They've given you full partner already ? They stuck game adverts on the front of your videos, they definitely like you probably because you didnt mix it with other (ineligible) stuff
You play on the same server as me, office HG no more waiting to respawn and ak47 is probably the best all round especially for the price. Double tap not triple fire is about the max for accuracy, it is all about the headshot really
Your narration is good but you could develop it more, you're no Jon Snow yet

If you listen to newscasters in general with the picture off, most of the story is in their voice.
You could show the bullet spread pattern on a gun. The AK47 on full spray will go up and to the right, so you said aim for the feet but its more about correcting down and to the left if you are forced to risk totally inaccuracy with rapid fire.
I heard they have basically emailed every channel on youtube about advertising. My guess is most people will never get actual payment due to copyright or whatever but google will get their advert revenue