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Ok same question nearly 3 years on! Time to upgrade my i7 920?

Thats because I know what I'm talking about... I've done the upgrade or so call upgrade myself from x5650 clocked at 4.4ghz and a 5820k

The former cost 65 quid the latter was 600 quid from MM and it was so disappointing for the outlay I sold the 5820k and x99 combo and stuck with the Xeon

If you are in x58 now it's the logical upgrade for very little cost.

The logical upgrade is to wait a few months and get new mobo + cpu. My computer runs fine, why would I spend money needlessly? That's enough for a noctua nhds for goodness sake. Not everyone likes to throw money around simply because they have it.
The logical upgrade is to wait a few months and get new mobo + cpu. My computer runs fine, why would I spend money needlessly? .

what are you on about?

You have been advised to get a xeon...6 core cpu.

It holds it own against a 4790K i7 for little outlay.
This thread is quite interesting ( made me sign up) ,sorry if this is hijacking, but would broadwell-e be good upgrade on an OC'd 3770k ?, hard to say with out specs / benchmarks, im guessing.
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Cheap upgrade all round ...my sata 3 card was 8 quid and works brilliant in one of the gfx PCI e slots :)
Have to agree with Easyrider, if you're primarily gaming at 1080p then a 5650/70 at 4.4Ghz will be more than enough for a while yet. Replace that 7970 with a Nvidia 970 and your games will be flying.

I picked up a Xeon X5670 and clocked it to 4.6Ghz and I was surprised how well it does. I use it mainly for video work which it does brilliantly in but even in games there is hardly any difference between that and my 3930k at 5Ghz.
Have to agree with Easyrider, if you're primarily gaming at 1080p then a 5650/70 at 4.4Ghz will be more than enough for a while yet. Replace that 7970 with a Nvidia 970 and your games will be flying.

I picked up a Xeon X5670 and clocked it to 4.6Ghz and I was surprised how well it does. I use it mainly for video work which it does brilliantly in but even in games there is hardly any difference between that and my 3930k at 5Ghz.

Please stop recommending the 970s!!! Let this meme die. Next gen is coming out this year and it will be quite the revolutionary jump in performance, from both Nvidia and AMD. Huge die shrink = more transistors at least 30% performance jump. These forums just LOVE making people buy stuff they don't need.

This thread is quite interesting ( made me sign up) ,sorry if this is hijacking, but would broadwell-e be good upgrade on an OC'd 3770k ?, hard to say with out specs / benchmarks, im guessing.

I'd say you wouldn't really need the upgrade. 3770k is fairly new tech. Unless you're rendering videos a lot you won't see much benefit for the cost. I'd wait a bit longer until at least Skylake-e in your case. Broadwell-e looks good for people on older platforms though.
Which one did you get? I want to add a sata3 card but I've been reasing the x1 cards offer no real speed increase over sata2.

CSL - PCI-Express (PCIe) 2.0 Controller card/interface card for SATA III / eSATA III (SSD+HDD drives) | 6Gbit/s | 2x internal SATA / 2x external eSATA | ASMEDIA
Please stop recommending the 970s!!! Let this meme die. Next gen is coming out this year and it will be quite the revolutionary jump in performance, from both Nvidia and AMD. Huge die shrink = more transistors at least 30% performance jump. These forums just LOVE making people buy stuff they don't need.

When Pascal is released it will be the top top tier cards only so will be pricey,

The smart move is to upgrade and spend little on big gains.

Not buy stuff they don't need.
I'm in a similar boat and really feel I should upgrade on the grounds of component age, if nothing else.

What is the ETA for Sklyake-E? If feels a bit wrong to be buying into X99 now as it comes to the end of it's run.
When Pascal is released it will be the top top tier cards only so will be pricey,

The smart move is to upgrade and spend little on big gains.

Not buy stuff they don't need.

I would gladly spend 100-200 pounds more for something that performs 30-50% better. With that kind of performance, we're looking 4K future proof. You won't want to upgrade for much longer. It's a better investment.

I'm in a similar boat and really feel I should upgrade on the grounds of component age, if nothing else.

