Has this turned into the "lets **** each other off because we support different football teams" thread.
If so I support Manchester United.
I... erm... support... Glasgow?
Good god i can't stand that 'sport'.
Has this turned into the "lets **** each other off because we support different football teams" thread.
If so I support Manchester United.
Honestly [FnG]magnolia did you consider the possible repercussions of this thread before creating it?
Honestly [FnG]magnolia did you consider the possible repercussions of this thread before creating it?
Go play on a motor way you arse!
It's been a long day
Every time I see a post by G-MAN2004 I instantly think, this post could do with more Feeder. Or RHCP. Or Adidas Training booties. Or rapping. But I'm always left disappointed
I'll make sure to include them more often, all at the same time for added effect.
In what thread?
Are you aware that there are people in this world that have a severe medical condition which causes them to be that way? My mother for instance is one of those people. She is a truck driver that has bad knees and a bad back from driving the truck but you probably do not care about that case either. Oh well I am not one of those people I am 6'4" 245lbs and I exercise every day. I would love to see you say something like to my mother in front of me. Probably never happen though you are probably just an internet tough guy. I doubt very seriously you would say that to someones face. Just my thought.What do you think. Oh I am sorry you probably do not have a brain. I on the other hand will be happy to buy you a plane ticket to come here and see if you have the nerve to say that to someone I know.
I'm still confused about what thread Cheets was on about?
Tell you what I wish that lad AmTechFox would give it a rest from posting rage faces, posting imgur pictures and finally posting drunk messages. The douche also supports Manchester United, the fool.
Tell you what I wish that lad AmTechFox would give it a rest from posting rage faces, posting imgur pictures and finally posting drunk messages. The douche also supports Manchester United, the fool.
I am no aware, but you are still one cheeky ***** mate, I swear.
this thread, the whole cat in the mircowave thing
I don't stalk you at all, I just have a really good memory for useless crap, that's why your posts always stick. You remind me of a slightly older version of a bloke who sits in the corner of the pub who was once a roady for gods knows who else, you know the type, knows everyone, met everyone, denim waste coat with a Slayer patch?
There is no agreement?
Woah there Andrew, don't go trying to agree with me!