Started when you could zoom in with the colt, around beta 5.2 think it was, late 1999 or 2000. Used to love it but when Valve bought it it started going downhill..the guns started getting more random and they put stupid things in like shields. I quit around early retail I think. Used the name Melipone since around beta 6.5 but I probably changed it around a lot
Don't know why but they took out a load of fun maps. Not sure of the names, but they took a load of VIP maps out like the one where you had to escape in a snowy environment and get to a helicopter, or the jungle one with a waterfall (added when they first put in the Guerrilla model iirc and a new SIG rifle model), or the one with a speedboat that followed a river through the map. There was another fun game type as well where the terrorists had to escape to a certain part of the map..there was a map with a subway/train station with that game type iirc.
Now I play CSS and its OK but feels kind of like deathmatch sometimes with people running around spraying and getting random headshots.
Don't really like any other FPS's atm..want something competitive, tactical and difficult but not to the point where its no fun. TF2 doesn't feel like an FPS sometimes, more of a random number generator or a class vs class game. Its ok just gets boring very quickly for me. DOD:S is too random and seemed like a run and gun game. Loved the original DOD though when it was a mod for HL. COD games are too recoil and shallow gameplay (3 nades each? Dropping a nade when you die? COD have always been rubbish games imo, unless you play a modded "realism" server that adds recoil). Red Orchestra is great but i've played it to death. Hoping their new RO game RO2: Heroes of Stalingrad will get me interested again.