Just started back yesterday after a long while, made a Warrior got him to 57 was looking forward to TBC etc then lost desire to play.
My ex main was a Lock then my main is a Priest, found a love for healing although not a fan of Priest in Shadow (to level etc) in the update.
Fancy something new with healing ability which I also have looms for (lazy I know) Just want to be able to hit hard whilst leveling.
Shammy seems my favoured option but only have 1 Mace 1 Sword weapons wise, so decided to do a Monk. (got one to 70, on a server I don't play due to friends moving etc unfortunatly and diff faction)
Heard healing is useless with Monks atm, but I have always favoured casters and since it's the new class I fancy playing them but to enjoy leveling and explore rather than just boosting to 90! Also Mellee will be an experience.
What are peoples opinions of Monks at 90 and also PVP wise? Since my lock ive never bothed with PVP.
Also any decent benfitial professions for Monks? I have never been a skinner but believe money is to be made there would this be worth it? Or would it be far easier on a Hunter for example due to ranged attacks for farming etc