more pen, more and more bots.

But then you get a game where you come back from 10-5 down and end up winning by working together with 2 other players that know how to play and do the right thing. Bait tanks into lines of support fire, take a hit so the low hp med can outflank the T95, nice message in chat afterwards.

Not surprisingly, they were both players with 30k+ games, playing since 2013 with win rates in the mid 50s.
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