Oh noes my beer broke

18 Aug 2004
Leeds, UK
I left 8 bottles of export in the freezer accidentally last night and half have broken, all is left is mushed up ice. So my missus is now laughing her ass off and I said it ain't funny, she says "its only beer" so I then showed her this picture


She said "If you feel like that your an Alcoholic"

Am I?

It's really hot outside and could do with a nice cold one right now.
Lee2k4 said:
I left 8 bottles of export in the freezer accidentally last night and half have broken, all is left is mushed up ice.

Have you got a pair if fine sieves?

Place the mushed up ice and glass combo into the sieves and place over a bowl. Wait a bit. Come back.

Hey Presto!

Gilly said:
That dude is skinny, has glasses and is wearing dirty skate slippers.

In a word; no ;)
so, by a process of elimination
your fat
don't ware glasses
and ware slippers other than skater ones?
Fat? No, 'not skinny' doesn't mean 'fat' ;)
I don't ware glasses
I ware decent trainers not dirty skate slippers
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