15th Anniversary or whatever and only 2x for first kill. Bit mean....
For me it feels I have little input into the outcome of either my performance or the teams.
But you do have input, because otherwise you wouldn't have the vast array of player skill you have in the game. I.e. some are "unicums" with above 60% win rate, others are above average (51%+) and others are just terrible with 45% win rates for example (or worse). Are you naïve enough to think that this is all based on luck?
It has a big influence, something I have no control over. So why would I play a game like that?
It has a big influence, something I have no control over. So why would I play a game like that?
For me it feels I have little input into the outcome of either my performance or the teams.
It has a big influence, something I have no control over. So why would I play a game like that?
So you never play any MMO's / RPG's then?
There is RNG in the game but good players will still do better than crap ones. You have no control over anyone elses skill in a game so based off that you shouldnt play anything ever.
Whats your WOT name out of interest?
I don't play MMO's or RPG's, never have, never will.
Well other peoples skill is the exact measure I wish to be judged on, impossible in WoT.
I don't play MMO's or RPG's, never have, never will.
Well other peoples skill is the exact measure I wish to be judged on, impossible in WoT.
I don't play MMO's or RPG's, never have, never will.
Well other peoples skill is the exact measure I wish to be judged on, impossible in WoT.
any chance of an invite back into the clan seeing as i'm active again
foxtrot26 on WOT