** Official World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Thread**

12 Nov 2002
In my own little world
As hard as it may be to believe, Blizzard is really making a Pandaren-based expansion to World of Warcraft. Rumors have been floating around for quite some time, but now it's official. Dubbed the Mists of Pandaria, World of Warcraft's fourth expansion promises to bring many new changes to the game.

more here inc vids

I really thought Cata was going to be the last. I stopped playing last year before it was released.

I Seen all the trailers but this one is realy bad and I take it someone at blizz likes kung fu panda LOL :P don't think i'll ever go back to WoW after this Addon comes out
Damn, the sooner World of Warcraft dies out, the better. I haven't seen friends in months I tell you, MONTHS!
Erm are you angry because you're addicted to wow and haven't seen your friends, or angry because your friends are addicted to wow so you haven't seen them?
wow this threads now the ** Official World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Thread** :D

I was expecting it was already posted somewhere, despite not being able to find it.


Produced a little giggle for me.
It'd no shock to see you banging on about SWTOR though is it latex? :rolleyes:

Though I agree that drunk monk pandas made cringe and go from not being interested in SWTOR to considering a pre-order to jump ship from wow :p
Times are hard in wow world and recession is hitting blizzard so introduce 1 more class and race and ask another £20 from us fools who play it lol i think my new xbox will get more hammer from BF3 and i dont mind £40 a year for xbox live not 9.99 for the same crap from lvl 1 to lvl 85 or will there be a limit increase
It'd no shock to see you banging on about SWTOR though is it latex? :rolleyes:

I wouldn't derail the thread to boast about the shining beacon that is TOR.

Just bashing the fact that Blizzard has pretty much ruined WoW.

I played WoW for at least 6 years and i stopped in January. Its turned into such a poor game now. Figment of its former glory.
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