Oh dear.. suspended

The main problem I see here is not the timing issue but the fact you swore at him. Going by what you have said about your boss he will use this against you and milk it for all its worth.

Just be cool and calm in the disiplinary, its not worth losing your job over.
Midnight's not that unreasonable... You should have been in as normal the next day IMO. I do things like this for my company with no extra pay(hell I was working until 6:30 this morning from last night and still was back up by about 11 and I'm doing the same thing again tonight). It's all part of the job and the kind of thing that reflects well on you come review time. And as for telling your boss to **** off in response, then I think you deserve everything you get.

And bigstan, the younger generation aren't all workshy- I'm 23 :)
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dmpoole said:
Right then.
I remember when I used to work 25 hours a day, 8 days a week over 13 months a year.
I never went to bed but if I did I couldn't go asleep because I knew I would be up a chimney within minutes.
I hadn't got time to eat either and I started off at 10 stone and lost 12 stone within 1 month.
Beat that.

Luxury. We used to have to get out of the lake at six o'clock in the morning, clean the lake, eat a handful of 'ot gravel, work twenty hour day at mill for tuppence a month, come home, and Dad would thrash us to sleep with a broken bottle, if we were lucky!

Oops, wrong thread :D
dmpoole said:
Right then.
I remember when I used to work 25 hours a day, 8 days a week over 13 months a year.
I never went to bed but if I did I couldn't go asleep because I knew I would be up a chimney within minutes.
I hadn't got time to eat either and I started off at 10 stone and lost 12 stone within 1 month.
Beat that.

When I were a lad, we used to live in a rolled up newspaper in't middle o' t'road, we used to get up at 4 o'clock (half an hour before we went o bed), lick t'road clean with our tongues, work 26 hours down t'mill and pay t'mill owner for the priveledge and when we got home our father used to butcher us with a bread knife.

You try telling the youngsters of today that - they won't believe you :p
t'middle of t'road? you were lucky to have a middle of t'road. why back in my day there weren't roads at all. 'Twas nuffin but corn fields as far as t'eye c'n see.
Bes said:
Midnight's not that unreasonable... You should have been in as normal the next day IMO. I do things like this for my company with no extra pay(hell I was working until 6:30 this morning from last night and still was back up by about 11 and I'm doing the same thing again tonight). It's all part of the job and the kind of thing that reflects well on you come review time. )

Sounds like you're a doormat....workers need sleep, we're not Borg drones and we shouldn't be treated as such.
atpbx said:
Much as we are in awe of your working ability Stan i think the dude is actually legally entitled to a minimum of 11 hours between shifts.

* a 20 minute break when the working day is more than six hours
* a rest period of 11 hours every working day
* a rest period of 24 hours once every seven days
* a maximum working week of 48 hours (averaged over 17 weeks for most jobs)
* four weeks' paid holiday a year
* a ceiling of an average of eight hours night work in every 24
* free health assessment for night workers.

Tell him to shove it, and that he has no right to demand you in any earlier than your 11 hour rest period especially considering you did it for free.
Then Tell HIS boss that line manager boy is a tool who doesnt know what he doing.

I think you will find that the 11 hour rule is just a health and safety guideline rather than the law.
squiffy said:
Sounds like you're a doormat....workers need sleep, we're not Borg drones and we shouldn't be treated as such.
I'm far from the only person in my company that does this and it's hardly a regular occurrance. I CHOSE to be back at 11.
In my day, not only did you not get oportunity to go t'school but t'government would come at the end of the day and steal anything ya had learnt, only t'give it to rich people...

On me birthday, me dad used to beat me wi' wood and it were me birthday present that 'cos it were the only day o tut year the wood didn't have nails in it...

Me 'n' me 18 brothers were so hungry we learnt to mimick bird calls and wait around for old ladies wi' bread down t'park...
phykell said:
Luxury. We used to have to get out of the lake at six o'clock in the morning, clean the lake, eat a handful of 'ot gravel, work twenty hour day at mill for tuppence a month, come home, and Dad would thrash us to sleep with a broken bottle, if we were lucky!

Oops, wrong thread :D

Love the way that poorness = Northern accent.

Keep up the jolly Southern name chaps :cool: :D
FordPrefect said:
I think you will find that the 11 hour rule is just a health and safety guideline rather than the law.

Apart from certain sectors they are your rights under the working time directive.
squiffy said:
Sounds like you're a doormat....workers need sleep, we're not Borg drones and we shouldn't be treated as such.

exactly my point

my former line manager left for this reason.

im not workshy either, this was certainly the most complex release of updates to the system i've ever had to put in, the entire thing is inhouse and i dont have much faith in the testing of the updates from past experience, there is a hell of a lot of pressure to get it right because if you dont your just as likely to end up in a diciplinary, id raised concerns about the complexity of this update specifically because there was so much to do and a hell of a lot that could go wrong

when i finished i wasnt particularly relaxed about it, going home and just switching off is easier said and done, i was actually more relaxed last month when i was in all night repairing a corrupt exchange database with the prospect of 350 people having no email in the morning, havent even got the lieu time back for that yet
Berserker said:
Exactly, sounds like a rant to me. What do you want us to do about it?

If you swear at and insult your boss, you're going to get a disciplinary whatever the circumstances. It's really not a good way to go about things and as such I have little sympathy.

And yes, I do midnight shifts too. Did one yesterday. Doing one today. I'm on flexitime though so I work pretty much when I please as long as the work gets done and I'm around for any important meetings.

Amen to that, dude I work at a steal fabircators doing 12 hour shifts the other day I did 16 hours finishing at 2 am I still rolled in for 6 the same morning. Works work, you do what you have to do when you ahve to do it, and if you cant make dont give your superiors grief!
jezsoup said:
Amen to that, dude I work at a steal fabircators doing 12 hour shifts the other day I did 16 hours finishing at 2 am I still rolled in for 6 the same morning. Works work, you do what you have to do when you ahve to do it, and if you cant make dont give your superiors grief!

so what, your having SUB 4 hours sleep is a GOOD thing?
you do know theres laws against driving with less than 5 hours sleep (iirc) so unless you walked to work you where braking the law.
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