****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

Nice round Evilsod !! ;)

Reminds me a bit of my Karelia run in a Leo. Full speed run through the main SE route shooting 2 tanks in the ass the way past, dodged a few more, killed one at base and capped 100%. Other tanks just kept plodding forward by the time they realised the threat it was too late. oh how my team laughed :D
I feel sorry for anyone on the other team who got there first victory from that. I think aside from the A-20 they destroyed they probably dealt absolutely no damage which would've given them a truly appalling score.

As an aside, had an epic round on KV-3. Ace Tanker at 4k xp (x3) in a T10 game.
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Got to say not having much luck in match maker with M6, almost always bottom of the table and 76mm gun just doesn't do anything. KV3 is very slowly growing on me, particularly now that I got the upgraded turret.
Yeah, the matchmaker has a perverse sense of humour. When I'm in a KV, I'm always at the bottom against T7 and T8 tanks. But when I'm in my T4 tank, there's always several KVs as the strongest in the game :(
Got to say not having much luck in match maker with M6, almost always bottom of the table and 76mm gun just doesn't do anything. KV3 is very slowly growing on me, particularly now that I got the upgraded turret.

I didn't like the KV3 at first, but like you its growing on me, the 107mm gun is pretty good.
I cant remember when i was even in the top half in the match maker, always in the botto, half :(
currently serving a 24hr suspension :(

was playing a low tier game t1/2 and potted a TK few of my team got the hump and starting slating me for killing him and one tried to take me out, lost the rag and killed 6 of my own team before i was stopped.

bit of a destress and back tommorow for some proper games
just be carefull, a lot of tankers kill blue players, as there is no penalty afaik ;)

how come most of you are not on the ocuk clan?

Personally I left OcUK because I wanted to get involved in the Clan war side of things. Nothing against the clan - great bunch of people but i needed another challenge. I keep checking back here to see how things are going though. :)
The little shields with numbers in them are for platoons. Everyone with the same number is in the same platoon. I think the only way currently to tell if clan members are in the same game is look for the [OCUK] tag at the end of their name.
right we have ran out of space in the clan, so tonight i am going to look through players i don't recognise and if they haven't played in a number of months i will be ejecting them from the clan to free space for new members.

if anyone has been away for a while and finds they have been ejected from the clan but are coming back to the game please just apply again and we will add you to the clan again.

if anyone has any problems with this please get in touch with me or any of the other commanders / deputy commanders :)

and welcome to the clan varkanoid :)

ps. as has been stated before to have any serious chance in clan wars you need at least 25 - 30 players with multiple tier 10 tanks / tier 8 arty that can be online for at least 2 - 3 hours almost every night.

this is the main reason why we can't really get into clan wars at this point in time and to be honest probably never will :(

but hopefully we should be able to arrange some tiered companies soon :)
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I suggest you try landing in africa on sand river if you do ever manage to get 15 players for CW. Like that awful Costner film. 'Place the chips and they will come'. Once people get a taste I'm sure it'll pick up. Its a blast.

Tactically sand river is pretty limited and the clans you'll face may be okay but not super; you may/probably also face clans without top tanks. You can also go up against the mighty afro-smurf alliance. Distant cousins to the soon to be extinct euro smurf.
the main reason i use the OCUK clan, is the instant chat, you can also ask for hints and tips on there, when this thread is not that busy.
I know some of the regulars on there often help me with tips, eg. what is best gun for KV-3? etc....

and i have bumped into the odd OCUK tanker, always been on opposite sides ;-)
I suggest you try landing in africa on sand river if you do ever manage to get 15 players for CW. Like that awful Costner film. 'Place the chips and they will come'. Once people get a taste I'm sure it'll pick up. Its a blast.

Tactically sand river is pretty limited and the clans you'll face may be okay but not super; you may/probably also face clans without top tanks. You can also go up against the mighty afro-smurf alliance. Distant cousins to the soon to be extinct euro smurf.

we tried it twice before, the first 8 came and the second 7 came (but a few differences in the two games), and that was when we had a few more active players.

and sand river is pretty much whoever has the best arty wins :( (but saying that myself, Pup, Zayvin and Beano are all pretty experienced arty players with tier 7+ arty but that would take out at least 2 tier 10 tanks out of our roster :()

we seemed pretty competitive in the tier 6 company battles we did a while ago though although we had link, defrag and evilsod and a couple of others with us then.
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and sand river is pretty much whoever has the luckiest arty wins :(


If you assume that anyone playing a T8 arty in a clan war at least has a clue what he's doing, the deciding factor for artillery is luck, not skill. You can predict target movement perfectly every shot and never land a single hit/splash and mistime everything and have the deviation 'correct' itself and hit accurately.

I have no desire to play clan wars. The whole thing is becoming more and more 'pay2win' as the penetration values on gold ammo seem to be getting higher and higher imo. Sure thats not the deciding factor but it puts you at a major disadvantage.
Hey all,

We have had a couple of applicants in the last couple of days who have been unable to join the clan, were at the clan limit of 100 members but not that many are online.

Need to have a cull I think.

Can the company commanders sound off please.

Who's still playing??
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