****** Official World of Tanks OcUK Clan ******

Low tier french lights are awful, I'm just finishing up the amx40 atm and it really is dire.

Saying that I just had my best game in it before I'm about to junk the thing for an amx12t

Battle: Fisherman's Bay 10 May 2012 11:29:23
Vehicle: AMX 40
Experience received: 804
Credits received: 13,614
Battle Achievements: Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker, Master Gunner


It gets better:

Victory! Battle: Murovanka 10 May 2012 14:33:17
Vehicle: Lorraine 40 t
Experience received: 2,010
Credits received: 52,779
Battle Achievements: Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker, Master Gunner, Sniper, Top Gun


Lorainne...stock except 1st Engine, Radio, 90mm FCA (basically whatever carried from the AMX M4 45), poor weight limit too (no tracks) so no vents or rammer, crew 84%. You'll have to ignore me bitching at the useless JT who camps out of LoS of everything. He eventually finds his balls.

I do get somewhat worked up when a bunch of people are being irritatingly useless. :( In this case it was I was watching mini-map, and I could clearly see north was not going to hold much longer, and these guys were just sitting there, chilling in south forest, and I knew didn't even have a LoS on the south tanks due to the 2 huts in the way.

I didn't cap at the end because I didn't have faith in the JT either holding off the E75 from cap, or the E75 not coming back and murdering me without support. E75's I find are the toughest tanks to kill, for me. I always get dings and bounces on them.
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Had a couple of very good games the last 2 nights in both my IS7 and T34.

IS7: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUPmGjsOLnA
T34: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEfumYKKTiQ

IS7 was the best I've ever played in that tank, managed to protect Defrag briefly by taking some shots for him as well as alert Defrag and Seargent that they were behind us. I couldn't stop them as I was engaged with fighting the tanks infront, but they went back. After they got swarmed I turned around, having to leave the IS4 defending my side alone. Fortunately, it paid off.

In the T34 we were very badly and unfairly matched against a better team, both Evilsod and I were a little miffed. However the team played well and I got Ace tanker on that one too. :)
French lights are fun from the 13 75 upwards, so if you can make it that far on free XP then it's worth playing, and put the rest somewhere else.

Whats wrong with the 12t? Its nothing special once you get the 75/90 but its still a great tank to play, particularly after the amx 38/40.

Experience received: 804
Battle Achievements: Mastery Badge: Ace Tanker, Master Gunner


Is that value with premium? Just wondering. But 800 is still pretty damn low for ace tanker.

Had a couple of very good games the last 2 nights in both my IS7 and T34.

T34: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEfumYKKTiQ

In the T34 we were very badly and unfairly matched against a better team, both Evilsod and I were a little miffed. However the team played well and I got Ace tanker on that one too. :)

Biggest matchmaker fail since.... the night before sadly (and we won that match too...).

I wasn't much help since I was in a stock IS (so no turret for the 122mm guns). I like to think my presence was enough as it proved too tempting for the IS-8 and he charged head first into our defence to try and ram me and died for it.

But otherwise that was an excellent match. Links play with the T34 was very deserving of ace tanker and arty did a damn good job, particularly at the end when the IS-4 finally died in town.
I do get somewhat worked up when a bunch of people are being irritatingly useless. :( In this case it was I was watching mini-map, and I could clearly see north was not going to hold much longer, and these guys were just sitting there, chilling in south forest, and I knew didn't even have a LoS on the south tanks due to the 2 huts in the way.