What is the ETA for Sklyake-E? If feels a bit wrong to be buying into X99 now as it comes to the end of it's run.

skylake-e won't offer much over broadwell-e performance-wise. Broadwell-e gets the die shrink to 14nm which makes it a winner.
I would gladly spend 100-200 pounds more for something that performs 30-50% better. With that kind of performance, we're looking 4K future proof. You won't want to upgrade for much longer. It's a better investment.

So now you are saying that Top tier Pascal will be 100 -200 more than a 970?

Didn't take me long to destroy your argument. I was hoping for at least some substance :p
skylake-e won't offer much over broadwell-e performance-wise. Broadwell-e gets the die shrink to 14nm which makes it a winner.
True, but Skylake-E will offer a new chipset/platform with greater longevity. Is mid 2016 really the time to be buying into a new X99 system?
I'm in a similar boat and really feel I should upgrade on the grounds of component age, if nothing else.

What is the ETA for Sklyake-E? If feels a bit wrong to be buying into X99 now as it comes to the end of it's run.

Just because its old doesn't make it obsolete..

I Benched a Xeon 6 core at 4.4ghz against a 4790K and was amazed the little difference there was considering the age of the two platforms.

Cpu performance has been trickling for years and the drip fed tech from Intel as hardly been breath taking on any level.

In fact in blind test's with the same GPU anyone would struggle to notice the 8 year old platform against the current one...

Which in itself just proves my point.

If you are lucky to have a X58 setup a xeon makes perfect sense on every level.

So much so I bought another x58 combo in MM for my recording studio music PC. Having made the mistake of selling my original X58 for x99... I needed a second PC for my recording studio...Did I pick current gen costing hundreds? No I was lucky enough to bag another x58 mobo combo

Ive made some dumb decisions in my upgrade career but X58 to X99 was one of the dumbest ever.
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So now you are saying that Top tier Pascal will be 100 -200 more than a 970?

Didn't take me long to destroy your argument. I was hoping for at least some substance :p

well, naturally wait for the right product to be released on the new architecture... don't just grab titan 9000 just because it's the only thing out...
well, naturally wait for the right product to be released on the new architecture... don't just grab titan 9000 just because it's the only thing out...

So what your saying is that getting a 60 quid xeon 6 core and a 970 for 200 is not a decent upgrade path?

One should wait 8 months for the mid range Pascal cards and new CPU's costing hundreds and hundreds of pounds?

well, naturally wait for the right product to be released on the new architecture... don't just grab titan 9000 just because it's the only thing out...

Yes, lets look at all these games we can't play on ultra settings for 8 months whilst we wait for nvidia to release something we have little information about right now. :rolleyes:

Really don't understand people that say wait for new gen when we don't even have a firm release date, utter madness.
Please stop recommending the 970s!!! Let this meme die. Next gen is coming out this year and it will be quite the revolutionary jump in performance, from both Nvidia and AMD. Huge die shrink = more transistors at least 30% performance jump. These forums just LOVE making people buy stuff they don't need.

This is just fatuous thinking. We have no idea when these cards are coming out and for how much. So if you want to play for example the latest Tomb Raider now, I should wait for more than 6 months to do so.:rolleyes:
If something is due imminently in the next few weeks then and only then does it make sense to wait.
Yes, lets look at all these games we can't play on ultra settings for 8 months whilst we wait for nvidia to release something we have little information about right now. :rolleyes:

Really don't understand people that say wait for new gen when we don't even have a firm release date, utter madness.

Oh come on, do you really think you need to play Tomb Raider on ultra 60fps right now? That doesn't equal being a 'gamer' at all.

Most quality games don't need a Titan. By quality I mean fun. Most people here are like Linus from linustechtips. He thinks 'gaming' is running the latest single player triple A title on max settings. Come on, let's face it, this is just like showing off who has the biggest salami sandwich. The smart consumer doesn't need to upgrade every year. My computer works fine and runs all games (multi and singleplayer) at excellent FPS. I can wait until next gen.

People in OPs boat will be very satisfied with waiting for next gen card and cpu. These are significant die shrinks and we are reaching the point where Moore's law may start slowing down (28nm to 14nm, you won't see a jump of 14nm in the gen after Pascal that's for sure).

So go ahead, buy 28nm cards. I'll continue to wait as I have been, missing out on the hype of Black Friday (Black week) with minuscule discounts and grab the next gen, which you'll probably do anyway because most people here like to have the latest and greatest.
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