The fat **** on the train who made no effort to shield the rest of the train from catching his cold as he was obviously too lazy to put his hand in front of his mouth as he sneezed down the side of my face, along with his reluctance to acknowledge he was a disgusting blimp and found it too difficult to apologise.
People who criticise others openly when they are in the wrong.
People who jump on the anti anti muslim bandwagon because they labour under the impression its cool to accuse others of being racist when they point out hypocrisy.
People who make rubbish, pointless posts at an attempt at self validation.
People who use txt spk in any way, even when texting.
People who post opposing opinions, just to be controversial, even when they would never support such rubbish.
People who hurt children.
The people I work with who think its cool to use the last of the milk, then complain because I won't go out yet again to replace it.
People who work on trains and at stations who desperately need to have customer service training. It comes to something when you can consistently produce people passengers want to punch on the face Arriva trains.
People who complain about how much we are being tucked up in Britain and do nothing about it.
People who blindly believe what is printed in the paper.
Katie Price, James Cordon, Frankie Boyle.
People who think the above are anything other than an odious waste of oxygen.
People who claim asylum in Britain having travelled 2000 miles through 9 different countries couped up in the back of a lorry.
People who are too afraid to speak their mind.
People who lose arguments and respond with total rubbish.
Government ministers who are blatantly corrupt but get away with everything and even make reappearances worthy of Lazarus when their political careers should have been over long ago, replaced with lengthy prison sentences.