An acquaintance who like me, lives out in the sticks saw a torch moving in his woods, he put his little Yorkshire Terrier on a lead and went out to investigate. Found a bloke with a crowbar trying to break into an outbuilding. He coughed and the bloke spun round. "Got a crowbar here mate, don't get clever", said the burglar.
"Got a dog here mate, put it down nice and slowly"
"You can't be serious, it's not much bigger than a hamster" came the reply.
"Turn round and look behind you, and think again".
The scrote turned round and saw four Dobermanns sat looking at him.
The guy's a dog trainer and has awesome control over his dogs, like "Silence" means not a sound no matter what's going on, just follow behind him waiting for the next command.
Apparently the rozzers were quite impressed by it all. That was years ago, he'd probably be arrested himself now for causing the burglar distress...