Officially old

Pretending to stop and look at something (hands clasped together behind back naturally) because you've actually forgotten what you're supposed to be doing/where you're going.

Going to the Garden Centre and looking at all the other middle-aged/old farts and happy in the knowledge that "These are my people now".
The other thing we have to deal with is that our partners are also ageing. I love my wife to bits but without treading into the "Hugs and Kisses" thread territory, she is very much in the thick of what can best be described as post menopausal flux. It's like walking on eggshells at time with even trivial things likely to trigger a major outburst and over-reaction. if I dont respond it's, "You're not listening", if I do it's, "Stop interrupting." Combine that with my own sometimes fading attention span and probably slight hearing loss and it becomes a great test of my ability to keep calm and not respond in kind. Hopefully that will pass in a few years but for any young 'uns reading this, just be aware that the lovely sweet lady you married in your 20's can evolve into something quite different 35 - 40 years later! :)
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The other thing we have to deal with is that our partners are also ageing. I love my wife to bits but without treading into the "Hugs and Kisses" thread territory, she is very much in the thick of what can best be described as post menopausal flux. It's like walking on eggshells at time with even trivial things likely to trigger a major outburst and over-reaction. if I dont respond it's, "You're not listening", if I do it's, "Stop interrupting." Combine that with my own sometimes fading attention span and probably slight hearing loss and it becomes a great test of my ability to keep calm and not respond in kind. Hopefully that will pass in a few years but for any young 'uns reading this, just be aware that the lovely sweet lady you married in your 20's can evolve into something quite different 35 - 40 years later! :)
I take it your wife doesn't have an account on this forum:eek::D
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Turning 50 in December, currently training for my 3rd 50k run of the year, looking and feeling much healthier these days than when I turned 40 and had a waste size to match.
I remember that!! The very first colour TV we had. It was a bit like buying a GPU with DLSS3. We switched it on, and all the shows were in B&W. :cry:

I remember having a B&W portable TV in my bedroom as a kid; i used to watch the snooker on it! Those days the commentators used to tell you what colour the player was going for as they were aware not everyone had colour TV's :)

I felt old when someone thought my mum was my wife :( (she's 75, i'm 49). A couple of people have done it. No we weren't canoodling :eek:

You've just shown you're an old git by using the word canoodling :)

I recall going to my first job and seeing all the bosses, who were OLD! Now at work i'm one of the oldest. Going out on a work function and seeing all the youngsters is depressing.

Any my phone and browser are set to a higher %. On some food packaging's i have to take a photo of the cooking instructions and zoom it in :(
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I remember having a B&W portable TV in my bedroom as a kid; i used to watch the snooker on it! Those days the commentators used to tell you what colour the player was going for as they were aware not everyone had colour TV's :)

You've just shown you're an old git by using the word canoodling :)

I recall going to my first job and seeing all the bosses, who were OLD! Now at work i'm one of the oldest. Going out on a work function and seeing all the youngsters is depressing.

Any my phone and browser are set to a higher %. On some food packaging's i have to take a photo of the cooking instructions and zoom it in :(

Yeah, can't read any packaging now so spending ages playing hide and seek with my glasses.

Never thought I'd be thinking about getting a pair of readers on a cord round my neck a'la Larry Grayson, but I definitely think he was onto something.

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The other thing we have to deal with is that our partners are also ageing. I love my wife to bits but without treading into the "Hugs and Kisses" thread territory, she is very much in the thick of what can best be described as post menopausal flux. It's like walking on eggshells at time with even trivial things likely to trigger a major outburst and over-reaction. if I dont respond it's, "You're not listening", if I do it's, "Stop interrupting." Combine that with my own sometimes fading attention span and probably slight hearing loss and it becomes a great test of my ability to keep calm and not respond in kind. Hopefully that will pass in a few years but for any young 'uns reading this, just be aware that the lovely sweet lady you married in your 20's can evolve into something quite different 35 - 40 years later!
hrt i'll s ay it again hrt .. you will thank me .. 18 months of arrrgggg .. then hrt ..soul saving ...
I’m a twice a night to the loo.

Would love a pause button. So when wake up at normal time, not bothered if spend 5 minutes on the loo.

Pause button would be ideal for situations like travelling, on holidays, stressful times (exams, interviews) and if you ever had an ultrasound done on your bladder where it has to be full. The radiologist moving probe over area makes you want to pee even more….
I’m a twice a night to the loo.

Yeah.....get that checked out.

People, ESPECIALLY MEN! If you feel something out of the ordinary as you get older. Get it checked out. Don't think it will just go away.

My brother is 50, he went to the doctors because he was peeing more than usual. Paramedics were at he's door that night because the doctor instructed them to take my brother to the hospital as he was on the verge of having an heart attack. :eek:
Yeah.....get that checked out.

People, ESPECIALLY MEN! If you feel something out of the ordinary as you get older. Get it checked out. Don't think it will just go away.

My brother is 50, he went to the doctors because he was peeing more than usual. Paramedics were at he's door that night because the doctor instructed them to take my brother to the hospital as he was on the verge of having an heart attack. :eek:
For me it just depends on what I have had to drink and the time of the last drink. Normally only have 3 coffee's and 1 tea a day, the last drink is before 8pm
A couple of driving changes...

No longer feel the urge to be in the middle or outside lane on the Motorway ragging it at silly speed, liable to interest the Plod. Settling in at 60 - 65 MPH in the slow lane, overtaking the occasional lorry seems oddly comfortable.

Driving along an A Road and catching up to someone even older than me doing 45 - 50 MPH, now induces a sense of zen, rather than steering wheel gripping, filling the swear box with muttered curses etc. In fact give it another 10 years and assuming I'm still medically fit to drive that will probably be me anyway.
A couple of driving changes...

No longer feel the urge to be in the middle or outside lane on the Motorway ragging it at silly speed, liable to interest the Plod. Settling in at 60 - 65 MPH in the slow lane, overtaking the occasional lorry seems oddly comfortable.

Driving along an A Road and catching up to someone even older than me doing 45 - 50 MPH, now induces a sense of zen, rather than steering wheel gripping, filling the swear box with muttered curses etc. In fact give it another 10 years and assuming I'm still medically fit to drive that will probably be me anyway.

I'm in the habit of sticking cruise at 64 and staying behind a HGV, which if they're going about 62/63 the whole way can work serious wonders for my MPG. Convinced myself I'm benefiting from less wind resistance hitting me from the truck taking it ahead of me. Anyone think that sounds plausible?
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