I'm the same, in a game a couple of nights ago I ended up with 0exp/credits in my SU26. I can't remember the map, but it was 3 SPGs and a Pz III\IV vs 2 SPGs. We knew where their SPGs were roughly, nowhere near their cap location, so we were yelling at the Pz to stop camping in the back of our base - he was further back than we all were in our SPGs, and to cap since it was safe, we were slowly making our way that way but SPGs aren't well known for their high speeds. Eventually I got peeved off with him and landed a shell close enough to hit him with the explosion, but it didn't cause any HP damage. That apparently was enough to motivate him into making a beeline directly towards me. Turned into all our SPGs targetting him to save me, I managed to get the killing blow though :3
I do get somewhat worked up when a bunch of people are being irritatingly useless. :( In this case it was I was watching mini-map, and I could clearly see north was not going to hold much longer, and these guys were just sitting there, chilling in south forest, and I knew didn't even have a LoS on the south tanks due to the 2 huts in the way.

i see this quite often,
everyone rushes to their favourite position and leaves one of the flanks wide open, even with me pinging the minimap,
i get ignored, then when i try to plug the gap i get steamrolled by a group of tanks, and they still dont move :mad:

what mods/skins are people using?
i use to use a skin/gui mod, but since the update when the french tanks were introduced (before xmas iirc) i wasn't using any.
Today i came across this one
Crosshair MIX 04 B By DINIK http://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&u=http://worldoftanks.tv/downloads/crosshair/1564-crosshair-mix-04-b-by-dinik.html&ei=u4OtT8qSMtK68gOxnd3OCg&sa=X&oi=translate&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCoQ7gEwAA&prev=/search%3Fq%3DCrosshair%2BMIX%2B04%2BB%2BBy%2BDINIK%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1280%26bih%3D576%26prmd%3Dimvns
and i am starting to really like it.
i couldn't install it at first but then i found a mod manager and it was really easy,
so now i am after some skins/mods to experiment with :D
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I've started getting into this, initially I went German tank but decided to give the USA TD line a go. They're not bad at all, apart from being paper thin but that's the trade-off you make.

I will add though, whoever coded the matchmaker needs booting in the nads until they come out of his head. Tier 2 was alright but at both T3 and T4 i'm getting put in battles mainly with tanks 2+ tiers above me. I wouldn't mind if it wasn't every single battle either.

Tempted to chuck it in until they do something about it. My record is being put in a battle with a Tier 8 in my Tier 3. What's the ****ing point?
Whats wrong with the 12t? Its nothing special once you get the 75/90 but its still a great tank to play, particularly after the amx 38/40.

I have to agree, the 12t is a great little tank. I'm enjoying playing it atm, although the amx40 was such a **** tank its not surprising I like the 12t :P

Is that value with premium? Just wondering. But 800 is still pretty damn low for ace tanker.

I haven't used premium, except for that 1 day bonus code we got the other day. The tank is so damn slow the battle is over by the time you get there especially on the big open maps, I'm not surprised really that it has low value for ace tanker.

Other ones I've had being M3 Stuart 731xp, M5 Stuart 1000xp, T46 699xp and BT-2 on 5,135 (x5 for the first victory each day)
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I've started getting into this, initially I went German tank but decided to give the USA TD line a go. They're not bad at all, apart from being paper thin but that's the trade-off you make.

I will add though, whoever coded the matchmaker needs booting in the nads until they come out of his head. Tier 2 was alright but at both T3 and T4 i'm getting put in battles mainly with tanks 2+ tiers above me. I wouldn't mind if it wasn't every single battle either.

Tempted to chuck it in until they do something about it. My record is being put in a battle with a Tier 8 in my Tier 3. What's the ****ing point?

Is it a tier 3 scout?
The big question, IS-4 or IS-7? Currently grinding up my KV-1 so will have to make the choice which path to follow soon!

If I'm reading right, the IS-7 has the best gun? But the IS-4 has better armour? From that, I'm looking at heading for the IS-7 because thats how I prefer to play, but is there anyone here who has experience with both of them?
The big question, IS-4 or IS-7? Currently grinding up my KV-1 so will have to make the choice which path to follow soon!

If I'm reading right, the IS-7 has the best gun? But the IS-4 has better armour? From that, I'm looking at heading for the IS-7 because thats how I prefer to play, but is there anyone here who has experience with both of them?

