Old Desktop Pics

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yes very nice desk BeelzebubUK i like ur fridge :D, why not pop the shuttle in there 2 keep cool 4 a bit :D

and before anyone says you cant i know, its called a joke ;)
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Updated pic :)
Originally posted by Roduga
Your office?

My office is a small cubicle surrounded by other depressed cubicle-folk (at least I managed to get a window!). And people wonder why I work from home a lot!

When I say Office - its actually my 2nd bedroom but after putting the desk in and bookshelves theres no room for anything else so I just call it the Office now :)
I made sure my Pc was in the same room as my bed - with my wireless gubbins I can MSN people without getting up!

The sad part is I have a stick to turn my PC on...
Originally posted by Roduga
I made sure my Pc was in the same room as my bed - with my wireless gubbins I can MSN people without getting up!

The sad part is I have a stick to turn my PC on...


LMAO - My grandad used to do the same with his old TV.

"Don't need one of those fancy new ones with remote control, i've made me own!"

A week later he oiled his video with 3in1 cos it was squeeking then wondered why it didn't work :confused:


here's mine... not quite as neat and tidy as some of the others here tho. ;)


in the middle of building a rig atm, and have had to pinch parts from a couple of systems to test bits.
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I'm sure there is a desk there somewhere!

Such a commited gamer, there's even a bottle to wee in the the left!
Originally posted by Roduga
2001? That can't be right!

We had some that looked like that for years...

Sure is right. It's a P3 Mobile 1.13GHz, 384Mb RAM, 30gb, DVD, Integrated 802.11b....

IBM notebooks all tend to look the same :p (Apart from the 240X, which is *tiny*)
Originally posted by Cybershot
Sure is right. It's a P3 Mobile 1.13GHz, 384Mb RAM, 30gb, DVD, Integrated 802.11b....

IBM notebooks all tend to look the same :p (Apart from the 240X, which is *tiny*)

If it ain't broke don't fix it.

I just wish IBM would fit a damn Windows key - probly the best non-gaming laptop you can get otherwise.
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