Must be something about Halloween. Just starting an Amnesia playthrough myself tonight. Also started on some Ocarina of Time playthrough too, but it's more of a filler than anything else.
Wow, youtube let me become a partner!

Please clicky on my ads :p

.... Thats pretty much all I had on there that could be monetised, I have no idea why they made me a youtube partner o.O
I've got some minecraft tutorials that seam to be doing nicely. Youtube made me a partner recently too :/

in this vid I demonstrate some stuff I'm doing in single player with mods combining better then wolves, industrycraft and buildcraft.

This one is just a very long indepth guide to industrycraft lol.

None of my vids have any kind of formatting atm and are pretty basic but I seam to be gaining a small following.
Now Battlefield 3 is upon us I have started to upload some gameplay highlight videos to my channel. If you are interested in the game I would appreciate anyone checking out my videos, any feedback is appreciated and of course subscribe if you want more :) I'm hoping to upload new footage every day at the moment, and have some varied footage already recorded of some nice AA vehicle gameplay.

Here is my channel, and latest vid: http://www.youtube.com/user/daaaveeeh

fighter jet single player mission on ultra at 1920x1080

(might not show highest setting for while till fully processed )
Wow, youtube let me become a partner!

Please clicky on my ads :p

Partner gets a much better deal I think, they have probably given you a bog standard ad revenue share which requires millions of views on a video. Its good business for them

Sound quality made me wince slightly but vid was pretty good :) piano notes will jar with wrong codec I imagine

Me and mates have non stop playing and creating videos on Battlefield 3, no surprise there! Full 1080p quality for your viewing pleasure :P

Some Quick how to play guides

And the last one just mucking about.. :P 2 swear words in this one keep away if you're 12!
ROFL minecraft seems to be the only game people watch over and over and will give you eventual partnership. youtube are scares pooless over everything else, so I can't see me making partner anytime soon :P
Started up a Darksiders runthrough and playing deus ex too, though neither are doing exactly stellar on the old views.
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