Yes. IS7 > IS4 for me. The IS7 is faster and more agile than the IS4 and due to the sloping armour it bounces more shots. The IS4 has a better gun, in that it has more penetration, sacraficing a small amount of damage per hit, though it does also fire slightly faster.

As far as the lines go, the IS7 line is the manouverability line, the IS4 line goes more for armour though with the last two tanks the IS7 appears to bounce shots more often, because of that sloping armour.
The IS4 has a better gun, in that it has more penetration, sacraficing a small amount of damage per hit, though it does also fire slightly faster.

Yeah, I'm not sure how much difference the 8mm of penetration would make once you get to that tier of battle. I'd say its easily worth it for 50 extra damage. Plus the IS-7 gets the gun right off the bat without needing to grind up for it.

The only thing I'm a little worried about is the armour, the IS-4 has a ton more, and 70mm rear for the IS-7 means you need to hang back a little to prevent faster tanks getting behind. Though the sloping armour certainly sounds like it would help a ton. I guess I'll head for the IS-7 then :D
The gun on the IS4(122mm) is more accurate than the IS7's (S70?) on paper but also feels that way with faster aim time. IS4 is good for long to medium and the IS-7 for closer work. The IS4 just seems to bounce shots it shouldn't; there is limited scope for angling it as if you angle you're just showing another weakspot.

IS-4 is not that popular for CWs and companies; people only seem to play it for doubles. The response I get from clanmates is its not that great; its role is better done by T110s.

Shame you couldn't have ground it last month :(
Yeah, I'm not sure how much difference the 8mm of penetration would make once you get to that tier of battle. I'd say its easily worth it for 50 extra damage. Plus the IS-7 gets the gun right off the bat without needing to grind up for it.

The only thing I'm a little worried about is the armour, the IS-4 has a ton more, and 70mm rear for the IS-7 means you need to hang back a little to prevent faster tanks getting behind. Though the sloping armour certainly sounds like it would help a ton. I guess I'll head for the IS-7 then :D

With the gun grinding issue if you've ground towards the IS4 along it's line you should already have the gun. It is also used by the ST-1, so that's not really an issue.

The issue really is the agility, alpha damage and sloping armour the IS7 has over the IS4. Also with you mentioning the rear, it is aloso sloped (though not so much) so it isn't as bad as you may think. Not that far off the IS4s. I have had one IS4 infront and one behind me recently in my IS7 and both were bouncing a lot of shots off me.
...altho with gold ammo the pen on the IS8 and IS4 gun is 500mm!!!!!!!!!! (335mm without gold, 500mm with) hence why I think I don't tend to bounce a lot of shots as people I'm sure use gold ammo in these.

Wish there was a "No gold" option when choosing a game so everyone could be on an even footing, either that or make it obvious somehow so you know for sure whether its because you are not angling your tank right or they are using premium shells.
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Is it worth me upgrading my ISU-152 (elite) to the object 704? As far as I can see the only benefit is angled amour. I currently have 110,000 XP tied up in it.
Is it worth me upgrading my ISU-152 (elite) to the object 704? As far as I can see the only benefit is angled amour. I currently have 110,000 XP tied up in it.

the 704's armour is much better than the isu's but its matchmaker is also worse so you are facing bigger guns half the time negating that armour. but the object is also a better mover and has more hp which helps a lot so i would recommend it over the isu.
Is it 170,000XP better though? I could use that XP to try a different route. I already have a KV-2 so might be worth going down the Heavies.
you could say that about any tank though. For example, is the GWTyp E 185,000xp better than the GWTiger? Is the AM50B better than the AMX 120? The point is, you obviously fancy something a bit different, then sure use it for something else. If however you're the sort of player that likes to get to the very top of each tech tree then go for the top tank, sell anything you don't need anymore and move onto the next nations tree or line.

For me, its about researching each tree and getting the top tank for each nation and tree branch.
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