ime enjoying the patch so far, thankfully on a realm with no login queues or lag.
Also im on a PVE realm so didnt have any nasty gankers.
Got my legendary cloak altho i have to say it doesnt feel particularly "legendary" to me, ive never been a sucker for lore so the actual story of getting the cloak hasnt really had an impact on me.
The realisation that its taken the guts of a year to earn it is more apparent but ive still seen peopel in my guild with the cloak on 3 or 4 alts already.
Im kinda happy that the world boss is only available for cloak owners, kinda makes something gated behind the achievement.
Lots of loot dropping from what ive seen, half expected to find a hotfix today for those drop rates.
See the new warchief is annouced already as a few guilds have cleared 10man normal, no big suprises but wont spoil it.
Looking forward to starting normals tomorrow and have a look at the raid proper.