Well here's a few!
When you go swimming, having to go for a number 2... i'm sure the cold water has an effect on Mr Hankey and MY GOD how much does it feel like you're going to slip down the pan with wet buttocks
Women at cash machines putting in debit cards, checking the balance, putting another one in only to find there was more money in the first one, re-inserting the first card only to forget/get wrong their pin!
People not really doing something important that they have promised to do
Spending 2hrs filling out a job application only to have an instant "Requirements for Position Not Met"... yeah
THANKS FOR THAT!!! you could have stopped me when the very very very specific requirement was not met... seriously just have a pop up say "unlucky chum! Try again next year!"
People who just stand letting their dogs take a dump in the highstreet... i'm gona start carrying a padded envelope, put the **** in it, follow them home then post it through their letter box ensuring to smear some on the door handle
Citizens Advice Bureau... seriously i want to know this... do they ever answer their phones? I've been calling now since January 10th every day betwee 10.30 and 3.30 at random intervals and prior to Xmas at least twice per week
Connexions CV's seriously... since when do you put your date of birth on your CV! Ejits!
Staff at banks asking if you're OK when you've just been given bad news contradicting what a BANKING ADVICE LINE has given you 2 days prior, your sole intention going to the bank and doing something because of this Advice... finding out it has actually cost you 650 smackers to be asked "are you OK"... yea fine but i seem to be ****ing money
My God i've had a bad evening clearly... i m ashamed