** Official World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Thread **

After watching Mike Preach's video about the problem in MoP and WoW in general, (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rd0-zVIBVo&list=UUXJL3ST-O0J3nqzQyPJtpNg&index=0&feature=plcp) It really made me think about what I've missed. Just by judging from the video, I can tell that Classic/TBC raiding was extremely hard and deteriorating for guilds killing bosses. The fact that it took several days after BT came out for Kael'thas to be killed was mind blowing. I feel that I've missed out on the experiences of older raidings, as myself, only started playing last Christmas when I got my PC. To me, older content seems extremely faceroll, and IMO isn't worth revisiting as I don't have any nostalgic connection with any previous raids. Even older cata content such as BWD, TOT4W and BoT aren't really worth using as progression towards FL/DS as the basic mechanics is that 85 > Cata Heroics > HoT Heroics > LFR > Straight into DS. Maybe this post seems somewhat pessimistic but I'm just venting at what I missed out on. MoP will be my first ever WoW expansion, and obviously my viewpoint will be different to others that have witnessed all of them. Oh, also, I forgot to add - I did at one point buy the battlechest which contained classic and TBC, I think it was at some time in 07 but it was definitely before WoTLK as I remember telling my mum about it being a new expansion of the game, but back then I played for a month and only managed to get to level 12, the game baffled me and seemed extremely hard as compared to when I started playing in December, and I even had a friend who was trying to guide me through the game (he was only lvl 30!)

PS. Keep this thread alive!
After watching Mike Preach's video about the problem in MoP and WoW in general, (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rd0-zVIBVo&list=UUXJL3ST-O0J3nqzQyPJtpNg&index=0&feature=plcp) It really made me think about what I've missed. Just by judging from the video, I can tell that Classic/TBC raiding was extremely hard and deteriorating for guilds killing bosses. The fact that it took several days after BT came out for Kael'thas to be killed was mind blowing. I feel that I've missed out on the experiences of older raidings, as myself, only started playing last Christmas when I got my PC. To me, older content seems extremely faceroll, and IMO isn't worth revisiting as I don't have any nostalgic connection with any previous raids. Even older cata content such as BWD, TOT4W and BoT aren't really worth using as progression towards FL/DS as the basic mechanics is that 85 > Cata Heroics > HoT Heroics > LFR > Straight into DS. Maybe this post seems somewhat pessimistic but I'm just venting at what I missed out on. MoP will be my first ever WoW expansion, and obviously my viewpoint will be different to others that have witnessed all of them. Oh, also, I forgot to add - I did at one point buy the battlechest which contained classic and TBC, I think it was at some time in 07 but it was definitely before WoTLK as I remember telling my mum about it being a new expansion of the game, but back then I played for a month and only managed to get to level 12, the game baffled me and seemed extremely hard as compared to when I started playing in December, and I even had a friend who was trying to guide me through the game (he was only lvl 30!)

PS. Keep this thread alive!

What he said was very right. WoW is now just too easy because people are crying. If people aren't good enough to get something, all the have to do is wait for nerfs/badge gear, they should have to work, not get everything handed to them on a silver platter.

The days when Blizzard released content before it was even available to players, gave guilds huge motivation to down raids. Now bosses are downed within weeks of release and players have to wait for new content to be released as previous content is too easy.

To see that subscriptions have plateaued and even started to decrease at Cataclysm. The statistics speak for themselves.
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After watching Mike Preach's video about the problem in MoP and WoW in general, (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rd0-zVIBVo&list=UUXJL3ST-O0J3nqzQyPJtpNg&index=0&feature=plcp) It really made me think about what I've missed. Just by judging from the video, I can tell that Classic/TBC raiding was extremely hard and deteriorating for guilds killing bosses. The fact that it took several days after BT came out for Kael'thas to be killed was mind blowing. I feel that I've missed out on the experiences of older raidings, as myself, only started playing last Christmas when I got my PC. To me, older content seems extremely faceroll, and IMO isn't worth revisiting as I don't have any nostalgic connection with any previous raids. Even older cata content such as BWD, TOT4W and BoT aren't really worth using as progression towards FL/DS as the basic mechanics is that 85 > Cata Heroics > HoT Heroics > LFR > Straight into DS. Maybe this post seems somewhat pessimistic but I'm just venting at what I missed out on. MoP will be my first ever WoW expansion, and obviously my viewpoint will be different to others that have witnessed all of them. Oh, also, I forgot to add - I did at one point buy the battlechest which contained classic and TBC, I think it was at some time in 07 but it was definitely before WoTLK as I remember telling my mum about it being a new expansion of the game, but back then I played for a month and only managed to get to level 12, the game baffled me and seemed extremely hard as compared to when I started playing in December, and I even had a friend who was trying to guide me through the game (he was only lvl 30!)

