The map I miss the most is the APC-version of Siege. Sure it was bugged but it made the map a whole lot of fun, it didn't last long though. The APC made life very difficult for camping terrorists especially those using sniper rifles.

1.3(?) I didn't like much due to the AWP/DEagle quick-switching bunny-hoppers that in the end forced Valve to change both weapons and some of the gameplay.
es sucked, I always got left with a rubbish gun :/

tire and docks where the best tbh, they will always be my favorite maps. I got realy excited when css released a docks map, buts its nothing like the orginal.
PESolution said:
any1 remember the UK lan #GoD?. Wernt too high standard but we wernt bad :P

Nope :(

But I remember playing CPL qualifiers at the Playingfields in London. Shame it got closed down, was a great place :(
was in xistance and wildstyle and played so many clans it would take me weeks to list them all.

Some good ones i remember are (uk):

6 kittens

and a ton more...
Hedge said:
I remember them days. PC Zone disks were my main source of updates due to crappy 56k

i also remember when i had a diamond supra express 56k modem, and it was giving me SUB 200 PINGS!! wowee. Back at that time few people had pings less than 180. Every now and then someone would have isdn and would be a LPB :D

LPB is an old term these days :)

Sub 200 pffft :)
Pace 56k Voice ISA was the best modem I ever came across, capable of sub-90 pings with a quality isp. It was one reason why when I built a Pentium3 system in 2000 I made sure I got a mobo with an ISA slot, which had started to get hard to come by.
jasoncb said:
was in xistance and wildstyle and played so many clans it would take me weeks to list them all.

Some good ones i remember are (uk):

6 kittens

and a ton more...

i was in 6 kittens with madspunk etc :)
haha the buggy APC on siege was BRILLIANT.

cs_arabstreets, as_highrise and cs_militia were my favorites. - pretty much stopped playing it when they fixed bunny hopping :( - doing a 'rev up' on the tower by cs spawn on cs_assault and jumping onto the warehouse sure suprised those T's.
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