** Official World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Thread**

Did flex with the guild last night, got four bosses down so onto 10 man core progression tonight :)

5.4 Prot Pally is weird, ended up re-speccing into Eternal Flame as its currently OP in prot spec.
Seems like there's still no point trying to gear up from when I last played to try the new raid. I last played when HoF was out and I have 500 ilvl, which is pretty damn useless. I'm getting basically 1 hit by the mobs on this island, and the 496 item loot drops are useless for me. Those Burden things take ages to grind for. People want more than 520 ilvl just for those Flex raid things.
Might as well just leave it until the next expansion.. I don't understand how Blizzard can class 'gearing up' as giving out 496 ilvl tokens for minimal effort when the SoO ilvl drops are 553.
ime enjoying the patch so far, thankfully on a realm with no login queues or lag.

Also im on a PVE realm so didnt have any nasty gankers.

Got my legendary cloak altho i have to say it doesnt feel particularly "legendary" to me, ive never been a sucker for lore so the actual story of getting the cloak hasnt really had an impact on me.

The realisation that its taken the guts of a year to earn it is more apparent but ive still seen peopel in my guild with the cloak on 3 or 4 alts already.

Im kinda happy that the world boss is only available for cloak owners, kinda makes something gated behind the achievement.

Lots of loot dropping from what ive seen, half expected to find a hotfix today for those drop rates.

See the new warchief is annouced already as a few guilds have cleared 10man normal, no big suprises but wont spoil it.

Looking forward to starting normals tomorrow and have a look at the raid proper.
Been dragged back into playing this for a month and seeing how MOP is, I quit playing 2 month after cata came out and I'm hoping it's better then that was.
Do we know yet if chests respawn?

The chests on the island are a one-time per character thing.

Whats everybodys opinion of Siege? Found normal mode to be a real let-down on the tuning front. Absolutely facerolled the first 10 bosses without a single wipe - and then took about 5 attempts each on the last 4. Feels significantly under-tuned at the minute, apart from Thok which needs some work - Throne of Thunder was not this easy.

Will have to see how heroics feel next week.
The chests on the island are a one-time per character thing.

Whats everybodys opinion of Siege? Found normal mode to be a real let-down on the tuning front. Absolutely facerolled the first 10 bosses without a single wipe - and then took about 5 attempts each on the last 4. Feels significantly under-tuned at the minute, apart from Thok which needs some work - Throne of Thunder was not this easy.

Will have to see how heroics feel next week.

We had roster issues and could do 10 man yesterday.

So we thought we'd finish the wing on FLEX... WRONG!

The damn entire thing resets when you leave, and there is no lockout :/

The bosses are mildly underwhelming, if you close your eyes and examine the tactics these are merely re-skinned bosses :'(

However I have to say, the Titanic Corruption on the 3rd boss, forgotten his name, was super tough!
My guild slid through the first 8 with no issues whatsoever. We all agree though that some of the bosses will be a right ball-ache on heroic.
anyone got any scroll of resurrections they can hand out please? looking to get back into this now that the weathers taken a turn for the worse!

Thinking of coming back to WoW through RAF. Anyone fancy joining up with me, preferably a student who can also play most of the day whilst uni hasn't started up yet.

Don't mind playing horde or alliance as long as it's on a busy server.

im thinking of rolling a new toon and returning to the game i want to roll a healer you can be tank HOWEVER i can play Monday, Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday.... Wednesday, Thursday and Friday im working long shifts at work.

I never play horde well sometime in future i might blood elf maby
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Is there any reason for me to come back seen as my best expac was wotlk and cata to me was bad and so too was mist just too much rep grinding to get gear and bad lfr experiances has any of this changed?
Is there any reason for me to come back seen as my best expac was wotlk and cata to me was bad and so too was mist just too much rep grinding to get gear and bad lfr experiances has any of this changed?
No, if you experienced MoP at the start of the expansion and didn't like it then there is no reason to come back as the core game hasn't changed.

Rep/Gear grinding is still the same roughly, they have reduced the rep levels to obtain some gear but also just made the HP-JP conversion rate worse so depending on how you grind your points you could be worse off.

LFR, I don't understand the hate? I've experienced maybe one bad run in 50ish raids. Must be lucky I guess.
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