PS. Keep this thread alive!

The problem is that Preach in that video seems to be looking through a pair of glasses with a certain rose-coloured tint to them. The reason AQ40 wasn't cleared wasn't because it was difficult, it was hard yes but not as hard as even Spine is nowadays, no C'thun was unkillable, he was buggy and unkillable - he was hotfixed to make him killable and was killed within mere hours of the fix.

He goes on about proper end-game raiders and then says that the elevator in SSC was a boss in itself, I don't know if he's trying to be funny but it really wasn't a boss in itself, more people died to the elevator because it was considered the 'joker' thing to do by most and just frustrated everyone else. So I don't know what he's talking about really, TBC was buggy on release too - Karazhan needed hotfixes and Tier 4 was buggy for weeks before a certain amount of guilds were doing. Just read Kungens old blog for a detailed report on that.

As for heroics being hard, yeah that was good - and it was tried again in Cataclysm, the sub base spoke as one and we saw crazy-sub losses, it's not a good business plan to make things as they were in TBC, the community and playerbase has changed.

He also goes on about there being no lore-based protagonist in Pandaria, what utter tosh - the last 'raid' of the game has had an expansion and a half of lore-building done for Garrosh Hellscream, which brings me to the other point you don't need major lore protagonists from previous games such as Illidan, Neltharion etc to make it work - they can create more lore anytime and make it work, after all there wasn't exactly a ton of references to C'thun until AQ came out etc.

It's a classic case of nostalgia, the games as good as it was for the most part, with more things to do now and better mechanics. If you scaled things down, go back to 60 talents, 60 gear etc and throw bosses from Vanilla onwards they would be unkillable. 90% of Vanilla boss mechanics were simplistic, and just tuned harder, whereas now the bosses are tuned easier but with more interesting mechanics. It would be funny though to here "OMG NOOB Y DID U PUT THAT DOT ON THE ADD WE NEEDED ROGUES DOT AND URS PUSHED IT OFF" on Spine, it would be hell. :D

I do think there are improvements which are needed, the main one however is just to streamline the content and tune it slightly harder so there's no LFR mode, no Normal mode and no Heroic mode, just standard as it always was before ToC - and add some HMs in AQ40 style, OS3D style and Ulduar style.
After watching Mike Preach's video about the problem in MoP and WoW in general, (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rd0-zVIBVo&list=UUXJL3ST-O0J3nqzQyPJtpNg&index=0&feature=plcp) It really made me think about what I've missed. Just by judging from the video, I can tell that Classic/TBC raiding was extremely hard and deteriorating for guilds killing bosses. The fact that it took several days after BT came out for Kael'thas to be killed was mind blowing. I feel that I've missed out on the experiences of older raidings, as myself, only started playing last Christmas when I got my PC. To me, older content seems extremely faceroll, and IMO isn't worth revisiting as I don't have any nostalgic connection with any previous raids. Even older cata content such as BWD, TOT4W and BoT aren't really worth using as progression towards FL/DS as the basic mechanics is that 85 > Cata Heroics > HoT Heroics > LFR > Straight into DS. Maybe this post seems somewhat pessimistic but I'm just venting at what I missed out on. MoP will be my first ever WoW expansion, and obviously my viewpoint will be different to others that have witnessed all of them. Oh, also, I forgot to add - I did at one point buy the battlechest which contained classic and TBC, I think it was at some time in 07 but it was definitely before WoTLK as I remember telling my mum about it being a new expansion of the game, but back then I played for a month and only managed to get to level 12, the game baffled me and seemed extremely hard as compared to when I started playing in December, and I even had a friend who was trying to guide me through the game (he was only lvl 30!)

