** Official World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Thread **

Here's my UI, it's available under WoWInterface under the name 'MayronUI' - it's a DPS/Healer compilation of addons and I absolutely love it


Here's the link for any of those that want to download it
Edit: Sorry for the small picture, forgot to tell ImgShack what size I wanted it... will reupload if anyone wants me to
I wish ALZAUI was still updated, nobody comes close to remaking it, it was so good. Also Caith. Too many Tukz/Elvs nowadays. I miss the UI community.
So what's the Grid specific addon for applying Buffs/debuffs to peoples names in certain situations?

Just search curse for grid buff or something along those lines. I haven't played in over a year so a little rusty on naming exact addon names.
I can SoR someone if they still require it. I'll be playing on Ravencrest (Alliance). Very well populated even though trade is a bit wild at peak times. Trust me your e-mail and I'll "hook you up" :)

Free boost to level 80 for one character (with appropriate gear given to you, 4x20 slot bags, First Aid levelled and epic flying skill & mount) a free upgrade to Cataclysm.
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I don't actually agree with them giving a free boost, bags and FA. You just end up with people who don't know how to play their class as they never had to level it.

Blizzard will end up offering boosts for money at this rate.
I don't actually agree with them giving a free boost, bags and FA. You just end up with people who don't know how to play their class as they never had to level it.

Blizzard will end up offering boosts for money at this rate.

It's not going to make a difference. You can herp derp to 85 and through most instances. Raids are where you really need to know how to play.
I was going to say I am getting bored of WoW. However, I am not. I love the game as much as the next man but all my friends have stopped playing it and are doubtful whether or not to get the new expansion. I will be getting it as I want to start a new character up and explore the new areas, that sort of thing.

I am a member of the Overachievers guild on Moonglade but after having a break I fell behind with them all. I joined that guild as it started from these very forums and also I would have liked to take part in the early game raids as I have never done one before. There was a chance of me talking part in them. Now they are all 80 or there about I feel as though I cant catch them up and if I did I wouldn't of had raiding experience with them. It's a shame really.

I would love to start a new toon and level with a few of you guys, just for fun or casual and do dungeons together too. Anyone up for re-rolling today?
It's not going to make a difference. You can herp derp to 85 and through most instances. Raids are where you really need to know how to play.

Not even, I've seen awful players be in top 100 guilds, you need to know how to move and do a half decent rotation.

PvP or the very top % of players in raiding need to know how to play properly.
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