Old H115i vs H115i Platinum for 9900k

GPU full cover blocks are inevitably expensive but you'd be shocked by how cheap cpu blocks work really well and cost nothing. I've got CPU blocks bought for under £15. Pumps and reservoirs can also be cheap although for reliability I'd recommend getting one from a named EU brand or a Laing-based one. Radiators are not complex things and the brands sell them for far more than is really justified.

There's also the Members Market if you post a lot more :) and then there's the auction site.

And this stuff lasts for years and years. e.g. I have an Eheim 1250 (240v aquarium pump) that still works after 15 years and a Vauxhall Nova heatercore that I've was in the first ever post in the Gallery stickied above.
After many hours of trawling around the internet, I have found something that might be more suited to me, the Alphacool Eisbaer 420, a 3x140mm aio, which has G1/4 inch connectors for adding additonal components. I'm just not sure if its going to fit in my case, I will try and measure.
According to the case specs, it can do a 280 or 360, but with some modifications I may be able to get it to fit, if not then get the 280. I'm sort of limited by 140mm versions now as I just got all the ML140's, but if I can fit the 420 in, then I may buy more ML140 pros lol.
That 420 is pretty poor arctic P14 are a better buy than the ML140 fans. Cheaper and quieter.

I've already got the ML140's now so thats not the issue. If that aio is poor, is there a better one that has threaded connectors to allow expansion into a custom loop?
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