PS. Keep this thread alive!

It was the reason I got bored with the game and the reason my guild no2/3 on server throughout vanilla/tbc disbanded. Game got dumbed down then the pointless hardmodes blah blah it was pointless. Unfortunately with wow for every player who wants a challenge and something to work on there are 10 who want an easy lootfest so they can stand in a city striking their epeen. Makes business sense for wow it doesn't make a good game.
Been thinking about wow a lot recently. I sold my account last year before the new expansion, I was there since vanilla, I played before the battlegrounds were even around, fights on my server from southshore to tauren mill were the battleground, and gadgetzan trying to kill and avoid my guards. I sold my account to stop me comming back again, because everytime I played to the point it took over my life, until I had to say enough is enough and decide to call it again, until the next expansion.

Its worked, I dont have any will or desire to come back, even though it might not bother me to level up a new char again. I started a new char in practically every expansion, Why? Because I couldnt face to swap all those epics i spent hundreds of hours working hard for for a cheap green in the first dungeon. Thats what annoyed me the most, I was in some good guilds on my server, and it annoyed me that once I got to a point where I was finally happy with my gear, a new expansion came out or patch and it was back to square one grinding endlessly again. I got sick of grinding, and wow was a grind. Its repetative, it forces you to play a certain amount of hours a week otherwise you become at a handicap.

WOTLK I really enjoyed but after that when cata came along I finally had enough of raiding/grinding and turned more towards PVP, I joined outland and got myself up to glad in 2v2 and 3v3, I got 2.2 in battleground rating then found again I had to atleast play a certain amount of battlegrounds or I loose my rank, Being that important things in my life didnt allow me to play as much, I lost being as active to my guild and so had to be removed and forced to play pugs. That forced me to play a lot of pugs and so my rank was quickly lowering due to the amount of idiots. I sold my account while it was still worth something.

To me, wow was awsome, I loved to game, so much that it did take over my life many times, The game has no balance from casual to hardcore. There will always be people who have all the the time in the world to dedicate to this game, and there will always be people who dont have enough. Its the way you are penalised for not playing enough that did it for me, its not an addiction but more a force of play to want to better character. It was never a content issue, for me I was happy in the lower guilds struggling to take down the initial content and not get to the the rest, then when I had time to play I would join the better guilds to go after the more advanced content. It was the fact that there was no end, all my hours I spent grinding(and who likes grinding) were pointless as as soon as im done I was back to square one.

Anyone ever played Ultimate Online? WoW replaced that game for me and as such I really thought it would be the replacement. I spent about 7-8 years on UO, Once I'd maxed out my fighting char he was ready for me everytime I logged on. I would log on and be where I was when I logged off. My char, capable of fighting with the best with no disadvantage, it was more the players skill and the competetion and new challenges that made it fun. I didnt have to worry that If I didnt get to the top quick enough It wouldnt leave me with much time to enjoy it before the next gear nerf(tier release).
yeh i know what ya mean. i work full time and also have a family to look after, other things comes first but i still make time to play my games, even though its later on the night when every1 is in bed and then i have a late night and early rise with the daughter or work. my main is a shammy healer and i have found that it did take me a while to do raids but i still managed (i dont know how i did) but it was only the first raids in cata. i have stopped for a while due to i wanted to do sumit different and was sick of griding and really cudnt be arsed in starting again with a new toon. i have been out the game a good healf a year and now i have started up again with my bro and m8. i havent done any of my shammy and i wud have loved to do the firelands as it does look good to do. i can heal it now if i wanted to but i dnt think people are doing it anymore and now more than ever i dnt think i will have the time. i am lookuing forward to the MOP expansion as it looks good, the only down fall is starting again from the start and i really dont want to do that. the only other way is to get some herilooms and does that really make a differece. any ways i am doing my warrior which was about 40 and am really enjoying it i am not hardcore but more casual now and it is good. i still like LOL or DOTA or Guild wars and find time for all my games not just WOW lol
After watching Mike Preach's video about the problem in MoP and WoW in general, (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rd0-zVIBVo&list=UUXJL3ST-O0J3nqzQyPJtpNg&index=0&feature=plcp) It really made me think about what I've missed. Just by judging from the video, I can tell that Classic/TBC raiding was extremely hard and deteriorating for guilds killing bosses. The fact that it took several days after BT came out for Kael'thas to be killed was mind blowing. I feel that I've missed out on the experiences of older raidings, as myself, only started playing last Christmas when I got my PC. To me, older content seems extremely faceroll, and IMO isn't worth revisiting as I don't have any nostalgic connection with any previous raids. Even older cata content such as BWD, TOT4W and BoT aren't really worth using as progression towards FL/DS as the basic mechanics is that 85 > Cata Heroics > HoT Heroics > LFR > Straight into DS. Maybe this post seems somewhat pessimistic but I'm just venting at what I missed out on. MoP will be my first ever WoW expansion, and obviously my viewpoint will be different to others that have witnessed all of them. Oh, also, I forgot to add - I did at one point buy the battlechest which contained classic and TBC, I think it was at some time in 07 but it was definitely before WoTLK as I remember telling my mum about it being a new expansion of the game, but back then I played for a month and only managed to get to level 12, the game baffled me and seemed extremely hard as compared to when I started playing in December, and I even had a friend who was trying to guide me through the game (he was only lvl 30!)

