Looks great, looking forward to it.
While I agree that TBC is/was my favourite expansion, everything I have heard so far about this expansion sounds cool. Still enjoying wow, so will continue playing!
If you make an "Official" thread like this put much more info in the post.
wow this threads now the ** Official World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Thread**
I was expecting it was already posted somewhere, despite not being able to find it.
cata turned out better than expected..so we'll see. i wish they didnt choose pandas tho.
Absolute joke.
pokemon gotta catch em all
Sorry just couldn't help myself!
swtor here i come!
Dear lord, i tried WoWs little trial for a few minutes (year ago) and left...how anyone can play for years is beyond me.
Its just ultra sad.
Kill mob for loot / experience -> Use loot / XP to upgrade your character -> Kill mob marginally faster next time. I think you do all of that within the first 5 minutes.You mean you played a few minutes and got the whole gist of the game in that time? 7 years worth of content in that time?