PS. Keep this thread alive!

I respect that guys point of view, but pretty much disagree with everything he said.

Heroic raids are for hardcore types. Normal/LFR allows casuals to see content. I dont see the problem.

That said, one point I did completelyagree with him was 5 man dungeons being hard again - those TBC 5 man heroics really did teach dps the hard way to not be douchebags (i.e. pull agro), and a lot of players these days would actually learn how to play their char properly if Cata/Wrath heroics had been just as challenging.
After raiding a lot of the MoP bosses on the beta, it seems like it might be fun. First tier of any expansion is always the best, barring WotLK.. (lol copypaste)
95% of vanilla wasn't "hard" it was simply time consuming or was built around retarded mechanics - overtuned / bugged bosses.

Spent more time farming during vanilla than any other time, the change to consumables etc was a good one - perhaps the "dumbing down" is oging too far these days for some, but to say that vanilla was the best time because it was "hard" is for the most part laughable.
Vanilla WOW was a lot harder than now for many reasons, a lot was gear dependant with resistance to fire/nature etc so you had to farm that gear to progress not just have more HP/DPS. Also guides were not easy to come by, I played a tank in a high ranking guild and our kills were based on learning and communicating with other guilds in the same situation.. now a quick search on youtube and you have a full tactics and video.. even now most people will know how to do the dungeons in MOP as they've seen it aready. WOW Vanilla was by far the most enjoyable for me and finishing MC and BWL actually felt like an accomplishment.

I've actually just started playing a bit of wow again as I had a year pass and MOP beta, I don't have much time these days so will only do a bit of PvP and HC's.
Actually, anyone here play on Frostmane Alliance ? everyone I knew on there has left it seems so I hardly knowanyone on there now :(
I've got an 81 human priest there, don't play it all that much anymore though.

Whats your character name, I'll add you when I'm next on.. actually thinking of transfering to another realm though as Frostmane is not as good as it was,half the Horde are now on alliance too.. may actually go back to Horde to.. stormscale maybe..
Actually, anyone here play on Frostmane Alliance ? everyone I knew on there has left it seems so I hardly knowanyone on there now :(

I'm on Frostmane Alliance. Quit 9 months ago but just re installing as thinking about levelling up my Druid and just getting back to it although will be on the casual side. Hardcore raiding is in the past for me. ;)

Could anybody spare me a scroll of ressurection please?
I'm on Frostmane Alliance. Quit 9 months ago but just re installing as thinking about levelling up my Druid and just getting back to it although will be on the casual side. Hardcore raiding is in the past for me. ;)

Could anybody spare me a scroll of ressurection please?

Think I've sent you one, depends what your chr name is thou as I've taken a guess and used your chr name. If thats not right just trust me your chr or battle.net account name and I'll send one.
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